Main Disc. Thread - Dragon Reborn Multistage + Ultima

Mind’s Eye Terminus2 + Alchemist has yielded some really smooth meditation sessions.

That being said, ‘silencing the mind’ is nowhere on the list of my meditation priorities.

Lots of ways to meditate.

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For me, learning how to silence my mind is important though.

silence is a side-effect.

concentrate on activities and it will happen naturally.

to be strategic, choose (helpful) things that you’re already inclined to focus on.

my opinion: don’t focus on the silence too much. That’s like trying to watch your muscles grow while you workout. You can check in with it periodically, but if you follow decent principles, it’ll happen. My personal preference is to focus on the benefit or interest of my chosen object. (You’ll often come across anecdotes about athletes, musical performers, etc., getting into those mind states. They’re just focusing on their craft.)


I’m running a 10 week-which I’m making 3 months meditation program and started DR a month in, meditation went from a little resistance to start but once I was in it, it was great. Since I started DR, its been very difficult to get myself to sit down, and stay seated. The goal is to follow my breath without pause for 15 minutes, its the physical anchor.

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What is your opinion on mindfulness meditation?

Unable to sit down or racing mind can also mean that your energies are cleared and vibration is higer now. After some time you will get used to this high energy.

  1. it’s great.


  1. i do it.

it’s been popularized in some diluted forms over the past 40 years or so. And that’s fine.

But its original context involves developing the attention in order to become aware of how experience arises in subjective awareness (i.e., how ‘reality’ arises in ‘the mind’).

It’s okay to use it in lighter or altered ways, but the above is its originally intended context.

relaxation and mindfulness are not the same thing. but they can really enhance each other.

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Meditation is a total game changer imo
The theory I’m implementing now is that
we all were imprinted emotionally 1-7 years old (also in womb) with an emotional blueprint
and our life experience is simply a reflection/manifestation of the re-occurring cycle of that blueprint.

We have to take responsibility in neutralizing the emotional charges in that blueprint-to have anything new or real actually happen in our lives-otherwise it’s more of the ‘why is this happening to me or to me again’ stuff. Which is actually just the flavor of the re-occurring or unrelenting emotional experience we got stuck with.

We became gradually solidified and set as we moved from spirit to emotion to mind to body. So the meditation I do reverses the process- it anchors in the physical/body with breath then goes to mind and the emotional body and then back into spirit (no belief required-spirit as an experience of a presence of something larger than ourselves)

I’ve looked into a lot of things and I’m no expert, but I find this one/process while incredibly challenging due to what it brings up/ kind of like reconciliation-makes real authenticity and change possible-specifically for me rather than the drama of hating and always trying to outrun my circumstance.


Well here we go again. (synchronicity)

Weird or not weird. I hit play on a podcast and clicked back to this thread and started thinking about so-called meditation and what I believe or don’t believe about it.

At the exact same time, Marc Maron, whose podcast I’m listening to, suddenly starts going into a spiel about meditation. He’s been really vocal over the years about not being a huge fan of doing it. But now he has started. And in his usual gifted way, he proceeded to break down an insightful and viscerally-grounded perspective on it. I really like that guy.

For me, I think I come to meditation in a way that feels pretty natural. It wasn’t always that way. I’ve read books about it. And there have been times, (as recently as 2 years ago), where I thought I might approach it in a goal-oriented way. For now, that just doesn’t make sense for me personally.

But I find that whenever I try to get in touch with what’s really going on or to really learn something, I end up doing things that later turn out to have been ‘meditation’. So, I’ve concluded that this is just the natural way that I prefer to learn.

For me, ‘meditation’ is a style of engaging with the world and with experience. I’m doing it not primarily to get anywhere, but because it feels right. Like the way you pour water into a cup to drink it, rather than pouring it onto the floor and then getting on your hands and knees to lap it up. ; or tossing the water up in the air, and then trying to stand underneath and catch it all in your mouth.

If you want to drink water, pouring it into a cup is definitely a way that makes sense. Those other methods are not ‘wrong’, but the cup works a lot better if drinking is what you want to do.

In the same way, if you want to engage more with reality, there are certain ways of paying attention that seem to make sense. You can call it ‘meditation’ or ‘paying attention’ or ‘getting into the flow’ or ‘using imagination to observe and connect’ or whatever you want to call it. The name doesn’t matter so much. The point is it just makes sense if that’s what you want to do.

In my case, I want to engage with reality, and I’m aware that my mind is like a shaky and warped rear view mirror. So to feel really connected, I need to slow down and pay attention over time. Gradually acquire a feel of how this amazing and distorting mind mediates and generates sensation and experience.

I find that trying to do that ends up coinciding pretty exactly with the so-called ‘meditation instructions’. So, great.


Anyway, bottom line, and to bring this back to this thread: ”Dragon Reborn Multistage + Ultima”, based on what I described above, I don’t think I’d be able to NOT meditate. It’s not really a bandwidth thing or a benchmark/mastery thing. It’s the way that things feel real for me.

So no matter what programs I’ve listened to or how many I’ve listened to, it’s still been present. It might be shallow or deep, smooth or choppy, fragmented or smooth and coherent; but it’s always going.

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I have decided to run each stage for 91 days to try to achieve “strong results”. I chose 91 days because it will be 14 weeks per stage, and it’s easier to track that way because I go 5 days on and 2 days off. That way I start each stage fresh off the 2 day break. I created an Excel spreadsheet to track my loops.

I started with 2 loops for the first 2 days. Yesterday I increased to 3 loops. Each night I plan to run 3 loops of DR + 1 loop of DRQ. DRQ feels amazing after running DR.

This represents the biggest commitment I’ve made to a single sub. I am very serious about achieving lifelong results from this sub.


I started cleaning up my room. Bit by bit, not a Marie Kondo-style clean-up in one day.


@King I’m a minimalist myself and I see running Dragon Reborn as mental and emotional minimalism. Getting rid of and letting go of that which doesn’t serve a purpose or takes up unnecessary space and energy


I learned a valuable lesson yesterday from personal experience plus something @SaintSovereign posted. I am no longer running any sort of Ultima with Dragon Reborn. Bad mood and energy draining. Not a good time. Dragon Reborn Ultima being the exception but not for a while


I need to watch her stuff again, need to really clean up my house. DR is making me want to, I just need to go for it.


I was just telling my friend overseas about how I learn to tune out of 75% of content the media produces.

A lot of what the media spews out lands up as unnecessary clutter in our minds.

It isn’t helpful if that garbage from the media creates narratives that shapes our perception of reality and imposes limits on us.

As an example, I actually am programming myself to believe that COVID-19 has no impact on my goals.

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I’m on day 5 of a rest day. I’m wondering if this would help me as well. Thanks @James

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Any of you DRAGONS noticed twitching in certain areas in the body?

I don’t think so. But keep asking. There are more than 15 Dragons I think.

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Not at all, sometimes warmness but not twitching. Any part in specifc, for example the legs?