Main Disc. Thread - EMPEROR: The Will to Power (Free Upgrade Now Available!)

Im getting presults again without even running the sub. A day after it was released I was attacked by the woke mob, but I stood my ground and defended the men involved regardless of all the connections I lost through this.

And it felt really good to do that.

Standing up for what is right. Not what gives the best clout.

Also noticed this:


Q Core now available:


Does will to power make you physically faster? Like i have WTP, lbfh, TS in my listening stack.

My body has gotten faster, my reaction speed has drastically increased.

I’m pretty sure it’s not lbfh. Or true sell.

For example, My friend threw a few pairs of heavy work gloves. They flew in different directions. I caught all of it. Like 2 with my left hand 4 with my right hand simultaneously.

I didn’t know what to make of it. So I just played it cool.

My friend was shook. I felt like he sort of acknowledged me. My friend is an older gentleman who has seen some crazy stuff in his life.

So it subconsciously raised his opinion of me.


I haven’t noticed quicker reflexes but I’m more connected throughout my body. Can do strict chest to bar pull-ups now, before my power would run out a couple inches before contact.

It has been great for building relationships at work like what I would expect HOM to do.

Love the name btw Brahman.


Raising your internal sense of power usually improves your physical stats


I have noticed faster reflexes as well. Honestly when I noticed it I was kinda shocked lol I haven’t noticed increased strength however I haven’t really been in a position to see if there was an increase or not. I can understand the correlation between internal power and feeling more powerful and how it can transfer over into everyday strength.


I noticed increased strength in the gym


the fact that we’re speaking about him is a testament to his power, no?

everyone gets old lol

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TWTP has a different flavor compared to Emperor. The greatest benefit so far has been an almost unbelievable increase in personal power. Unlike Emperor where it’s come on get off your butt and just get it done.

TWTP creates a gap between decision and action. I clearly understand it’s me making the decision. I can choose to do x or y and in so doing either move in the direction of the things I say I want…or not. The level of accountability feels more real to me.

The mindset now is no one or nothing is coming to save me. The latest sub isn’t going to do it, the fancy planner I downloaded and spend time learning to use won’t either - it’s just me.

I don’t have that rush of insane confidence as I have had with Emperor. Just this feeling of vulnerability. I realize I feel very afraid…not in a negative way. It’s just different…the fear has always been there. It’s why I’m not where I want to be. What’s the sense in gaining an of understanding power dynamics at a macro level if I can’t even get myself to follow through on things I really want?

It’s been bumpy but I’m taking consistent action. And instead of waiting for an end point in the future adding and subtracting things from my life that had me feeling really good about things now. Along with the feeling of fear and vulnerability mentioned before is a “knowing”. I know I can do the things necessary to so I can step into this alternate reality I’m creating moment to moment with my decisions and actions.

It’s scary for me. But it feels good. Now I’m also seeing subs as tools for the journey, like training wheels. But all of this is 100% me, these tools just tease it out and show me what was there.

One major difference so far is I treat myself one helluva lot better. My living space feels warm, like someone lives here and actually cares about the occupant :slightly_smiling_face: Which in turn my work space is much more inviting. I want to stay and work on my projects and when I do go out it’s for something that truly interests me. Getting more attraction because of KB in my stack but I’m learning to choose myself.

So far that’s been one of the biggest takeaways and lifestyle integration from my short time with this title. 2nd is it’s just me creating this fabulous life I want for myself. Sometimes I’ll be afraid, feel vulnerable, not sure what the hell I’m doing and very likely stumble forward but it’s ok. I will get there.

For me, there’s just something so beautiful about that.


This sub helps in social dynamics where you’re dealing with egos and hierarchies like corporate . Understanding how to communicate and negotiate with people who are more senior than you, managers etc


I’d imagine it complement something like mogul really well

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I have noticed that this sub is boosting my ability to manifest results.


The manifest colleagues, mentors etc is really working ! It has been years that I wanted to meet a guy who is very well known in my field. But I have always been shy to contact him. Few days ago I was in the airport, checking in and … he was in the other counter hahahah ! I mastered myself and went to him,like an emperor Lol ! and we talked as if we knew each other.we exchanged business cards and promised to meet each other next year ! it was the most beautiful day ! I told my colleagues about it and they started to question how I was able to meet when none of them could for years also hahahah. Thanks @SaintSovereign and @Fire !


I wonder how it compares with HoM with this upgrade. I remember in some thread Saint mentioned that HoM didnt need PCC in a stack with it as HoM does take care of the power dynamic but with a different, more aggresive approach, while PCC was more defensive. With WTP, would it compliment HoM or HoM is still superior and sufficient within itself to deal with what WTP is designed to deal with?


Any first hand comparison with GLM:Co? this sub look like something from some anime to take over the world lol.

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New entry:


There’s always two types of teachers I find.

Popular ones
and Good ones

It’s always better to be a good teacher so the students can actually learn instead of goofing off.

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A wise man once dropped @Fire

Full source, which is a must-read.