Main Disc. Thread - Godlike Masculinity: The Commander (Now Available!)

GLM: Commander is going to be easier to run than Khan ST4. If you want pure status, go for GLM. If you want dominance powered by sexuality, use Khan.

Commander is much more focused on status versus the overall wide effects of Emperor.

Similar scripting, yes.


How much does GLM:Co create a productivity/action taking mindset compared just to a status creation mindset? What I loved about Commander was an extremely potent productivity sub unlike anything else in the store. Different in effect than LE or EXEC


I’d say it depends on how much your status is tied to your productivity. That is different for everyone. If by a large amount, then I can imagine people using GLMC for productivity.

Try it and see how it goes for you.


Just ran a loop, I’ll report back

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Yes, power can be a very good incentive.
Hence the OG commander brought more discipline with it.

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What in the world is in this subliminal

I have never felt like this in my life!

I listened to 1 minute a few hours ago and it hit right away.

I Sent out some video messages a few minutes later and the effect must have been instant, because you could tell from the video I was much different, more funny, more confident, filler totally removed from my speech, more certainty in what I wanted to say and no awkward pauses. My facial expressions were tighter, more expressive, my whole being more direct.

Pretty sure the aura is so strong it’s having a “gorgeous manifester” effect, maybe even from the aura itself bringing people closer to my sphere.

And I feel like I could talk to every single person, man woman child, with whatever effect I wanted. I could do fun and playful. I could do strong and commanding. I could do compassionate and vulnerable. And my whole body and being would align for total congruency.

Had a sales call 2 hours after the loop and closed a 12K deal which people almost never close, as it’s a very very tough sale, usually takes multiple calls, but I closed it one call and objectionless.

GLM:Co as a sales tool for these “tougher” calls is exactly why I thought to experiment with it, as these tougher calls are with much more experienced business owners who are trying to out-alpha you and win the biggest ping pong measuring contest if yenno what I mean.

It worked faster than I thought.

On the sales call specifically I felt like I had a cognitive booster, a sales mentor, and an invincible + friendly aura all in one. I was listening perfectly, pulling up all the best lines and analogies, connecting with the guy and having frame control all at once.

I would wager to say that there’s some similarities between Wanted Black and GLM:Co in terms of connection, with GLM:Co using the tech for leadership and status enhancement, while WB uses the same tech for romantic enhancement.

The mental imagery in my head right now is also fantastic - confidence in all situations.

Energy is extremely high which, coupled with confidence in any situation, would lend itself extremely well to productivity. But I haven’t tested that yet.

I’m taking myself out to dinner to celebrate :wink:


Sound amazing!
But it looks like it superseeds OG GLM.


@Azriel try this sub asap it’s hot

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So you also had listened to Wanted Black? Isn’t it likely that this also contributed to your results substantially?

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no i hadn’t listened to wanted black or wanted - just saying the “pull” on reality feels insane

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have you run Khan St4 in the past? How does it compare?

no i haven’t sorry

i think you will be pleasantly surprised by this, no matter what else you’ve run, but you gotta see for yourself

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Yea, positive aggression is exactly how I would sum up the effects of how this sub ends up affecting the user long-term. But they may choose to use this positive aggression in positive ways if they can figure out how. Just gotta be careful cause after only trying 2 loops, I quickly realized how positive aggression can quickly turn negative. Best not to overexpose on this one.


Can you elaborate on this ?

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Despite my calm demeanor I’m a naturally aggressive person under the right circumstances.

So what I notice is that I feel the same type of healthy anger from this sub as I do when I use ascended mogul. But what I mean is that even healthy anger can turn destructive if it builds up too much. For that reason I gotta put this sub in the same category as AM and only use it as a booster occasionally, to get a swift kick in the ass and ignite my inner fire after a short washout or something, if I need it.

I personally couldn’t run this regularly because it’ll basically become internal “alpha overload “ for me which will manifest as hard to control aggression and dominance.

I respect this sub and the sense of positive power it can bring if used correctly.


Did you run wanted black, khan black st 3 and glm:tc? :exploding_head:

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why not Wanted Black + Khan ST4 + GLM:TC?


They sound amazing to me.

No, not khan st 4- khan black st 3

Saint said he was worried that since wanted black is dense and so khan black st 3 it might be a lot… and he said that running it with glm: tc could be recon

So that is one potent stack

But then again, what I’m running is heavy: wanted black + bdlm + wanted og/khan st 4 custom

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Each of these were run for only one loop each over a 7 day time span so…yes lol.


Hi Fire I was curious as to what were the future plans for Khan.

We currently got Wanted Black which is a boosted, stronger version of wanted and it looks from the speculation here that other title will get their black version as we are soon getting Seductress Black.

We currently have Khan Black which is focused on sexual energy. But is there plan for boosted “regular Khan” which has the wealth scripting, dominance, seduction and sexual energy usage? :thinking: