Main Disc. Thread - Genesis ZP

Scarcity mindset means you are in a stuck place where actions won’t make a difference because it is seen as impossible to earn more.

So first the mindset needs to be changed to be more open (that it is possible) and then actions will follow.

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As someone who has run EoG for a year, STOP self sabotaging yourself. You deserve better than that. Run EoG for an entire year with 2 cycles for each stage as directed. Trust the process. You can play with the other 2 subs but this needs to be your core. You have no idea how much of a disservice you are doing to yourself. Money beliefs often are tied to mental and emotional security. EoG will will build a fort Knox of mental and emotional security.

Stop all excuses, stop the self sabatoge, you deserve the best life has to offer. Make EoG the core of your stack for 1 year. Do what you want with the other two titles.


I’ve been running RICH/RICH CRYPTO for months now, this is my first cycle I paused it. Added Genesis, and in the past seven days I have won in giveaways:


Guess Genesis boosting prior subs ist not a meme.


So I am definitely going to pause Genesis for a cycle and then retry in August. Hopefully I’ll be able to report some good news here by September but if not, I may have to rebuild my custom with a different core unfortunately.


I’m not sure if it’s the after effects of Genesis. I am running Ascension right now. But the lid seems to have been blown of sales ceiling. Smashing it at the moment. Led sales last month for the company and this month have hit target at just 1/3 in. I’m impressed with these results.

Another interesting one today is people insisting on waiting to deal with me when Im serving, even though a colleague could help them.

Is it Ascension working even better now that I’ve run Genesis or a pre results Wanted Black manifestation :thinking:

Whatever it is, SubClub is excelling far ahead now in this field. Other companies might as well give up.


Meanwhile, on G E N E S I S :

Is this a review? I feel that this should be a review… Is it too early? Maybe I should wait for another cycle before I write one…


Genesis is slowly deconstructing everything I know and making me question everything. It’s a confusing time, but I see how the old beliefs and conditioning hurt me so there’s no desire to go back to it.

If I had to give an analogy. This is like when you get a sudden burst of energy to clean, throw a bunch of stuff all over the floor thinking you’ll get back to it later, run out of steam, then cleaned about 1/4 of the way and now have a bigger mess than you started. It’s a process.


Yep that’s why I decided to drop Genesis

let me know if you ever get a clean floor again


Lmao. It had to happen eventually. I had everything under wraps so tight worrying all the time trying to control. It’s liberating just letting the chaos in and working with it. The mess has always been there for me, just heavily hidden.


Genesis is also an amazing Results Enhancer.

If you constantly find yourself asking, ‘What does Action really mean?’, running Genesis will help.

And then there’s also this:

Adding Genesis to ANY stack will immediately spark ideas and open opportunities you may not even have realized were available, especially as the “find your path” scripting begins to help you discover what your truest desires are.


Genesis has a very light acting script, where some users such as @bombayduck didn’t even sense anything. It’s not going to cause a “permanent dirty floor,” in any way. Your floor was dirty from the start, Genesis just helped you see it.

People have this obsession with wanting to blame something else – ANYTHING else for the things messed up in their lives. This allows them to run away from their shadow and throw their hands in the air. Misunderstanding and misinformation about how subliminals work makes things worse.

People want to diminish their subconscious minds to a kind of “dumb computer” that can “fall in line” with a subliminal – nonsense that was being pushed by people who didn’t have everyone’s best interests in mind. Even more annoying is the fact that some people who push that nonsense are obsessed with the ancient mysteries, in which the subconscious mind is allegedly part of the only eternal thing in existence. And yet, they maintain that a subliminal has the capacity to completely control and change someone without their knowledge. In this situation, they are either lying or are ignorant about the deeper secrets of these mysteries and shouldn’t be allowed near such things.

