Main Disc. Thread - Emperor ZP v1

Welcome back, @Mourn.

I wanted to make sure you got updated on some things.

First please read this again:

Keep in mind when you post, we realize you have preferences about versions of programs. You’ve posted them once, and once is enough. If you want something changed about a program, please enter a support ticket.

You are welcome to post what versions of programs you are using, as well as your results.

This forum is still not a place for you to post how you think you are at a level 9 and others are not, or any variation thereof.

Also please read @Luther24 posts above. He consistently posts insights on this forum that are worth considering. Please read his posts above again, even if you think he’s at a level 3.

I also want to congratulate you on your current profile quote:

“Your soul aches for struggle. Forgo it at your own peril.”

Thank you for considering the current guidelines and editing your profile in light of that.


[Please do not post antagonistic or taunting meme or gifs.]


@SaintSovereign What do you think about @Salchichon idea of putting Emperor v2 in ZP format for us old users that want an experience that’s more true to what the original Emperor had to offer:

I know I don’t have the authority to tell you or oblige you towards something, but we would be so eternally grateful if y’all did that.

[Please enter a support ticket for your request regarding Emperor.]


Let’s called Emperor Unleashed
Just for the sake of experimentation.


Make a custom with emperor of what you want with it.

I do not get it. It is only my hallucination or there is something in the previous versions of Emperor that make me/us(in case is not only a solitary hallucination) that make me/us wish to see Emperor with the new technology.

Because we do not know about the changes in the technology for subliminals can be different delivery method or more suggestive script but something change in the feelings/expressions of different versions of Emperor.

Yet, I cannot make a custom with the emperor V2 as per current options. That is the point! There is not.

Many people are obtaining the results they want with current improvements. Good for them! But, nobody can argue with me about how well did I feel with previous versions.

I am in favor of free speech in all aspects. However, it seems that thinking different about subs and it sensations raised a tsunami of chauvinistic members trying to convince other how to perceive their experiences with subliminals. It seems that what happens everyday on Twitter had eroded our capacity of having conversations.

If you do not like what I wrote, I do not care. Just pass and continue with your life. But, I think someone has to raise his voice about this issue.

I love you all!


That’s the key.

I mentioned this before and if you look at @Luther24 s post about Wanted somewhere on here, you will understand.


So whatever stands IN THE WAY of you being a REAL Emperor will have to be brought to the forefront and worked through.
This might NOT be a nice feeling. Likely isn’t.

BUT, once solved this will be your new reality no problem. It’s natural. You solved all issues.

I mean I have A TON of emotional baggage I work through with ZP. You could say I am not getting the results others get but I UNDERSTAND the process.

Maybe this just didn’t occur to you or it’s (what others also mentioned) “not the results which are advertised on the sales page.”

In this case, you are free to get another subliminal producer, or still run your older QV2 versions of Emperor. Just because they’re off the downloads doesn’t mean you CANT run them.

Here’s how I see Emperors on previous version without the necessary inner work:

Not saying that this applies to you because I don’t know you. Just want to give a different perspective.

It gave you an exterior aura so to speak, maybe even your own beliefs, but it didn’t solve the underlying issues. At least, not THAT quickly. After years of running one sub, it might have finally solved it.

The old technology worked and it worked well, you got the results you wanted. Some more, some less. But considering that WE KNOW, DATA WISE that ZP works over 20% better than QV2 (Saint said this, not me) it goes to show that ZP finally solves the internal issues and THUS makes the sub run even better.

I want to remind you all also of the happiness curve:
Image 01.04.22 at 15.06

You want the results without the work.
ZP is the closest to getting you there because the ONLY WORK you have to do is mental. You don’t need to research, you don’t need to talk to people to figure shit out. Your subconscious will solve it all, and even THAT LAST bit of adversity, people don’t want haha

Again, might not be the case for you, but this post is somewhat general because I see many guys reporting this. And once they elaborate a bit or you read through their journals you can see the emotional pain…

Oh yeah in the sense of free speech, the other people are also allowed to counter your argument, aren’t they? Doesnt just work in one direction :smiley:

However, this is not a public platform, it’s the forum of Saint and Fire, as well as their company, so they have FULL, 100% REIGN over what happens here or with their subs.
Feedback is very welcome as you can tell by the existence of this forum at all.
But just because one gives feedback this doesn’t imply that it will be adhered to.

