Main Disc. Thread - Dragon Reborn Multistage + Ultima

It’s not my ultimate decision yet but it seems to me this is what I should do since I feel pretty tired today, I couldn’t focus on reading and I slept 5-6 hours only due to processing. On 4 loops had no sleep problems and I used to wake up refreshed. But the main reason is the way I conduct my experiment but of course those “negative effects” made me ponder on it.

I feel the sub working in the background all the time and that energy described on the sales page running through me all the time. The breakthrough was about feeling the immense power of the sub whilst in the beginning (when I was playing 2-4 loops) it was really subtle.

I’ll be taking two nights off now and then I should decide ultimately but I’m inclined to follow what I said above. I think it’s a general rule of how subs work, at first you have to “make” the sub work, notice its results and feel its power and then it’s rather about maintaining its power and refreshing the patterns you’ve ingrained in your mind. Breaking the pattern is also about adding an extra boost apart from preventing your brain from falling into “homeostasis”. Of course, it’s only my hypothesis based on years of listening to subs and what I’ve learnt in our Club.

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Yeah man I get it. I had been experimenting with my sub loops going from between 3-6 loops, alternating etc but I constantly felt super tired and fatigued and put it down to processing but also just the way I was since I have always been that person that’s ‘tired’ all the time.

When I went down to 1 loop I had the worse sleep last week, even up until now and my subconscious must have been hella processing everything up to this point and now I can feel the results better.

It’s all about experimentation and it’s all individual. I think I’ve found best where my sweet spot is around and I won’t be going on the higher end even though I’ve been using subs for 10 months with SC.

Especially not with a healing sub like DR, all that processing done during one week with possible trauma with the way I felt it last week? Jheezus I’d have a freaking breakdown.

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It’s not only about being tired. I feel I pushed my mind to the limits and if I kept doing it I could end up having some results I wish I would never have. It’s only a feeling and it’s going to change but it’s also a good indicator of my capacity and I should take it into account planning on any adjustment to my experiment. I’ll be reporting on that in my journal for sure.

If you want to run EoG after I suggest starting these now. Because they are lighter subs they will not interfere with DR and will give you a strong foundation for the transition into EoG. At the very least start whichever one you choose to use at the same time as st3 or st4

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Yes to the lighter subs idea although am planning to finish Dragon Reborn and only then start Mogul or Ascended Mogul.

I don’t feel like stacking at all until I master a particular title.

So I will finish ST1 to ST4 (6 weeks for each stage) and then run Mogul/Ascended Mogul with Dragon Reborn Ultima


Fair! Not how I’d go but I have less aversion to stacking (considering adding my t2 custom right now). Looking forward to learning about your results :slight_smile:

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It’s an excellent plan. I like the idea of mastering a sub first and then stack it with something else.

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@Baphomet - good luck, my friend

Frankly, am now overcautious about the steps I take (whether it is making a custom or stacking or anything else). I know I will usually end up going way overboard since I have done it before (like overstacking or making customs that I then abandon since I am not satisfied with them for some reason or the other)

Also want to maximize the possibility for physical healing with DR


Thanks, dude. Sometimes I get impatient too but I just know that I will end up being happier when I complete this and then look back


I understand this all too well :joy: My old stack was so dense that I overloaded quick and burnt out. That has been the reason for my slow buildup started at the beginning of November. I ran 1 Q strength custom for the whole month + ultimas. Now that I’ve done a full of month of that one sub consistently, I feel more comfortable adding a terminus custom for 1 loop every other day (Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday pattern).

Right now I’m listening to Elixir Ultima every day before listening to my custom. When I do pull the trigger on DR it will be a simple switch from Elixir to st1 for a month (then st2, st3, etc.)


Haha exactly! We shiny object “syndromers” lol

I think running Elixir and Regeneration taught me to be more emotionally mature. And even the stack after that was pretty fine (Emperor + PCC + CommanderU) but when I started Dragon Reborn, I knew I just wanted to do it real right

Yes! Something like this would work. Do a single Q sub for a while and then try terminus. Have a plan and test it out properly



The burn out effect is real. I felt like a computer that was installing the new OS update and crashed midway through because I couldn’t handle so much new information.

Overstacking is something I’m trying not to do right now but so many subs hit different spots and I want it all :sweat_smile:


@Brandon That’s why the only thing I run with Dragon Reborn is Elixir


Yup this is why I’m cautious of adding my terminus custom, simply because it has totally different goals from my current regular strength custom. My current one is wealth & status focused where my terminus one is romance & seduction focused. Am weary of pulling myself into too many directions

Can we purchade DR Ultima without purchasing the multi-stage?

Nein -> no


Give DR a shot. i noticed my customs are more effective when i listen to DR


Or it’s only a subjective feeling of being stronger? I noticed people often mistake feeling stronger for better results. That feeling on DR is really strong. It fills you with mental strength and confidence.


@SaintSovereign Will DR be released on Q store?

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User Renet1 asked the question
He asnwer this before if stage 4 is coming then all will be coming