Main Disc. Thread - Dragon Reborn Multistage + Ultima

Nothing for me either

Under my left eye slight twitching sometimes. But I’ve had that happen with other subs too.

Usually a little bit before I fall asleep.


I have said before how with running Dragon Reborn I am losing interest in things I would distract or entertain myself with previously. More so than with anything I have run before. Maybe it’s from running both Dragon Reborn and Limitless Executive but I feel like I should be doing something productive or I get very bored. I just have zero desire to waste time


which is which again for you
DR is your custom and DRQ is the store program? or the other way around?

DR is Dragon Reborn, the 4-stage program from the regular store. DRQ is a custom with DR4, Medici, and other goodies. This is the album art for DRQ:


Sometimes get a bit of muscle twitching but nothing serious.Figured it was dr removing the tensions in the body.

Around the eye brows …
Near pelvic muscles

James your a true King


If it’s the one I think you are referring to, I’ve been told by a physician that it is a stress response. I guess that’s how some people’s bodies react to stress. When I had a lot of stress, that happened to me some times.

But that’s the thing. I’m not stressed.

Things are going well, even without my input.

The only thing I might be stressing about is having my family stuck abroad. But even that situation is under control.

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That’s what I thought when I was having my little eye muscle twitches. :grin:

Who knows, might be the case :smiley:

Stress can be subconscious. Sometimes it’s only weeks or months after an event, I realize how stressed I was… because then the things I thought weren’t stressful are gone, then I notice how relaxed I feel, and realize I was stressed at the time when the things I thought weren’t stressful were present.

I find sauna, steam room, or hot tub can be useful during such times.


Can the ultima be run from stage 1? If I run, will it have adverse effect, or just lesser to no result?

Even when stacked with ElixirU?

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No, at least so far. :slight_smile:


As the sales page says, we are encouraged to experiment although they recommend to run the whole program first.

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Not running any Ultima titles at the moment makes me too groggy and have brain fog. Also gives me nightmares of old ladies dancing


I think you should go back to drinking Elixir:

and stop looking at gifs. :heart_eyes:


@Sub.Zero Just for you I will run Elixir before bed

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