Main Disc. Thread - Diamond ZP v2 with / without ME [Now Available!]

Both of you are looking at the situation from a limited viewpoint. We have the bird’s eye view. I responded to three individuals publicly and two in private message on that same morning, all pushing the notion that there was something wrong with Zero Point v2, after two weeks of successful use. Then, those remarks spawn a bunch of messages sent to support, including refunds. Then it sparked people asking if we could bring ULTIMA back. Tech that’s now two generations ago. The word used is irrelevant to me, only that the pattern is starting to manifest.

That’s not something we need heading into the release of our new titles and as new people start arriving from our marketing efforts, and especially when it’s the same tiring cycle that occurs every time. New tech comes out, a bunch of turmoil starts.

From your perspective, you’re only worrying about your rights as a customer to vocalize thoughts. From my perspective, my entire company and all its staff and all our work is at risk.

So, no – I’m not “stoking a narrative,” I’m stopping a harmful pattern from manifesting AGAIN for like the FIFTH time and I will continue to do so. Please gentlemen, enjoy the products. Let us worry about the forum narrative.


Yeah I see what you’re saying. You’re right and have my apologies.

I thought that it was purely off of this comment, I had limited perspective.

Society hates change.

Innovation is scary.

Haters gonna hate.

We’ve (I’ve) got an incredible amount of respect for you and all you do to elevate human consciousness.


Can diamond be used to generate sexual energy which can then be transmuted to other stuff that is not sex related ?.

Today I recieved several sexual “threats” from my girlfriend :laughing::laughing: she started a new Seductress cycle on monday and her whole demeanor got way more sexier and provocative. So I thought what a great opportunity to try a 1 minute loop of Diamond Experimental.

I listened at about 4 pm and forgot about it, no sex drive, no sexual thoughts… nothing.
At about 8 pm, out of the blue she initiated and I got whats probably one of the hardest, biggest erections ever… absolute and effortless control of my sexual energy too. Its worth noticing that my sensitivity was heightened, but not in the way that makes it hard to control ejaculation… in a way in which I was able to feel in my penis every little detail as if it was a finger tip.

She got as many orgasms as she wanted and I kept my energy within.


Anyone used this lately?

I’ve been using it. It’s turning Palpatiny into PalpaTON. Firmer. Quicker to wake up. And I swear my seminal volume is increased.

I was busting for what felt like 10-20 seconds straight the other night


Considering opportunities in the Adult industry?


Lmao did you run the full loops or like 5 mins?

Too graphic :joy::joy::joy:


I’ve been alternating 30-second and 3-minute loops.


You never run the full loops on any of the programs?

@Palpatine make sure you have adequate zinc and magnesium in your diet.

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I ran OG ZP private Diamond. I’ve run full loops of other things. I just don’t anymore really. Except for Emperor Black: Twilight of the Gods. That one gets the full treatment.


I also never do this.

Even since Saint talked about 3 mins I have NOT ran any title, including customs for 15 minutes. Usually 3. Customs sometimes 5.

Works like a charm.

However, I am planning to build up exposure.


Probably have overexposure on Wanted BCS I had the worst sex of my life after using Diamond lol, didn’t have any pleasure from it lol whatsoever

But the girl enjoyed It a lot haha

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@Palpatine do you ou mean that you ejaculate for 10 to 20 seconds?

That’s honestly really insane

It felt like it. It was way longer than usual.

Uhh ok… WOW?

Nah nah nah nah, hold up here… LOLLOL WAIT… WHAT???



ZPv2 is just insane man, we cheating lol


Lol… I used Diamond Ultima a lot, then Diamond ZP standalone and in a couple of customs… So I got it pretty internalized.
I do admit that 1 minute loops of v2 is something quite astonishing. Great results and faster!!!


When you listen diamond zp and it executes two weeks later lol

What was the loop time for Diamond?