Main Disc. Thread - Emperor ZP v1

Been spending a lot less time on the forum since starting Emperor ZP. It’s this feeling of no time to waste, yet very smooth and natural. Also, I was feeling under the weather all week yet I was still able to be productive and get a lot done. Without Emperor I don’t know if that would have been possible.


Yes, more brain power. I second that. Calm mind and fast brain.



I have to also agree that EZP improves thinking. I’m more productivity oriented, personal or work. Even at home I’m sure to not waste time, even if it means I’m on this forum less often.


Amazing to hear everybody :slight_smile: so QL still has some of it and manifesting for you guys cheers

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Yes. I was on E+W as mentioned here…

But right now, just Emperor ZP. Nothing else is consistently stacked.

I will experiment with UA ZP, Stark ZP, or any new releases for sure;
but my 2022 goals, I’m approaching from the place of EZ + optional “Ultimas & WeaponXs”.

Meaning: Emperor is my ONLY major program. Everything else will be treated/used as occasional boosters. Rebirth is among them.

RICH will return into my core stack, once I have a couple pathways set up.
Soon. Very soon. :slight_smile:

Stark is the only product that has the possibility of replacing EZ – because it’s an ENTP type.
It’ll be interesting to discover if the "ZP True Self Introspection-Alignment Mechanism :copyright:" makes them stackable.



It’s more accurate that EZP still has intelligence scripting. Remember, the question of “does sub X have sub Y” in ZP world is always NO due to original scripting methodology.


I agree about the intelligence boost, but it’s much more than that.

In fact, the best way I’d describe it as would be as a sort of targeted “focus”.
Like on EmQ, there was a lot of focus on wanting to be productive and doing things, regardless if it was work or just a chore in the house, but now, it’s much more focused on doing what needs to be done and only that, then you either relax and chill or focus on other things.

Also the focus isn’t just on being productive, but also on other things like relationships, almost as if now, we’re able to take the focus of Emperor and target it towards what we want to focus on.

I’ve noticed how as soon as I want to focus on something, there’s a part of my brain that clicks and creates a tunnel vision for that particular task or talk or whatever it is, to the point where all distractions seem to disappear.

Mental clarity and targeted focus :muscle:t3::sunglasses:


For the first time in 3 years, I’ve started using the Ignore feature of the forum.
No time for nonsense.

Certainly, an Emperor effect.



I believe it will use what the subconscious perceives as an emperor.

There is a module called “merger of worlds” which i believe does exactly this but you will have to create a custom.

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I did the same thing yesterday.


My Mind’s Eye tells me that both of you used it for the same person :stuck_out_tongue:


No, I started this over a week ago. Added several members already. :blush:

One of the perks of NOT being staff.

Freely ignoring the trolls.



Holy shit, never knew you were the type to ignore users :eyes:

Never used that button, but maybe eventually!


Don’t add me there when I post too much :eyes:


What type is it that ignores users? I think everyone is selective in whom they talk to and who they choose to engage with, the forum no less representative of that than the real life.

Anyway, I’ve used the button once – I see it as a means of self-control. Some people are not worth arguing with, and if you ignore them, you can ensure you will not waste time on it in the future again.


With EZ … if I don’t …

I may have to start ignoring the forum entirely.

Same as @Ice.


I don’t open most Journals. They’re often too bloated. Not just yours.



Ouch, but that means you probably don’t know about the fact that I got the confirmation from the Olympics :eyes:

Seems like little patience was what I needed :rofl:


Literally felt the same after my 1st loop of Emperor ZP when I went out in public

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That’s one of the few things that has come out of Emperor ZP for me so far. I tried out the ignore button, because some people overrate themselves when they post on this forum.