Either way, Genesis’s script is far less affective than something like Wanted Black. It’s just that Wanted Black is geared toward something extremely pleasurable, where an individual wouldn’t care about how dirty the floor is as long as they’re getting their appendages wet in the process. Any internal revelations on Genesis can feel a bit raw, as you discover who you truly are.

The secret to success on subliminal audio is to OWN the journey. Your flaws are your flaws. Blaming a title for the issues you had before you even ran them is absurd. I remember when the “alwayscometolight” individual tried to blame Wanted for his problems, and yet we all remember them claiming that long before they ran a subliminal, they would sit in their room masturbating all day and not taking showers and avoiding people, etc.

And yet, even after getting laid on Wanted (and apparently women professing their love for them), somehow it was Wanted that “broke him.” And to this I say:

Are you fucking serious?

When you have a diagnosis of mental illness and are taking multiple medicines for this – things that occurred BEFORE you touched subliminal audio, how detached from reality do you need to be to try and retcon history in order to make your issues the subliminal’s fault?

Clean your dirty floor. Face your shadow. Own your journey and overcome fate.


Exactly. By taking responsibility for the dirty floor existing long before Genesis and not claiming Genesis “did it,” you’re going to find that not only will you clean it, it will be polished and dirt resistant in the future.


I would just like to clarify that I felt crazy and incredible changes and results within the first 3 loops of the sub, as I had mentioned in earlier posts. These ideas have shifted the entire course of not just my subliminal, but my entire life journey and social philosophy as well. Genesis manifested so many answers to questions I have had for my entire life and did so very quickly, within 2-3 weeks of running the sub.

It just did nothing afterwards.

In that sense, it truly is the ideal beginner sub and the ideal reset sub. It gives you quick insights, answers and manifests actionable situations, and then proceeds to fuck off shortly afterwards. That was my experience of it.

I’m grateful that I ran Genesis, my misstep was including it into a custom expecting to continue to get life-changing realizations on a weekly basis which, in retrospect, is asking way too much of not just subliminals, but life in general. That expectation also doesn’t give myself enough credit for the work I’ve done previously, and the knowledge I’ve built to get to where I am today.


My point exactly. I can tell by your demeanor that a lot of the “floor cleaning” occurred before you ran Genesis, so when the scripting to help you “find yourself” kicked in, there was much much less to do. You got your insights, then your strong self of sense was kinda like… “well, I guess that’s it. Fun chat, Genny.”

Or in the words of one Mr. Hov:

I got a million ways to get it
Choose one
Ay, bring it back, bring it back
Now double your money and make a STK

NSFW (language, obviously):


Absolutely love that song, played it every day back when I was 13 hahaha.

But yes, you’re absolutely right. My floor cleaning began with Emperor Black’s release, which led to Regeneration, and then running the first 2 stages of Dragon Reborn until February.

Genesis was really just a quick passthrough with the Swiffer, but a very needed one. And it led me to cultivating what I feel is the greatest sub I’ve ever ran, my custom Eudaimonia.

So Genesis is genuinely an incredible sub, as long as you know how to use it.


I know this post was not directed specifically towards me even though you replied to my message.

The point was never to blame a title but to know yourself and know what type of subs you align with. e.g cognitive enhancement subs always gave me recon and there is no point for me to run those. So are most healing titles. And so might Genesis be not the best title for me to use, as I elaborated a few posts earlier:

and so might that type of strategy, which reminds me of a „brute forcing“ mentality, not be the best approach for everybody.


That’s what I’m saying – Genesis is not “brute force.” It’s a light and broad script. It just must’ve touched on something deep that you may not want to face, because a user at your level shouldn’t have a really negative response to it. But, based on your posts, I can see what it was touching on and it’s a uniquely Friday issue.


Your experience here is very useful.

So, what about the other modules in that custom? I would expect that you have continued to feel the effects from them, no?

Also, when you read the specific description of the effects of Genesis (i.e., Path and Purpose, general Aura development, Courage, Wealth, etc.) what do you think of how it is performing?

