Main Disc. Thread -- Emperor Black: Twilight of the Gods (Q Module available!)

I named it “Liberator” at the beginning and I didn’t change my mind. :blush:
This subs truly frees up a lot of your intellectual, spiritual and physical potential and helps you tap into it for honing your natural abilities.

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And I thought it was Dark Prince. :blush:

Isn’t EB:ToG the closest sub to the archetype you crave for?

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Saw a Tate video and thought of your comment on wanting a mafia-like inner circle

Tate on how to meet Donald Trump Jr., Mafia Bosses, Movie Stars, etc.


From the people review this sub seems to be appropriate for longer runs?

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Seeing as how it hasn’t been out long enough, I think speculative opinions should be taken with a grain of salt.


Guys I usually experience recon on 2nd rest day AKA listening day. It’s not harsh recon, manageable. The last listening day it was before I went under the sun and now it started after I had 30 minutes of sun exposure. When I came back I experienced mild recon in form of anxiety attack in the chest. And consequently it was triggering hostile/defensive thoughts. Like I don’t wash the dishes(I create reasons in my head like I am talking to the guy, sth like rubbing the karmic glue they put on me by reason like: it’s your job and stuff…)
I have been recognizing this pattern for some days but since I have not journaled consistently; I can not pinpoint if it’s the sub’s result or recon. For now I am sure it is/was(it kinda resolved in a few minutes :thinking:) recon, since the thoughts were a bit hostile and there was anxiety in my chest.
Guys do you remember when I was talking about anxiety attacks in my chest area. That is kinda COMPLETELY gone when I meet new people.
But another thing I noticed is that I get that kind of anxiety when a conflict is about to start that stiffness in my chest. I also feel that rush of (I dunno what it is, testosterone, adrenaline…) throughout my body and ready to jump and eat the guy. Maybe the stiffness is recon, but I am sure the rush of chemicals is not and it’s my body’s natural reaction to danger.
recon is faded! now! It lasted a few minutes, I am feeling smooooth haha.
It is weird how recon can create bad Karma and people start acting weird, even those thag you tell them you are not feeling good and they are supposed to be kind when you are in recon, maybe that is my perception chamged and they are kind hahah :sweat_smile:.
And yeah, I was talking about that panick attack in my chest are, when I meet new people it’s like nothing and THAT IS POWERFUL, since it’s very hard to hamdle the first impression tension.

Another type of (maybe) recon I should talk about is that pain/panic attack/anxiety (hard to differentiate) in my chest happens every once in a while, and by a while I mean 10 minutes, 1 hour, different. It’s like something gets released from my chest. This happens sometimes when I climp the stairs or do something which needs cardio, I wanted to say that it is the reason but no, when I exercise which is of course much more difficult than those activities; I don’t experience that.
I think it more like releasing the tension from the body. Like I handle some tension with being calm and all of a sudden after some time of handling it, it comes out in small portions and not necessarily in direct contact with people and not necessarily in solitude.

Another theory I have which I realized is wrong but I will write since it’s necessary to.
Is that this is some kind of danger indication to surroundings which indicates (Don’t mess with me) vibe.
The reason I think this is wrong is that when I am on near a physical altercation on Emperor Black/fearsome, the sensations are different but not as that panick thing in my chest. On fearome it’s more of my body pulsating, just shaking like crazy crazy that people who have illwill will fear alot and on Emperor Black it’s sth else which I won’t talk about, let it be a secret😉, discover it yourself haha.

Naturally, it depends on your goals. It’s rather about your closest ones who may misread your “absence” or it may lead to weakening your relationships.

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For me, EmpB has made my social life better, mainly because of the increased intensity to achieve my goals seems to be leaking out as an aura that people are picking up on, which ends up doing 2 things:

  • inspiring others, and
  • creating healthy boundaries.

You can’t go wrong with either of those long-term.

but as always, your experience may vary.


Hilarious reference, to the supreme gentleman and ultimate nice guy himself. Says it all really, don’t go shooting up the forum @Inevitable (but if you do, at least make it entertaining while it lasts).

In other news, seeing these results are just too fking tempting to ignore. Many users in and outside of this thread have reported significant calmness and supreme levels of productivity and social dominance, comparing it to a combination of Khan and Emperor. Sounds like a perfect combo to me.

Then I see @James who (no offense) habitually procrastinates and goes through recon, but all of a sudden on EmpB he’s banging out multiple 10-20 hour courses in a week. Goddamn, these results cannot be ignored or brushed away from my mind, they’re just too good.

I’m biting the bullet. Emperor Black next week, let’s go.


You will not regret it !

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I’m running Emperor at the moment, so the transition should be flawless. I already feel socially dominant on this version of Emperor thanks to the game-changing beauty that is ZPv2, so I wonder how good Emperor Black will be in this regard.


Like some other memders I feel super social. In fact it helps to hyper focus your mind on a task. The risk is also there : today I had a day off and I started watching a video on Youtube and after a while I discovered that I watched nearly 4 hours of video when originally it was a 30 minutes of video. Time stopped with this sub ! So you need to plan well before doing a task :sweat_smile:


Not offended but to clarify I rarely procrastinate on what I need to do for my current job and daily life. I procrastinate on what would move my life and my goals forward. Or at least I have in the past. As @Hoppa pointed out to me yesterday it was probably the combination of Dragon Reborn and Emperor Black that finally broke my fear of failure. Now I couldn’t give a fuck how many times I fail as long as I’m learning.

I now know when I’m experiencing recon because I get nasty headaches. If that happens I give myself an extra day or so between loops.

Just reading this back I see how even the way I write has changed


Spoken like a true Natural Winner :fire::fire:


Excited to see where you go from here bud


@Invicuts @Billions @Avengers68 @Lion @Sub.Zero @SaintSovereign and other Emperor Black users

Some help please:

How do you think Emperor Black would complement my newfound love for Stark and my exercise custom (EF4 + GLM + et al)? I would like to see increased social and wealth drive and build a powerful and healthy body.

Thanks. Appreciate your feedback.


I’m running it along my ZPT custom (Optimus) based on Stark and Spartan. It boosts the results nicely when it comes to the discipline and focus, naturally.

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@Sinusoid - haven’t started Emperor Black yet. Will report when I do :pray:

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With stark: you’ll get an extra boost in the following: Social skills, verbal fluency, cognitive function, executive function. Productivity, less avoidance tendencies to get things done, easy flow mode.

With exercise customs: be ready to have the most intense workouts of your life.


Fair enough, I can only go by what I see posted on the forum.

With that said, I do want to stress that I meant no offense whatsoever. Your reported results on Emperor Black were the trigger for me to decide to run it as well, once my washout is finished.

If anything, I must thank you for being gracious enough to post your results and to keep us all updated on the trajectory of your journey. It helps a lot of us make the decisions required to influence our own journies.