Main Disc. Thread - Genesis ZP

The Crucified Sun. :heart:

I feel a bit off since my psyche is trying to block the positivity Genesis is trying to instill in me. I sense that it’s only a matter of time when the dam gets broken.


That damn dam.


For those of you who’ve run Genesis, how did it work as far as the following:

  1. Personal: Growth/Power/Self Love
  2. Social: Ease/Charisma/Impetus to Socialize
  3. Root Chakra: stability, confidence, energy, strength, connectedness, sense of belonging
  4. Bearing: Joy/Lightheartedness/Inner Child/
  5. Cognition: Mental Power/Strength
  6. Motivation: Self Improvement/Fitness

I know that’s a big list. Any feedback would be appreciated.

Oh also, what are the pros and cons of running this isolated for a 45 day stretch vs. stacking. Was thinking isolate could be a great way to do a reset and figure out next moves as far as stacking.

Thanks for any feedback.


Another entry:


Uhm. Why are you doing this?


For those who listened to both Revelation of Mind and Genesis can you share how they differ when it comes to finding purpose, productivity, mental transmutation etc.?

Sure enough it is

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saw while searching the forum a while ago, that someone asked Saint if it was cool to do this with a single ZP title in your stack. Not only did Saint say yes but also went on to state that doing this will yield phenomenal results (I’m paraphrasing). Been trying this myself for weeks now and it’s been confirmed by my own experimentation and experience.


I don’t tell you this enough @Sub.Zero but I love you and your friendship


Same here, James. :slight_smile:

Approach this little kitten (Genesis) with respect and don’t get discouraged by any initial recon that may occur. This kitten is truly our ticket to Paradise on Earth. :heart:


I call it baby turtle :slight_smile:


I haven’t listened to those tracks yet but here is what I know: RoM is about finding out how your mind works and making it work to your benefit. Genesis is about uncovering your life purpose and taking action to achieve it.


Nice and simple, can you do that with all subs?

One sentence to capture the essence


3 loops a day?

Do you have the link to this?
This might have been Q or QV2 times tbh :smiley:

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I believe Genesis is a foundational element that will set the stage for Hero. It serves as a subliminal precursor, preparing users for the main Hero subliminal. Consider it a crucial stage 1 in the user journey, laying the groundwork for the ultimate Hero experience.

Will Genesis zp works well on some one aka business owner on the entrainment industry especially animation and dancers on 5 and 7 star hotels ?!

Vibe I get is RoM helps you dive deep to pull up the purpose from inside you, and Genesis helps you walk that path.

I think both titles can do both things (discover & walk the path), but stacked together the synergy could be next level


Some more results:

I had a dispute with a colleague in which I messed up with something, but made the mistake of telling a third party, who told an different story. When it came to working together this person called me a “liar” and refused to talk to me, so I decided to put in the absolute minimum for my shift (fyi - I’m a chronic overworker - usually for public approval).

I was fearing her anger and disapproval like a white hot terror of doing something so egregious, but Genesis kept me so calm and collected that the person in question decided to leave and work elsewhere very quickly (whilst calling me a 42 year old child. nothing childish about walking out 🤷).

Genesis had me rooted to the ground like a mighty oak tree and I wasn’t budging for nobody, they got nothing from me.

There’s something about taking calculated risks in Genesis that allowed me to stay put and not tolerate anybody’s shite. The fear of getting physically attacked has been erased (in a small part).

I wish I had Genesis earlier - like at the age of 6… :pensive:


Sounds like pure gold, mate! Making me decision hard to stick to my current stack and not jump in on z Genesis. Oh and it might supercharge the results of just staying calm no matter what feelings pass through. Staying calm and there’s this crazy things where things just work out for you when you don’t react when you have those difficult or challenging situations/feelings arise. Not easy but simple and profoundly powerful.

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I also remember the post he’s talking about. It was in the earliest days of ZP as I recall. Wasn’t able to find it after a quick half-hearted search.

gotta go lift up my car to clean the wheel speed sensors though. Right now the Silver Dragon is the Silver Draggin.

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