Main Disc. Thread - Emperor ZP v1

so do I.

i was worried about this when i read that ZP has a sort of built in relaxation and super chill effect.

This made me worried the intimidation factor and tension that titles like emperor created would be ruined and unfortunately it seemed i was right.

This is further from the truth, I’m using Emperor since it’s inception. ZP is by far the most powerful. The unnecessary agression is gone. Intimidation factor is not gone at all. The aggression in calmness is far more intimidating than anything else.

Also, it was released on 27th, if you follow the listening pattern, today will be the second loop? How can anyone judge what is it’s full potential?


James don’t make me angry. You wouldn’t like me when I am angry.


I also like the intimidation factor has previous versions had. The name of the sub is Emperor for a reason. Not Diplomat. That super chill effect is something I would expect from a sub like StarkQ or True Social. I don’t think Emperor needs that. With Emperor, I successfully discarded relationships that were of no use. That’s what had to be done. I didn’t have to be friendly or chill with time wasters.
The extreme pride and dominance is the reason I was able to publicly tell off my boss after he publicly tried to disrespect me. Something in my mind just snapped and I thought : “Hell no! You’re not going to get away with this”. And I checked his shit. Publicly. Without Emperor I would have never been capable of that. I would just feel sorry if that “intimidation factor”, that “I take no shit from no one” factor was gone. I haven’t tried the ZP version of Emperor yet. And I won’t until April or May but I love that “don’t fuck with me” vibe that previous versions had.


So far I’m liking this Emperor, it made me feel calmer and with just my first loop, noticeably more decisive and dominant during the course of that first day.

That dominance and the VIP/respectability aura isn’t as strong as EQ yet, but like with previous subs, it will grow in time and with dedication to a stack.

If I could my own take on an Emperor ZP wishlist, I’d like it to retain the intelligence, fitness and SM. It’s also probably the most attractive sub I have used, alongside PS.


Exactly man, people aren’t even taking into the consideration that it hasn’t even been a full week.

Like even WANTED ZP, which many people completed the 21 days cycle with, has still not given them half the results that I personally know they could get if they ran it for a while longer (like 6 weeks).

Honestly, it just feels like people are getting impatient and don’t realize that maybe the reason they’re not feeling certain stuff with emperor ZP is because they probably don’t need them right now, as in, they haven’t been in a situation yet where they absolutely need the dominance to come out.
It’s the same as people who say that WZP’s physical tech (in terms of muscle gain) is weak while they barely workout :man_facepalming:t2:.


I just want to post this here since its about dominance and masculine energy.

When i started with SC i hated masculine energy. I was so far from being masculine that Ascension used to make me feel extremely uncomfortable.

Now after prolonged use of masculine titles i can stay away from masculine energy. I find it very addictive.


I don’t know man. I just wanted to give some objective feedback, while mentioning this is after 2 loops.
Should we not give feedback here?

Honestly, I feel like I’m being pidgeonholed because I described my experience. For sure it’s unpleasant and I’ll think twice before sharing MY experience and preferences.


It’s not about that man, it’s about others who are judging it before giving it time.
Plus there you go, you’re standing up for yourself and showing dominance :wink:


Y’all :rofl:

I really don’t know how Saint holds it together, I applaude him and Fire for being able not roast some of you on the spot for certain comments.

How some of y’all have the audacity to be asking for things left right and center is beyond me.

It’s literally been 3 days since the drop of this particular title and whilst I understand feedback is necessary for the preview, build of future products and that people want certain things from particular titles, I also believe people need to give titles a chance to integrate some more and actually have some time experiencing the sub - not 3 days. Initial findings of course are great, but slamming on the sub already :roll_eyes:

Internal changes are occuring. And whilst certain changes might be very similar to begin with for a vast majority of you in terms of being calm, happy and whatever else - you don’t know what else will happen because you haven’t given it time to bloom and work it’s magic yet. Your experiences will differ because that’s pretty much the point of ZP I believe. Certain objectives of the sub will come to different people at different times.

Edit: I pressed post on this before I finished it but I guess you can see what I mean.


Yeah, but it’s no secret that any evaluation is done after a couple of loops.
I would bet money that if you ask everyone why are they asking for the old vibe you would get this answer: because in the past that worked for every one of them. And by worked I mean ridiculous kind of results.

For me it was Emperor v1 and v2 that helped me get a VP position in less than 2 years, from an execution level.

And yeah, it does not mean the new version does not work, but the concern is there. Embrace your chosen energy and understand where we’re coming from.


IMHO people are jumping to conclusions way too quickly, especially after running a bunch of other ZP subs where we know the washout/bloom/effect of ZP subs are much longer lasting.

Also if things are like where I’m at, then there’s absolutely nothing happening right now. Things are locked down, no events, no work even (I’ve been out of work for over a week and a half now). This is not a time where you’d see certain parts of Emperor kick in. Another reason why it’s great I’m starting the new stack that’ll likely include emperor next year, when I go back to work.


no one is slamming the emperor ZP.

we are worried it might be less intimidating then previous versions.

that Is NOT a bad thing for everyone.

some people will like that change, some like me want the strong intimidation factor.

and yes we should discuss this subject right now because there have been several comments that ZP is a technology that fundamentally makes everything light, relaxed and chill.

intimidation is created by tension. tension can NOT exist if everything is light and chill.

Tension is literally the opposite of relaxed and chill so some of us who like that tension that creates intimidation are worried the fundamentally ZP technology will not have that.



What is this behaviour? Agression, intimidation? Etc etc. It’s a Subliminal, and not a magic pill. Chill out for few days. See what it does in next 21 days. :joy::joy::joy:



Hahaha, maybe all this is a bit of recon :)))


What I perceive as being the crowning achievement of ZP is we no longer have to “settle” on running a title for the few aspects of it we want, and then try to consciously suppress other aspects.

Example: @BLACKICE mentioned before running wanted for the calm/chill core of being (my words).

Or some run Primal Seduction to get better at sales.

With Emperor ZP, you’re basically getting ZP version of the Emperor Core…it will help you become YOUR IDEA of what an Emperor is. Older versions of Emperor were avoided by some because of the seemingly “mercenary” aspects. Not everyone wanted that “Godlike Masculinity” or whatever else.

Sometimes I go to McDonald’s (don’t judge) and I want just the sandwich and a drink. They are all “You’ll save money by getting the meal”
and I say “I don’t feel like fries today”
THIS is what ZP is…it’s à la carte self improvement.

Pick just what you want, run it.


People are literally asking for separate versions because this one apparently isn’t up to par with previous versions.

Even though it’s been out 3 days. Ha.

Again, it’s been out 3 days.
Also, seemed to miss the part about ZP working differently for different people.

Some people are going to be happy on it and others are going to be more like you want.

It’s funny that you, BlackAdder and Lovage are acting the way you want Emperor to and those that want a more chilled Emperor are acting chill about it.

That isn’t shade nor is it me saying what you guys are saying is bad, I’m making a point of ZP being different for different people. You guys may not have even ran it yet, but again…goes back to my point of not giving it enough time to see it.


I am tired of this whole green eggs and ham discussion. Lets see what all the testers make of it when we hit the weekend.