Main Disc. Thread - Dragon Reborn Multistage + Ultima

I would be more worried about wasting my time and not getting results than actually anything adverse happening tbh. It does say it is more narrow in its scope and its best to run the whole program first. So you can count on it that’s what I’m doing =)


1st loop in. The obvious effect i noticed is the self correcting aspect of the sub. When a fear pops up you automatically coach yourself how to deal with it without unneccessary panic or worry


That is good to hear. Given that I have a lot of fears, maybe DR will help me with dealing with them.


LOLOL! Too funny!

That’s exactly the stack Saint recommended I run.

I just finished my Khan ST1 + Elixir for 3 weeks. Decided to continue my healing goals… going Dragon Reborn! :slight_smile: will do 4 weeks for each stage.

DR ST1 = 2 loops while sleeping
Sanguine = 2 loops during the day

Sat-Sun, Rest day


What would you stack DRU with? Would you use it as a substitute of RebirthU?

Could you refer on the physical effects of DR you mentioned, please? It looks very interesting and buying Elixir I was thinking about its physical healing properties too. If DR contained a pronounced component of physical healing I would be even more interested in that sub.


I’ve already decided I’ll be doing this next year for sure. The path of the Imperial Dragon awaits me. :slight_smile:

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Are you going to be making that as a four stage custom or stacking the major titles?

I’ll be stacking each stage with Emperor. It’s going to be pretty dense but I should handle it. In numbers it looks like this:
42 days Emperor+Rebirth/3-4 loops+1-2 loops
42 days Emperor+DR1+LD/1-2loops+1-2loops+2loops
42 days Emperor+DR2+Elixir/1-2loops+1-2loops+2loops
42 days Emperor+DR3+BLU/1-2loops+1-2loops+2loops
84 days Emperor+DR4+Rebirth/1-2loops+1-2loops+2loops
42 days Emperor+DRU/3-4loops+2loops

Listening to Emperor andDR at night only, 1h of silence between the loops of the same sub and 2h between two different subs (Q), the Ultimas-one loop in the morning and the other in the afternoon.
5 days on + 2 days off

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Good plan. I’m planning on doing four customs with the only difference being which stage of DR is in them.

@SaintSovereign and @Fire could you kindly tell us, what’s the main difference between RebirthU and DR Ultima if it comes to their objectives/modules, please? Of course, apart from the fact that DRU is meant to be played as an expansion of DR. I’m asking since DRU maybe a better alternative to RebirthU once you’ve done the whole program.

Thank you! :slight_smile:


How about stacking this with Ascended Mogul? I intend to heal, but also improve, or at least maintain my current life. I’m scared that with just healing from Dragon it would make me perform less well at work.


Yes I am running it

Hm pls check my journal

DR does contain physical healing as I have mentioned, and quite extensively so because many physical issues are non-physical in nature just manifesting as physical.

Anyways, my previous recommendation stands. It’s a rough ride. :wink:

but now I am running less loops, I feel more processing time is good even for me.


You know, I was planning to run Emperor with Dragon Reborn. Then at the last minute, I decided against it mainly because I want Dragon Reborn to focus on my issues.

Based on a previous healing stack that I ran, which is ElixirU + Regeneration, my experience is that healing won’t reduce your productivity. But yes it won’t be as productive as when you run Ascended Mogul.

Now how will AM combine with DR is hard to say. My guess is that it is possible for DR to overwhelm AM. Unless you have played AM for quite a while (like a month atleast) before adding DR to it. Just an educated guess.


In my opinion healing with subs can take a while to appear In your consciousness and when it’s hitting you and you have other stacks running you can get a nasty reconciliation.

This does not mean that it will happen, I only say look first how you react for 1-3 weeks and then stack it if you decide. Ether way you did something good to you and lost no time

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Thanks. You two might be right. Maybe it’s just a fear, that the Dragon was dealing with and I was running away from. I’ll wait with AM.

And what about Ultimas with Dragon? I’m not even going to ask about healing ones, but something like Social or Executive? It should just be a temporary state shift. Did anyone try this?

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My suggestion is to stack Stage 1 with LD, Stage 2 with Elixir, Stage 3 with BLU and 4 with Rebirth and DR Ultima later on.