In other words, Genesis does not really seem to be about constant, radical transformation; it seems to be about gentle and constant alignment with one’s Purpose and the capacity to remain actively focused on that purpose.

So, how do you feel you’re doing specifically with regard to that?

Just general questions for clarification.


There’s a tendency for our discussions on the forum to over-emphasize analysis of the subliminal, hypothesizing about the script content, listening schedules, stack content, etc.; and to really under-emphasize assessment of individual characteristics and the situation (strengths, needs, barriers, etc.,) that the user brings to the table. People just don’t seem to think about that enough.

Your experience is inspiring me to reflect on use-cases in which an extended play of Genesis would be indicated or would be beneficial.

Three Four use-cases come to mind immediately in which a person might benefit from playing Genesis long-term.

  • Low Courage/ Risk-aversion
  • The presence of internal/external barriers to action
  • Socially unconventional Path or Purpose
  • Low Flow-factor


A person may, for whatever combination of reasons (for example, past trauma, perceived or actual limitation or disability, the genuine presence of significant external threats, and so on), find themself experiencing a persistent, elevated aversion to taking necessary risks. The Courage scripting in Genesis could be very helpful in that situation. Depending on how entrenched those factors are, the person might find it useful to play Genesis in the long-term.

Internal/External Barriers to Taking Action

This situation is similar to the previous one. It’s not so much about facing risks and fears. There may also be other factors that make it harder for the person to take action. The optimal course of action may be very, very different from one’s established habits or routines. There may be a great deal of inertia to be overcome. Internally, there may be beliefs and preconceptions that keep rearing their heads and causing the person to forget that the goal is possible. Genesis will help with this. And again, if those habits and preconceptions are very entrenched, a longer-term play of Genesis could really help the person to take better actions and to maintain them until new patterns of perceiving and behavior have been established.

Unconventional Path or Purpose

A given person may have a life path or purpose that is very unique or that is at odds with the prevailing customs of the society around them. The influence of social norms can be like a strong wind that repeatedly blows one off course before one even realizes what has happened. In this case, Genesis would serve as an internal navigation system, helping one to stay on course, and to continually course-correct in the face of societal or relational influences that threaten to obscure the sense of purpose or that even might cause one to forget one’s purpose. That sense of doubt in the face of implicit and explicit pressure to conform. Genesis would help with that. If a person is following a very unique or unconventional path, Genesis might be an indispensable resource. That re-orientation and that realignment could be very necessary. A user in this situation might want and need to return to that orienting resource again and again. Genesis would be like a captain’s astrolabe that continually helps them to find their True North.

Low Flow-Factor

Lower flow-factor is often related to the defenses that a person has built up over their lifetime. To protect us from manipulation and social coercion, from disappointment, from judgment. Often the person has very good reasons for having developed those defenses; but that makes the defenses no less constrictive and imprisoning.

As Sting wrote:

This prison has now become your home
A sentence you seem prepared to pay
It took a day to build the city
We walked through its streets in the afternoon
As I returned across the lands I’d known
I recognized the fields where I’d once played
Had to stop in my tracks for fear
Of walking on the mines I’d laid

I think that a person with heavy defenses who is unable to receive new information or to respond quickly or strongly to new information might also be a good use case for Genesis. Of course, such a person might also respond well to Healing titles such as Dragon Reborn. But I think what might make Genesis different is that it is gentle and has the Free Will scripting turned up to 10. Thus, it doesn’t force you to change; but it does powerfully help you to change yourself if you are willing to do so.

I think it would make it easier for a person who wishes to do so to begin taking more powerful strides in their chosen direction. And in the case of a person with very strong defenses, a long term play of Genesis might be just what is needed to bring about a smoother and easier internal flow and flexibility.

Okay, those are four use cases that I’ve thought of so far.

We’ll see what else comes.


Ayyyy it’s me lol