Main Disc. Thread - Dragon Reborn Multistage + Ultima

I love your take on the matter! fantastic point of view

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I get recon in bloom, but when it comes I get anxiety and feeling faint with DR at points


You’re a parent? I did not know that


Yes, indeed; and a grateful one. They’re cool people. (I’ve got two.)

Welcome back, by the way. I resisted making a ‘Hey! It’s @James!’ post when I saw your name pop back up; but, well, here it is now.


I sort of envy that as the window for me to be a parent, father, or dad has unfortunately closed. I’m not entirely sure I was meant to be one anyway. Either way I’m happy for you and I haven’t actually gone anywhere I just don’t post much more out of not a lot to say most of the time and not wanting to post just because


It seems the further along I am with Dragon Reborn the more I embrace being an introvert which would probably surprise anyone who has known me prior



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Almost a month has passed since listening to DR ST3. Nothing I’m noticing as far as healing concerned. I’m beginning to lose hope in subs. It’s incredibly frustrating to me right now as I type this. I have been very optimistic but for some reason I feel like this is the beginning of the end. I’m gonna add Ascension to DR, the first sub I purchased here.

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Have you tried out the Qv2 versions already?They seem to be stronger.Havent had any healing from st4 in months but got some new stuff come up after trying the Qv2

Yes I’m listening to Qv2

Hmm,weird then.Should definitely at least feel something.Have you tried increasing loops?Even getting a negative reaction would mean your processing and not stonewalling

You’ve got Solitude in your custom, right? I’ve put it in my custom lineup myself. I’m looking forward to this myself.

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I’ve tried everything man. Can’t think of anything else I can do. I’m really determined to make subs work for me but as days go by and I’m listening everynight except weekends. I’m beginning to give up on them. I gave myself the timeline till September for DR stages and Ultima to complete. Let’s see what happens, but as of now, I have not seen any healing whatsoever. And that makes me extremely dissapointed since I read here and see users get all kinds of reactions and results where as for me it’s been same thing. I journal offline as well to notice any differences. Nothing still as of yet

That is really weird,yeah.dr is definitely one of the more obvious subs.usually st1 and st2 by themselves are pretty strong.st3 isnt as obvious.st4 might be more obvious for you though

I didn’t feel anything, except weird vivid dreams and dehydration. But then again, I’m one of the resident thick heads who would need a hammer to hit my head to feel something.

But I still get the results.

@Sigma11 Do you have vivid dreams? I had to up my loops to get the dreams. Might be worth trying if you are like me.

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If not too private/personal, what are the healing issues that you’re working to change?

Maybe someone else’s point-of-view may draw out different observations from you. (And maybe not.)

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@subliminalguy @SubliminalUser @Meng123 @Malkuth @Hoppa

Thanks for giving these insights.

Feeling things on a subliminal can be all well and good. However I don’t know if it’s an indication of much.

Hoppa, you got real world results even changes in your thinking, yes? Yet you didn’t feel much.

Meng123 you got some changes with little emotional upheaval yes?

I’ve gotten changes. Some very profound. However the emotional and physical distress I’ve had has been awful at times. Now when I have it, it’s very tolerable although slightly uncomfortable.

I had 2 week where I thought I was going to vomit at any moment. This is nothing to envy or aspire to. I also don’t think this is an indication I’m getting better or deeper results. It’s just an indication of more physical distress.

@Sigma11 I commend you for continuing with discipline your listening of DR, and keeping an open mind. Who knows… maybe there have been small changes that will be a foundation for stage 4


Hey Malkuth,

I have thread here I posted in December when I started my journey with DR. I have deep rooted nice guy syndrome I wanna get rid off, some other childhood traumas relating to always avoiding conflict throughout my adolescent and now adult life.


Got you. So you’re looking at long-term personality change and shifting of (seemingly, at least) deeply-rooted issues in your life.

This may seem obvious but, do you see any way to break these big issues down into smaller pieces? Have you already thought about that?

Are you familiar with the concept of ‘operationalizing’? When you take a kind of general, abstract notion and kind of translate it into (imperfect) concrete, measurable terms?

An example would be ‘Love’, a very abstract and grand concept. We might ‘translate’ it into: number of personal secrets shared, amount of time spent in enjoyable activities together, degree of eye contact and exclusive attention, blah blah blah.

It’s just a trick to get unmanageable things to be expressed in manageable terms.

I’m wondering if you can get granular with the areas of your life that you’re wanting to work on.


Learn martial arts- it will kill it.
go to the gym develop your muscles.

listen to godike masculinity ultima and ascension v2.

and every morning tell yourself how badass you are.

that will do