Main Disc. Thread - Emperor ZP v1

I get what you mean, but I guess I kinda worded my question in the wrong way.
Basically what I wanted to know is how open (or chill) this version of emperor would make you if you just wanted to lay back and do things with others, that aren’t really considered productive or help with your goals.

In a way my question, is it a bit laid back like WZP (as an example)?


Honestly I’m pretty hyped to try Emperor ZP after washout.


To reiterate what I said after running Mogul ZP a week or so ago , I am so much more than this.


I usually evaluate the dept of what is getting worked on by how much insecurity I feel… And right now I can tell you guys, I’m insecure as fuck!


Nice! Im gonna work a spot for Emperor ZP in my stack… but I wanna finish Wanted first.

Yeah, I get you, I still run Wanted because it’s still one of my goal to become more attractive, but since everything is closed, PS is off… Will see about diamond!

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The epiphanies have already started after one loop. Asking myself " what in the hell are you doing? " .


For me it’s more of a “Can you do it” questionning! Guess it all lead to one path : Being an emperor!



Is EmperorZP as broad as the previous versions have been or have you narrowed it down in scope?

Also does it have fat burning and muscle building physical shifting scripting in it?


@SaintSovereign : Looks like you have some explaining to do ==> Emperor ZP vs Emperor Qv2. What are similarities and what are differences?

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I hope we can get an answer on physical shifting in emperor.

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Oh that’s interesting, so its much focused and narrower :+1:t3::+1:t3:


I’m still troubleshooting the code for my Empire Project. But I’ve found myself taking breaks to read from my latest issue of 2600 magazine lol. ok.


I second all the above questions
does Emperor have the same level of broad scripting?
Is mogul or Ascended Mogul, Sex Mastery still included etc.?
What can be expected etc.
All the information need to assess running the sub.
Twas said Descriptions are coming-so hopefully further clarifications will continue to unfold


@friday not started emperir zp yet.

Waiting to hear back how people are responding.
Curious to hear whether sex mastery and quantum limitless lite is still there.

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What do you think of emperor, PS and libertine ZP? What kind of results could you get?

That’s exactly what Mogul has been doing to me recenlty.


Even with all that has been created in the past 2 years, there is still a very strong case for taking Emperor as the flagship Subliminal Club program.

So, the release of this ZP version of Emperor should be taken as a significant move forward.

Which also means that:

Multi-stagers are one step closer to being a reality!!!

:crazy_face: :monkey:

From a strategic management standpoint, it makes sense to release multi-stagers after this initial trial review is completed (or close to completion). (One title requires 4 times the conversion work, so best to have the ZP parameters more or less finalized.) So, I guess we’ll have to wait a bit longer.

But I feel like I can almost see the masts appearing over the horizon.



That’s perfect. Working yourself to exhaustion is how you grow and become legendary. This bullshit attitude of I need to take it easy is just what broke mfs say.

