Main Disc. Thread - Emperor ZP v1

I’m incredibly exhausted by people that are angry , critical, and negative. It’s so draining

Although it does make me curious if the person has undiagnosed depression


The point I’m trying to make is that Emperor will express differently for you than it will for someone else. I already know that Emperor won’t make me more “intimidating,” because I don’t want that. My idea of an Emperor is different than yours, and we’ll have two different experiences on the same subliminal. For example, Chosen made me even more aggressive than I already am, even though the script doesn’t really facilitate that. Why? Because I HATE bullies with a passion and I hate those who try to impose their will on someone they perceive as weaker. Thus, Chosen’s “go and help the world” drive amplified my existing propensity of slapping down bullies and I appear even more alpha to those around me.

This experience won’t be universal. Most people won’t have that reaction. I did. So, you need to try Emperor and see. It’s not going to force a change you don’t want. Read around the forum – you’ll see a lot of people running a ZP title and then switching it up because they just aren’t feeling the vibe.

I’m looking at the script right now, and I’m telling you – it’s FULL of dominance and sexuality. How that scripting expresses itself, however, is up to you.


Agreed. To some, Marcus Aurelius is the golden idea of being an Emperor, stoic, just and righteous.

To me, though technically not one, I’d like a Julius Caesar. Brave, bold, optimistic, persuasive, incredibly lucky, very attractive and awe inspiring.

We all have our own interpretations of our epitome Emperor, perhaps this is what ZP is tackling.

PS. I like McDonald’s. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


My (so-far) favorite aspect of Stoicism is the idea of not arguing with reality. Just accepting it for what it is.

I don’t believe it should stop there, though. Covey talks about this in the 7 Habits book…that “Core of Competence” or whatever he calls it.

While I think it’s important to accept what one “cannot” control…I think it’s equally important to push the boundaries and increase one’s own sphere of control, too.


So does the Emperor ZP still include full Ascension, Mogul and the rest? I used to run Emperor Q2 because it was an amalgamation of titles I wanted, not for the emperor core. Does ZP have that?


I just wanted to ask the same question @SaintSovereign.
It’s still an empire building title, so there must be at least parts of modul, limitless, etc.


this is her wanting validation and acknowledgement from you. probably a hug and tell her that you love her. if you are in a relationship you need to give your girl validation some times. not all the time but also don’t completely ignore her, she will feel like you don’t care about her when she needs you the most


Okay I’m breaking my rule.
I shall use emperor ZP myself and give my feedback on it as well.

First feedback will be after my job interview tomorrow.


Wtf, within the first minute of listening I’m feeling my face tightening and vibrating, this is unlike anything I tried before :open_mouth:

Edit: adding the rest of my experience here;

  • face feels like it’s morphing for some reason.
  • I feel like a panther? Like calm and ready to attack, maybe predator is the word.
  • feels like something is pulsing in my core. (Power?)
  • my perception at the moment feels a bit wobbly.
  • I already knew I would perform amazingly at the interview in the morning, but I now know I’ll do it even more easily.
  • lastly, something in my body feels like it “shot up”, like a certain process.

Nah, it isn’t that.

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Guys this one is great. I ran my first loop today fresh off a washout to get a pure sense of the sub. These are my results (again, remember with ZP YMMV since what makes ZP special is that very personalized to the user):

  • Extreme sense of inner calm overlaying this dormant power. Meaning, I could snap on someone in a heartbeat but choose not to.
  • People recognizing this power in me. Getting noticed a lot walking in public and people being very submissive.
  • More mindful of my posture and how I carry myself. Consciously carrying myself like a king.
  • Feeling in control of my life and my destiny.
  • Got two workouts in today. My normal lifting workout and just got back from playing pickup basketball in the park cause I felt like it. Guess that competitive drive is increasing.
  • I was social in the sense of being sharp and witty but no time for small talk. Quick banter then back on my purpose.
  • Thinking about my goals for 2022 and how I am going to achieve them. Believing strongly that I will achieve them no matter what obstacle stands in my way.
  • Sustained, calm, potent focus throughout the day.
  • A push to be productive that is not overwhelming. More of a light nudge where if ignored becomes stronger urge until I act on my goals.
  • Feeling a strong sense of masculinity and desire to increase my masculinity to the max

Trust the process guys, this sub is freakin awesome and it’s only day 1.


Thanks for reporting those great results , keep going :muscle:

No , it’s only 15 minutes a day . Our ears are forever grateful .

I’d recommend starting at least with $5.

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It appears that there is some kind of physical shifting.


I ran Emperor ZP and loved it. My new stack:

Emperor ZP
Primal SS ZP
Chosen ZP

With Emperor and Primal SS on the same day.


I would echo a lot of what you said, especially the calm, dormant power vibe. Goes really well with Primal to give me a very masculine presence. On the phone with women, I am calm, witty, charismatic, charming, a great listener, and a great communicator. Women feel my power and yet they feel I listen and understand them deeply. Helps to make deep connections - where women tell me everything - very quickly. Women feel I am extremely engaged and present.

It’s very powerful. I like it better than Wanted, because it jives with my archetype better. I also sense Chosen will round this pair up nicely.


Here’s what you can do you can use it yourself and note your personal results and/or you can take each person who has actually used it and compare their results.

You will find no results are exactly the same. It’s the same with anything, two people go to the same movie they walk away having had differing experiences.

If you’re only relying on what other people are reporting and saying especially those who don’t know the actual scripting, then you’re selling yourself very short and there’s no “other” to blame for that.

To me it really did seem like people who haven’t even used Emperor ZP were picking up their pitchforks and torches for something they didn’t even have personal experience with.

I’m not trying to single anyone out, just attempting to bring some reason to the table. When Saint says something it’s almost like it doesn’t get across, even to this day there’s people saying how we know that Emperor isn’t social. Yet, go read what Saint has said about that.


& here i am wondering why I was not hungry
I just ate 6 eggs and 9 litre of water till evening


decided to start again to eat carbs, I was too sick :sweat_smile: