Main Disc. Thread - CHOSEN [Now Available!]

@Palpatine yea. I plan to run it throughout all of next year. At least until I get my next promotion :slight_smile:

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Our of curiosity, for such a managerial position in your country, can you give and estimate on what you make a month? Iam curious to good this compare to my country, The Netherlands

Director of Marketing and Product Development in Los Angeles, I was making $75k base, plus commission, plus company car stipend, brought total compensation to around $125k.

Marketing Product Owner, was making $90k.



per MONTH?

Haha I’m sure he means yearly.

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I ran 2 loops of Chosen this morning. I felt more powerful internally early on, like I could handle anything during my day.

I’ll share something that happened today. I was listening to Christmas music all day, trying out classic rock maybe twice. What happened is I got soft while listening. Thinking of what @Palpatine shared about getting soft himself on ZP files, I saw it for what it was.

But I cried without feeling any shame at all. I realized my crying in times past is felt to be stronger since it’s been linked to a fear of being squelched by myself or someone else. My mind didn’t go there at all. Not once. It’s like I felt this was part of the progress, and I wept occasionally, even desiring more emotional songs to trigger me.

I’m also not sure the songs made me weep. I’m still feeling it, and I’ve got “Love Bites” by Def Leopard playing. Yeah, I’m still weepy now. But I’ve always internally craved the passion they share in their music.

Chosen showed up at work since I realized that when I drive alone (which I do mostly), my only audience are those scanning the cameras for problems while driving. When I started DR earlier this year, I cried pretty freely while driving, and my supervisor said something one day, almost dismissing me since he thought I was having some spiritual experience (not his thing). I was listening to Christian radio, and yeah, I was soft.

But today, I felt and imagined I was strongly encouraged to be me. That’s very new. I even felt like I was modeling some freedom. I like being the one experiencing the needed change, and modeling it had me feeling like a leader to someone I may or may not ever see.


Yearly, lol.


You’ve accidentally given me something to strive for :wink:

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Time to manifest making $100K a month with RICH…but that’s for a different thread :stuck_out_tongue:


yeah the emotional stuff on ZP is no joke.

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I must hear more about the situation with your supervisor thinking you were having a spiritual experience.

I was crying throughout the day while driving, having DR St.1 working on me, and the spiritual music was safe to me. Someone shared this with him, and he “brilliantly” put crying and spiritual music together: I “must” have been having a spiritual experience.

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My understanding is that phisycal shifting in Chosen has different objectives that the one in Wanted…

Not at all.

I am one of the non-hype people. It’s just not my cup of tea.

I am experiencing profound, deep shifts and clarity. It is coming not with fireworks, but with inexorable power and unequivocal solidity.

Not a bucking bronco; a majestic glacier.

I can only conclude that, with Zero Point, you will notice–and hence describe—changes the most that occur at your preferred altitude of consciousness and observation. Also, it’s likely that changes may occur in a more intense way at your typical Points of Engagement. The places where you tend to focus your attention and activity.

I’m feeling a sense of quiet awe and gratitude.


It’s refreshing to see someone actually giving a straight answer about how much they make. People tend to be very secretive about the topic.

Of course, it’s a private piece of info, but I never considered it a big deal to share it.


So… no more Billions?


I’ll still go for that. Baby Palpatine steps


What a beautiful Magic @Fire @SaintSovereign

This is it
The Pinnacle
The Mountain Top
The Nirvana

I did yesterday the first loop of chosen.
Smooth and powerfull stateshift after 3 seconds into the loop.

Left my apartment and startet to pull me out of every internal misery I had at the moment and the buried ones.

Screamed (internally) in the train because I had no more room for weakness in my life so i pushed it out my system.

Encouraged myself successfully and easy as if it is the most natural and easyst thing to do, trough my deepest insecureties.

I gave consolation to myself until I didn’t need anymore

I lifted myself up with imense power

Startet to trust myself and my mind that it will provide solutions - and it did :grin:

Gentle warm and loving energy towards myself that encourages me.

And then I smoked weed to test what’s going on inside myself.

That was a solid stone :grin:
At one point I go a little scared because I asked myself if I am schizophren because my state felt so Natural and New but I came very quickly to the conclusion that this state is a part of myself and nothing indicates to a personality split.

And so much more.

All I can say is WOW WOW WOW

All the best to your Company and a lot of Success



Awesome, thanks for your perspective. I haven’t read much about other “Chosen” users yet.
This confirms my experience a lot. Thank you :slight_smile:

Do you have a journal for ZP testing?

Mine is here:


That is very interesting. In my case however, productivity is a limiting factor because even though I can inspire some people reasonably well, it all gets messed up when folders are piling up on my desk (electronically) unsigned and awaiting my action. My aim is to take the whole leadership thing to another level but part of it is being productive with what is in my court. For example, I had an appraisal with a team member and had a fantastic discussion which overran but I feel like it made things much clearer. Now I need to do my final write-up and I don’t seem to find the time to do it and capitalise on that conversation.
Is there enough in Chosen to help synergise productivity and interpersonal aspects or does another sub need to come in (other two slots already taken :fearful:) to raise productivity?