Main Disc. Thread - Dragon Reborn Multistage + Ultima

I think you’re confusing a roar with a yawn. At least in my case


That made crack up :joy:

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I experienced that on StarkT once. I got recon in the form of social anxiety but when I forced myself and overcame it I felt the power of the sub. Another time I got recon in the same form on StarkT and HoM but I couldn’t fight it off (actually, I didn’t even try since it hit me strong) and I felt miserable.

Sure Can Airlines?

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Yea, I’m thinking to run this such that the last loop is close to bedtime.

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Sure Can sure works too. :ok_hand:t2: :smile:

I was referring to the Head of Khan Industries. :slight_smile: :tiger:


oh yes DR stage 1 is a night night sub

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Why do you say that?


He’s ruthless with his executive assssistantssss

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you don’t follow?
you said you don’t run DR during works hours because it effects your willingness to be productive
I’m saying its a night time sub for me because it effects my willingness to be productive as well.


Great. Also, one thing I noticed about this thread is it has gotten so many comments so quickly compared to other main disc threads. Anyone wager a guess as to why that is?


Because @James and @Sub.Zero joined the Dragon Brotherhood. :smile:


Yea that’s true. I also attribute it to that there are many people talking about DR here but don’t necessarily have journals on them (like myself for now).

HMM…Is it a coincidence that my favorite show to watch recently has been Dragon Ball? I just realized this.

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no idea really but if I had to guess it would be the following

  1. A lot of people are running DR-healing appeals to people in pain, people looking to optimize for the long term, and people who want a little extra ease in dealing with some difficult issues while they run their stack, so it’s pretty universal and much needed.I’d say more people are running DR now than other main title

  2. It’s not exactly clear what it does, how it works, or how its effecting people. So there looking to explore their experience in relation to others, what’s normal, what can be expected, what’s the best way to really use the sub etc

  3. It’s a multi-stage so people want to know when to move on, when to stay, and what to expect.

and that lol


My whole life philosophy is based on Dragon Ball Z for the better or for the worse.

The goal is to continually power up and ideally slow time down as much as possible while I do it.


Including after death. :innocent:

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it didn’t start with this life time, no reason it should end with it :slight_smile:

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Fingers crossed that we can run a name-embedded version of DR soon.

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Not true, I just like teasing @SubliminalUser, that’s the real reason. :heart_eyes:

But he never succumbs to it… :disappointed_relieved:


Yes you are right…i did that last night. Was abke to fall into a deep sleep. I had a dream cant rember much just thay it was about a snake and i killed it.
Running DR in the day makes me dizzy.