Main Disc. Thread - Emperor ZP v1

Health improvements absolutely

Relationships not yet, I’ve been tunnel vision focused on developing the other areas of my life I have put minimal effort into this area, and quite frankly have been a bit of a hermit the past couple months


Today is Day 3 for me trying out Emperor ZP + RICH ZP.

Day 2 (yesterday) was rest day when I felt a push for productivity on my personal stuff. The productivity push felt like Limitless Executive Ultima v2.

I like this version of Emperor so far. Quite powerful in a 15 minute package.


If the Rulers of old had this new Chosen Within Prototype maybe we would have avoided all of the man-made destruction of humanity and our planet home earth mother.

alright, well excuse the typos if theres any, I did this very fast lol

If anyone is confused about Emperor ZP or whether its for them

Read the description for it and see what kind of archetype you can conjure from the main sticking points:

-Man living without limitations, boundaries or preconceived notations
-God amongst men, ambitious conqueror’s mindset
-Living the way YOU want
-Bending reality to YOU instead of the other way around, feeling like the master of your reality and being
-Seeing yourself with infinite potential and high value
-Full of powerful, positive motivation anchored to your core that you can draw from in any situation
-Uninhibited raw expression of your masculinity, sexuality, power coursing through every level of your being
-The reality bending confidence that comes with everything interweaved together
-Maximum abundance in your romantic and sex life
-The pure epitome of a successful alpha male winner in life, whatever that means to you
-Financial, Success, Romance all A+

If you can extract a mental archetype through these main points, that’s enough to give you the “feel” or “intention” of what Emperor ZP is about, it’s really just a comprehensive, all around alpha male life subliminal

If I’m going through the objectives, I personally can go through them like a checklist and have seen results in all of them lol

Note: I am keeping this as brief as possible lol

Increase overall motivation to generate as much wealth as possible through all available channels, which includes creating NEW channels and pathways for revenue (ex: entrepreneurship, trading stocks or crypto, etc.)
Easily generate new ideas for wealth generation and increase motivation to act on those ideas.

  • Since beginning Emperor ZP, this has been very evident in me, where I am constantly looking for new pathways of manifesting $$ and ways to improve my current financial situations. It’s as if something has clicked in my brain and all I see is
    opportunity, avenues and ideas and I also want to act on them because of how motivated I am. I’m no longer limiting myself to a single pathway.

Begin creating your business / social / romantic empire using the resources you have now, rather than having to “save up” before starting

  • I actually spent an entire day assessing what I have in the present moment, with regards to my financial accounts, how they’re set up and how much money I have to work with and it was very enlightening, giving me the confidence to not have to wait
    and instead come up with a methodical plan/approach that’ll allow me to jump in and start taking action now. I also started figuring out how to improve my romantic and social life with the networks and situations that I currently have access to.

Improve and enhance natural positive manifestation abilities, especially when working toward achieving financial abundance, success, and your romance life.

  • I have definitely noticed an improvement in my manifestations over the course of the past week. There are too many and manifestations don’t surprise me, it’s pretty typical at this point but just a notable example is I’ve had certain opportunities
    line up for me out of nowhere that definitely improve the trajectory of my goals towards financial freedom. Everything has been flowing pretty nicely in every aspect of my life

Enhance and improve decision making skills when scaling your empire once you’ve acquired more resources
Improve goal setting habits, and completely dissolve all fears around achieving those goals, especially when setting goals that deal with generating wealth, achieving success and cultivating your romance life

  • It’s pretty notable all of the long term and short term planning, I’ve been doing. My decisions are more well-thought out and I’m more confident in them. I have clear array of goals and a lot of the fears associated with them have been completely let go of
    or weakened.

Increase overall productivity and eliminate procrastination, especially when working toward generating maximum wealth and cultivating your romance life.

  • I have definitely noticed a decrease in procrastination and an increase in productivity. This contrast seems to increase, the more I use Emperor ZP.

Breakthrough and eliminate any and all internal wealth ceilings (negative beliefs capping your earning potential) preventing you from achieving complete financial freedom.
Breakthrough and eliminate any and all internal success ceilings (negative beliefs capping your ability to achieve widespread success)

  • Lots and I mean lots of past things and concepts have been resurfacing and being addressed as I eliminate the negative limiting beliefs. There’s too many but just a quick example is a dream or sometimes long or emotional contemplations over
    paradigms that I picked up in college and high school or upbringing which I realized were false and that I no longer have to express my reality through or allow to hold me back.

Overall cognitive enhancement—faster raw processing speed, increase fluid intelligence, develop strong logical reasoning abilities, quickly learn new skills, etc.

