Main Disc. Thread - Executive ZP

you can’t lie to me, ExecutiveZP is far more energy expensive than WantedZP for me. i know something is up!!

okay WRONG ALARM. sorryyyy.

But seems like the script of Executive is just doing weird things for me. I remember when I tested the earliest version of Executive in that public Ultima test that it also affected me on a whole other level than one would expect from a “productivity title“. No wonder this is now enhanced in ZP

Definitely too early to tell. Someone was reporting that even in ultima, it took them 2 weeks to notice executive.

However, I find that for me LE works way better than Exec. LE probably balances out the ADHD a lil more, or does something else for me that just makes it mucchhhhh smoother for me.

I’m still confused why the objectives are taking so long
Must be lots of customs

Writing isn’t easy. I’m writing a piece of marketing material right now and I can tell you it is SLOW GOING because I have so many other things going on. You need time to write creatively, and that is hard to find when you’re running a business and have daily responsibilities.

The objectives aren’t just descriptions of function. They are the front and center copywriting that will be THE benchmark 1000’s of people use to decide whether or not they want to buy one subliminal compared to another, not to mention whether they want to use one producer versus another, or even whether or not they want to use subliminals at all.

So it’s important to get them right, take the time that you need to take for them, and work/write in a way that has the greatest long term benefits, not just the most speed and convenience for the people waiting for descriptions (like myself!)

These objectives are creative, art is creative. These objectives are literally like art. Give them time. They have full time jobs apart from this, and it’s really hard to slip writing into your schedule. I keep on promising myself I’ll write two hours a day for work, but between energy levels and responsibilities that stack up and meetings, I’m lucky if I get 20 minutes in, sometimes.


It literally came out just 4 days ago

I get it takes time but why put out or update a product if the description isn’t accurate?

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My issue is that things are posted then that day or date comes and goes with nothing happening.
Apparently taking weekends off is a thing for some people.

Because y’all kept begging for the title. By all means, in the future, we can wait until everything is done before release.


You seem to have some heavy recon which you are expressing on the forum…… take a break from the forum bro

Thanks @RVconsultant appreciate the censoring

I honestly expected the post to be deleted lol


no please do NOT do this.

im glad you released the product while still working on the description and im sure most people here prefer that as well.

So you’re ok with not knowing what the title is meant for?

Just expressing how I feel

I missed something but that seems to be his thing when he doesn’t agree with something posted

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That doesn’t explain why it’s taking so long

Because they don’t tell us everything that they’re working on.

It’ll be worth it.

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I think there should be a title teaching patience in the shop :rofl:

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(post deleted by author)

That is exactly what I suggested to be in each core. Added to some instructions to stuck with your actual subs.

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They weren’t running Limitless Executive until yesterday.

They’ll be more productive and creative now.

Wait a few more days for the results to kick in.





I might be new here but I couldn’t agree more with this…

I read some info on LE and purchased it before the ZP was released, so that version has already gave me a certain mindset on expectations, and not knowing what ZP holds is just excitement added when some new feeling pops up out of no where :wink: