Main Disc. Thread - Emperor ZP v1

So I don’t really have any sexual subs in my stack, but I’m pretty sure it’s Emperor that was in effect today.

I basically got sucked off 6 times, without much break in between the rounds, surprisingly I didn’t finish my “tank”, but my left leg did go numb :rofl:


Yo thats abuse :joy: you should put your gf on a leash (even if it’s her bday!!!)


Remember what I told you and @Ingress?

2 types of people you can’t win against:

  • people with low intelligence and comprehension.
  • your wife/gf.

Okay, I’m confused now. Please clarify what you mean by rounds.

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6 blowjob sessions.
One after another.
With barely 15 to 20 mins break in between each time.


Oh yes, The Secks!


Nice, Saint stated somewhere that Emperor is pretty packed with sexual stuff, so we can see it in a real action :slight_smile: and btw six is good, seven would be too much :slight_smile:

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At this point I think even six is too much :joy:

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And who needs a left leg, you still have right one yet :slight_smile:


She would have done it more, but I told her that gym time is coming up soon, and I had legs today.

Can’t be training legs with one being dysfunctional :rofl:

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Can you clarify what you mean by that? You say you don’t really have any sexual subs yet Emperor, based on the sales page, has a considerable focus on sex.

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I meant that I don’t have a “direct” sexual sub, like DIAMOND, SM, PS, or WANTED.

The reason I posted that result in the Emperor thread is because I know that it’s from EmpZP, but I wanted to emphasize on the fact that EmpZP alone made my sexual baseline skyrocket.


Yeah, but we must not forget that ZP has some pretty long lasting effect, at this point it could be a mixture of subs.


I see. Thank you for clarifying.

I’m noticing strong sexual effects from Emperor.
In chemistry with woman, sense of dominance, sense of deservedness of really attractive woman.
It has a I do nothing and just solid as fxxx and woman want me vibe- that reminds me of Khan when I tested it in Q.

I’m more organized and disciplined in my thinking and execution, and have times of consistent productivity, and times where I won’t do squat.

I’ve noticed there is a stronger sense of internal strength, I feel like I am in a different world, already successful, can do anything- however- if I don’t follow my authenticity especially socially-it’s like that strength leaves immediately and I’m left very present to insecurity and ‘shame’ -this is perhaps healing and/or Emperor ZP guiding me.

I felt pretty bulletproof through and through on Emperor Q- so I see this as the internal process of getting there.


Teach her more tricks.
Don’t let her be a one trick pony.

Or get one with a better Toolbox.


“To a man with a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.”
– Mark Twain, a fellow ENTP



There’s a limit to what a man can do while he’s driving and keeping a lookout :rofl:


Currently, we’re only discussing what she can do, not you. :upside_down_face:

There can be immense variety even among BJs.
One with a Polo in her mouth, is a completely different experience than one with M&Ms.




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Cold Showers are good for you.


Anyway, enough derailing from me.
EZP thread is a magnet for random stuff.