A common misconception.


The older technology forces you to change your reality and if you don’t comply by taking proper action you don’t grow much and recon kicks in most of the time whilst on ZP there’s no other “force” but you and your “natural” potential getting unlocked under your will’s command. There’s no recon (in the classical meaning) but “transgression” between your realities and that can be a bit overwhelming from time to time. I see it clearly when comparing Q-Emperor with ZP-Emperor.

Q feels like being on steroids whilst ZP is like a ninja and feels so… smooth and natural and that may be the reason people think “nothing” is happening whilst that feeling of being on steroids assures them that something is going on.


Regardless of everything I’ve said, I just want the following to always be true on Emperor:

Which means… command respect wherever the fuck you go, instantaneously.

An Emperor has no need for introductions - whenever he enters the room, everyone FEELS it in their bones.

Whenever an Emperor walks, everyone will KNOW it. They will feel it in the air.

Whenever an Emperor talks, everyone will be silent, and your voice will be the only voice booming with power throughout the room.

I want the appearance, status, awe factor part of Emperor (Khan too) to always be strong.

That’s what the much “stronger” or “bigger” alpha titles on subliminal club for. To cultivate that amazing presence. To people to GENUINELY perceive you as an Emperor or Khan, to be shocked into awe.

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Arrogance is loud. Confidence whispers.


I don’t know what that has anything to do with what I suggested, but okay.

Because first off, the text in the highlighted paragraph is written by @Fire. :joy:

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Yes. You do.

If I did, why would I ask you what you meant? Can you explain?

Because, since @Fire was the one to write those objectives in the first place, you objecting can only mean that you’re just trolling me, lol. It’s okay, buddy.

Permanent ban. Dude is just really annoying and I’m tired of seeing the crap. Elon Musk’s response to a troll says it best:



I needed some time till that component of Emperor ZP kicked in. It took around two cycles on it. Emperor is a demanding sub and a lot of the basic work must be done (especially healing) and a lot of action taken till it spreads its wings “for real”.


I actually like this guy, I don’t feel he needed to be banned though

Feel free to join him. Back on topic, everyone.


Me neither but I saw he had improved himself and now he has yet another opportunity to improve and come back to us as a new shiny and even more superior being. I’m sure that Emperor is going to help him deal with whatever he has to face. God bless him.

You guys have to remember that transgression from a “mouse” to Emperor is not an easy feat and requires of us a lot of patience and dedication to taking proper action. It’s advisable to do solid healing and build stronger foundations before jumping on the board.


I think it could be that we get caught up in the world of marketing and “experts” so we end up modeling what we like and what resonates with us. I know the type of copy and find it entertaining to read sometimes. It’s just that I think we get caught up in wanting to be the expert for somebody rather than allowing them their own experiences.

Though a lot of people just want to be told what to do and that’s why patience and doing that inner work and healing is so foundational and necessary especially in my life. It really is that nobody’s coming to save us and ideally we learn to become our own heros, our own best friends and from that place we can be the friend or guiding voice for those who are not yet so far along in their personal journeys. Yet only when asked, we can’t force ourselves on other people, those days are coming to an end.

Was it here in the forums that I saw that the meek aren’t weak and helpless and shy, the meek are those who have a sword on their person and know how to use it but don’t need to?

Being respectful and getting rid of any sense of entitlement is certainly ideal in many people’s worldview including mine. I know when I first started on the inner path and taking responsibility for my life and the way I feel etc, I found it kind of hard to relate to people anymore because the masses have naturally been taught to be argumentative and confrontational and to them it’s normal and noble to be that way. One of the things I saw a few years ago was that if it’s unnecessary humans are probably the absolute masters at it lol. Not that that’s a bad thing either. Learning to take a step back and check thyself before one wrecks thyself would be foundational stuff in an ideal world.