Main Disc. Thread - CHOSEN [Now Available!]

Not at all.

I am one of the non-hype people. It’s just not my cup of tea.

I am experiencing profound, deep shifts and clarity. It is coming not with fireworks, but with inexorable power and unequivocal solidity.

Not a bucking bronco; a majestic glacier.

I can only conclude that, with Zero Point, you will notice–and hence describe—changes the most that occur at your preferred altitude of consciousness and observation. Also, it’s likely that changes may occur in a more intense way at your typical Points of Engagement. The places where you tend to focus your attention and activity.

I’m feeling a sense of quiet awe and gratitude.


It’s refreshing to see someone actually giving a straight answer about how much they make. People tend to be very secretive about the topic.

Of course, it’s a private piece of info, but I never considered it a big deal to share it.


So… no more Billions?


I’ll still go for that. Baby Palpatine steps


What a beautiful Magic @Fire @SaintSovereign

This is it
The Pinnacle
The Mountain Top
The Nirvana

I did yesterday the first loop of chosen.
Smooth and powerfull stateshift after 3 seconds into the loop.

Left my apartment and startet to pull me out of every internal misery I had at the moment and the buried ones.

Screamed (internally) in the train because I had no more room for weakness in my life so i pushed it out my system.

Encouraged myself successfully and easy as if it is the most natural and easyst thing to do, trough my deepest insecureties.

I gave consolation to myself until I didn’t need anymore

I lifted myself up with imense power

Startet to trust myself and my mind that it will provide solutions - and it did :grin:

Gentle warm and loving energy towards myself that encourages me.

And then I smoked weed to test what’s going on inside myself.

That was a solid stone :grin:
At one point I go a little scared because I asked myself if I am schizophren because my state felt so Natural and New but I came very quickly to the conclusion that this state is a part of myself and nothing indicates to a personality split.

And so much more.

All I can say is WOW WOW WOW

All the best to your Company and a lot of Success



Awesome, thanks for your perspective. I haven’t read much about other “Chosen” users yet.
This confirms my experience a lot. Thank you :slight_smile:

Do you have a journal for ZP testing?

Mine is here:


That is very interesting. In my case however, productivity is a limiting factor because even though I can inspire some people reasonably well, it all gets messed up when folders are piling up on my desk (electronically) unsigned and awaiting my action. My aim is to take the whole leadership thing to another level but part of it is being productive with what is in my court. For example, I had an appraisal with a team member and had a fantastic discussion which overran but I feel like it made things much clearer. Now I need to do my final write-up and I don’t seem to find the time to do it and capitalise on that conversation.
Is there enough in Chosen to help synergise productivity and interpersonal aspects or does another sub need to come in (other two slots already taken :fearful:) to raise productivity?

My stack is:

Dragon Blood (Dragon Reborn, Stage 2)
REBUILD (My Paragon Complete Ultima Custom)

Yesterday I experienced a significant step forward of progress in clarifiying my life path. It’s a bit hard to describe, but I just saw connections that I had not seen before. Then, as usual, all of a sudden I remembered, “That’s right. My stack.”

I also have a very specific physical problem that just arose.

During my fast last week, I used walking to help me to cope. And I ended up walking A LOT, as in about 65 miles. Not sure if that’s what caused it, but I ended up with a knee joint effusion, what’s called ‘Water on the Knee’.

I played 2 loops of Paragon and by today I noticed a significant reduction and improvement.

Okay, that’s it for now.


Why don’t you use Executive in combination with CHOSEN? It targets mainly productivity and should be a great fit

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I RAN RICH and CHOSEN together yesterday. I slept for the first time actually really well last night. I am still pretty groggy today like I took a sleeping pill.


I don’t have Chosen yet but it has been a few days since I ran ALZP and the way I feel and how people respond to me is unreal. I am not an anxious mess. I just figure if something happens it’s way easier to stay calm instead of panicking or freaking out.
Even my cat is being more affectionate and talkative to me


It will be very precious for to try Chosen and compare it to ALZP…

Damn you affecting that [Mod Edit: let’s not use that word], you sure you not running wanted? :smirk:

So far I’ve only run CHOSEN and Limitless ZP, with RICH ZP incoming tomorrow.

Yesterday and today, I noticed some limiting beliefs and negative thoughts around a hard conversation I had to have and it felt like they were someone else’s. Like they didn’t make sense to even have.

And there’s a growing urge to delegate more things to other people…something I’ve put off for a long time now because trust issues, but now, I’m having a hard time justifying why I shouldn’t. Another old belief that doesn’t make too much sense to me any more.


Three Subs limit is the issue.

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I ran CHOSEN yesterday morning, but I wanted to give it time before sharing my experience.

While I ran it and shortly after I felt extremely calmed and focused. I didn’t notice much else at that time but as the day progressed I found myself feeling fantastic. Better than I’ve felt in months.

It is as if a veil of negativity has been lifted and it unleashed this trapped energy in me that now I can use to solve problems instead of mulling over them.

I found myself full of positivity and extreme confidence. I’m much more engaged in everything I do and give my opinion freely without second guessing what I’m saying or wondering whether it’d be a popular opinion or not.

When facing disappointing news, something in me refuses to feel sorry for myself. For instance, yesterday I was told that I was no longer considered for a job I had applied to. Whereas before I would get these feelings of “no one appreciates me or wants me”, yesterday I was completely ok with it. ZERO. FUCKS. GIVEN. Not because I didn’t want the job, but because my ego is absolutely unaffected by this. I feel there are unlimited opportunities out there, so it’s no big deal that this one didn’t pan out.

When it comes to leadership, I just love the “flavor” of leadership qualities that CHOSEN promotes. Compared with Emperor, which made me feel extremely powerful and intense, this one strikes the right balance of going aggressively after my goals while still being approachable. It’s like I’m leading from the back instead of the front. I never feel like I’m pushing people away because of my intensity and high expectations, which is something that I experienced with Emperor.

Finally, the humor and people skills. I’m constantly coming up with witty remarks that come out of nowhere. Normally I would have trouble coming up with something interesting to say until it was too late, but now I reply without having time to think and the right comment comes out of my mouth. This may be related to not second guessing myself. Now, the interaction flows much better and I keep people engaged and smiling because they are enjoying our conversation. I used to have trouble with this, especially with everyone outside of close friends and family. Now I feel I can talk to anyone with the same confidence and engagement I have with my friends. This is such a relief! I didn’t know the stent to which this was a problem until now.

Overall, I’m ecstatic and super excited about these results. I don’t know what sort of black magic you used here, but this is light years ahead of anything I’ve tried before.

Thank you @SaintSovereign, @Fire, support team, and all the testers for this incredible product. Hats off to all of you!


When Executive / Limitless Executive is converted, start with that instead of Chosen, then switch to the latter once your productivity has been increased. Stack rotation article is coming soon, but I’m just waiting a bit to see what the customer’s initial responses to ZP are first.


Sometimes it feels really weird to be calm while other people are freaking out


Now you know how Clint Eastwood feels.



With Chosen I feel that I now understand why and how sacrifice is important