Main Disc. Thread - Dragon Reborn Multistage + Ultima

Indeed. So close yet so far though. I’m doing 2 months each stage amigo.

LIKEWISE! This month is the 2nd and last month for ST2.

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Ha same! I’m shifting April 1st. Can’t wait for ST3. Right on :fist_right:

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Oh wow. This will be interesting to see.

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Didn’t expect ST3 to be anymore harder. Could be me but brace yourself guys.
Can agree, Dragon does forces you toughen the fuck up.


Seriously? Damn, I thought ST3 would be better than ST2.

Excited to experience this in the future. I feel like with where I am at and where I want to go Dragon Reborn will prepare me for it

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Again, could be only me. But that’s why I’m leaving a small reminder. This sub doesn’t fuck around.

Considering the pace you’re going at, I agree, man. You’ll be way more ready for whatever lies ahead.

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After the first week it was a very enjoyable experience for me.

I do 3 months each stage and I am in month 2 of st 2
St 2 is finally showing fruits, I had the last 5 months, constant releases of unbelievable ugly energetic shit :cold_face::cold_sweat::scream::nauseated_face::face_vomiting::face_vomiting:

And yesterday it clicked : I am ready for st3
I will do the next 30 days st 2, just to look what happens

How is st 3?

After the ups and downs of st1&2 I found st3 to be very positive.
There was a new optimism and faith in myself and life in general.
A week inte st3 it turned for me.

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I’m still on stage one until the end of March but I realized today how I still have a long way to go.

Today was the first time I Coud lisen to ST2 and do things like cooking and eating.
Its like the script is fully accepted by my subc.
I am not afraid to pull traumatic stuff up and work trough it. Ohhhh and I did work, plenty of it.

I am ready for st 3

I have a funny feeling of :let’s go back to st 1 just to make sure

Does anybody else have that happen?

Yes. But I kept going. This has been a big healing for me!

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It looks like the script has been internalized but it doesn’t mean you should move to the next stage. Of course, you can.

When the script has been internalized the changes are more profound and permanent. Taking into account that it’s a multi-stager though, you could venture moving to the next stage. I ran each stage for 200 hours and now, even though the script has been internalized, I keep running the final stage and I’ll be running it for 600 hours in total.

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You don´t need to go back to find st1. It is very much present in st4, and you will get there in time.


I was in a rush to jump on the next stage.
1 week long I could lisen to st 2 and was so happy.
Yesterday my head exploded in pain like crazy, still my whole left brain side is hurting realy bad like its into 100000 pice of shattered Glas.

Minimum 2 month more to go on st 2

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I sympathize with the urge to rush, and also the physical pain.

Some days I felt like hammered :poop:

I wish I had not rushed. I have had about 3 months of feeling awful because I rushed. However I think much of the agony is over, and I truly believe there has been much healing.

Bro you are Crazy :grin:

I woud be dead if I jumped straight to the 4th stage.
The good thing is that it’s really working.

I saw my face yesterday (internal picture) in 20 pieces broken and a withe light that starts to glue the pieces together and then my left brain exploded in pain so hard that I can’t concentrate until now, 4 loops st 2, 1 loop love bomb (now) and then another 4 loops ST2 wil do the job.

I hope you’re Journey gets better and better

I think that is a compliment! Thank you man!

It is and you have been an inspiration for me!

You will know why when I post an update.

I’m confident it will get better for you too!

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