  • Pretty typical stuff, it’s all there and noticeable. I’m more inquisitive and hands on learning with how I approach things, watching videos, reading books etc, things of the like. Slightly more creative as well.

Uncover / discover any secrets, strategies and tactics that will help you achieve incredible wealth and financial abundance

  • I’ve recently picked up on a couple of new strategies related to wealth-building with business and crypto.

Improve debt management skills and eliminate all debt that inhibits your ability to generate wealth (this does not negatively affect strategic deals that includes obtaining credit or other capital that requires repayment)

  • I don’t have any debt but I am definitely smarter with my money and therefore more likely to avoid creating debt.

Develop long-term financial visualization and planning skills

  • I’m constantly visualizing my financial goals and going over my plans on how to get there, which helps as it all gets actualized

Manifest friends, colleagues, partners, etc. who will help you achieve all of your success and wealth goals

  • Everyone is nicer, more helpful and supportive than usual, business partners have been guiding me properly and helping me align things. My family is supportive with my goals.

Manifest mentors, books, courses and other sources of information to give you the knowledge to achieve all of your success and wealth goals

  • Quite noticeable as I’ve just been automatically coming across the information that I need and it’s all just perfect and aligned with my goals

Develop a strong sense of self, improve internal confidence in your ability to succeed at everything you attempt, especially when working toward wealth generation

  • All typical stuff. Noticeable increase in all of these things.

Completely detach from and neutralize all negative societal programming in regards to money, success and generating wealth
Reframing of past adversities as learning moments—giving you insight on how to overcome all future challenges (replacing the “manifest challenges” scripting).
Change your mindset to that of a winner, turning all negatives into opportunities for growth and acting upon those opportunities in a way that helps you generate wealth and achieve widespread success
Completely detach from and neutralize all negative societal programming in regards to masculinity and sexuality with the target goal of achieving absolute romantic and sexual freedom

  • Definitely lots of negative societal programming neutralization going on lol. Lots of things surfacing to the conscious mind, lots of recon and resultantly a lot of powerful shifts in my mentality/perception.
  • My mindset is more powerful now, I just see the positive in everything and I’m only focused on positive outcomes, positive growth and positive action that are all aligned with my goals, success etc.

Attract and manifest romantic partners for the purposes of a monogamous relationship, or multiple sexual relationships

  • I’m in a relationship already but you know… lol. I’m kind of wild and I’ve randomly manifested/attracted some enticing individuals that have potential if I decide to crossover into multiple sexual relationships.

Improve and enhance your seduction and sexual skills — perform better in bed, improved sexual stamina, overcome premature ejaculation

  • I don’t know what to write here except Yes. I should have my girlfriend write this for me, she doesn’t even know what subliminals or EmperorZP are but I just asked her and she said every guy should use it hahahaha

Generate a profound, incredibly potent energetic and physical aura of sexiness
Generate a profound, incredibly potent energetic and physical aura of power, respect, status and strength
Easily develop strong and assertive masculine body language and masculine voice
Develop a relentless sense of power, ambition and motivation, with automatic harnessing of this power to achieve all your goals.
Easily develop assertive, strong masculine language skills and manner of speaking
Develop an extreme sense of internal power and strength
General masculinity boost, including boosts in confidence, power, strength, invincibility, self-assuredness, and being comfortable in one’s own skin

  • All of this power, aura, sexiness, masculinity, strength stuff is extremely noticeable. If you have a woman around you throughout your growth, they will definitely notice it. It’s very powerful

Easily develop positive leadership skills, prompting those around you to follow your lead

  • Typical stuff, more understanding, better empathy, the motivation/confidence is magnetic and people soak it in and the let’s all grow and succeed mentality.

Easily discover your path in life and make steps to relentlessly achieve those goals

  • I am way more relentless and have fully realized my path with confidence

Body shifting — muscles, physical shifting, fat burning, increasing overall toughness

  • The physical shifting is all there and noticeable, I’m stronger, my arms are more vascular, I have bigger legs, my testosterone has increased, my sex drive, I’m more active in the gym and physically tougher/more formidable

Emperor ZP is the real deal. You just have to stay consistent with it and let it build, you can go through stages of recon here and there as your subconscious mind is removing whatever is preventing you from being congruent with your vision,
lol and because it’s ZP tech, there is going to be a lot of internal growth that you can’t avoid or trick yourself out of and you will have to build real congruence to embody your goals with the subliminal from the inside out which in turn, your reality changes to reflect your beliefs. It’s a different game compared to Qv2, and I think a much needed one lol

If you are comparing your results with others and getting disappointed, you’re doing it wrong.
If you’re getting disappointed at all as a matter of fact, you’re doing it wrong,

Disappointment is not an emotion or state of mind that is conducive to high flow factor.
You have to have full trust in your subliminals, your mind and detach a little. Focus on taking action and train yourself to look for evidence. This is manifestation 101, these are tools of manifestation, rooted in manifestation and have elements of manifestation, regardless of how you feel. It is no secret that having a high vibration makes manifestation more powerful.

If you are writing things in your journal that are mopey and have the tone of “x didn’t happen yet”, “i’m still waiting for x”, you’re journaling wrong. You’re not going to get results by sitting and waiting for things to happen, you have to get in the flow. These are tools that help you learn/grow through your own introspection and help you guide your own power to create your desired reality. They’re not a magic pill that is going to save your life.


Like I said I love your posts :wink: Thanks for that.

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Guys, scientific evidence is so 3D and like so last century. Can we all just accept that everything exists and there is no one universal truth?

Litterly, everyone is in their own reality with their own unique thoughts, feelings and belifes, therefore with their own unique reality whereby they can choose what they want to be true out of infinite potential. There is no I am right or you are wrong. I can be right and you can be right, we each in our own reality, creating our own version of everything, including our version of the people in it.

Just make sure the truths that you hold are serving you for the greater good.

Don’t like or believe in chakras, great. Do believe in them? Great. Who cares? Is your choice serving you, yes? Great. No?.. Then find one that does.

IMO to wait for scientific evidence on anything before you can believe, is just ludicrous and ultra limiting (you could be waiting, forever). If you want to believe something, that is fine, if you do not want to believe something that is also fine.

Thank duck, for the summary button. That is all.


Maybe it’s the old ego trip and phenomena of the more one tries to control the less control he actually has which makes him want to control even more leading to self implosion and then attempting to take as many of the “others” with as he or she can.

=69 :face_with_monocle: :sunglasses:

Feeling intelligent with 69 others :joy::joy:

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Thank you @ksub !!! :pray::pray::pray:

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Start a new thread on the chakra stuff. 3 day bans for anyone discussing it after this. Back to Emperor ZP y’all.


Hello everyone, I would like present to you all my observations from today;


Another one;


A breakthrough I just noticed


Another thing that comes to mind would be possible timeline to achieve desired goals or sub objectives.

If QL blows limitless outta the water at their peek that’s great but do I have to wait as long with limitless for it to reach it’s peek? So if I start of with limitless first, and I already acheive it’s target goal of 75 points of productivity flow state w.e in the first week, would it be better to stick with it vs going the QL route which will more then likely take 6 to 7 times what it took for limitless at least to reach 75 points let alone it’s peek at 90 points

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is exactly why I am completely against attributing number stats for subs.

@Light-hearted-sith That chart that @LikeADrug made is completely fictional, unofficial and was simply an example for a way to make a description for the store page of the subs. In no way shape or form should you use that chart as any form of guidance whatsoever.

I know it was fictional. I was using the chart he put up as an example of what I’d like to see. Not saying numbers would be the same or anything more than a general rating. But it would help with an issue I see and have. Namely that ppl seem to always defer to saying similar subs in wealth or productivity or alpha areas will lead to the same result in the end, which sure that’s cool but what does that tell me between this very moment and 1-2 months out, what If I have a set of goals that can be accomplished with all the subs in that category but each sub has a much stronger emphasis on a particular area I need like flow and procrastination, which all the subs in that correct will help with that but still maybe I need to feel results in one area more than another. Not too mention if someone is looking for the exact sub they need and they aren’t sure which to choice, since they all lead to the same road then they risk the chance of choosing a sub they either weren’t ready for or just flat out didn’t need, and that will lead to the biggest sin on this forum… compulsively switching stacks or subs for no rhyme or reason! Leading to possibly even more wasted time and energy with an even greater amount of diminished results, since they were very confused and didn’t have much faith in the chosen sub

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I am curious which is more misunderstood: the goals of the Emperor subliminal or the goals of the Emperor ZP thread. Maybe we should express it in numbers. :slight_smile:

Last time I tried Emperor was around the introduction of Q I think. Has the experience changed much? Is it smoother now? More social? More or less productivity?


From someone who also tried Emperor Qv1, I can tell you that it’s different, but in an extremely beautiful way.

Smoother? Yes.
Social? Yes, especially if it’s congruent with your natural personality.
Productivity? When you need to focus on something, it’s on steroids, but when you need to slow down, then it will take care of you and help you slow down and rest, without the restlessness of wanting to work non stop.

And because of the comment above yours, I’ll do some ratings here :stuck_out_tongue:
EmpQv1: 6/10
EmpZP: 9/10

P.S: only WZP and Stark ZP take a 10/10 :stuck_out_tongue: