Main Disc. Thread - Chosen From Within ZP v2 (Official Release, Q Core Available)

I would still recommend using caution adding strong healing titles to customs, unless you handle those healing periods well. I do not, so I run healing on the side.

@Fire has written an incredible amount of content that we’ll be releasing soon which will help everyone made the best decision for them in regards to running subs and building customs.


Reflections of Chosen From Within Zp V2

Initial thoughts and experiences from 1 loop

Felt like Chosen but near the end of the track I noticed a deep sense of urgency and reflection of people that have gotten in my way and how it has effected my life.

It felt gentle and smooth :relieved: a sigh of relief 😮‍💨

Went to sleep after about an hour of my loop, guess my brain needed to integrate the script.

Feeling peaceful and a deep sense of inner confidence as oppose to Chosen Zp V2 ( Outer Confidence :sunglasses::+1:)

Also introverted but very aware of my surroundings and the people in it. Very intriguing :thinking:

Not to worried about what or what isn’t going to happen… feeling content in this moment. Feels like a perfect subliminal for and introverted leader type.

Sigma Vibes

Feelings of HOPE washing over me like water :ocean::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Bits of Khan coming through, but I can identify the difference now between the scripts :ok_hand:

Music :musical_note: Feels good :blush:

Laughing :laughing:

Rising like the Sun :sun_with_face::grin:

Confidence building but a little resistance to someone who doesn’t want me to be a leader(Jealousy on his part)

Ok I felt my heart :heart: push out that feeling of that person :thinking:

Visions of looking into a pond… immediately received a message “ Im Here To Serve”

Heart releasing like a pressure valve :heart: :sweat_drops:

Watching the Sunset go down in deep inspirational thought and feeling :heart::pleading_face::star_struck::heart_eyes:

Dang that hits different :ok_hand::grin: That Rebirth / Limit Destroyer is a fine touch guys :ok_hand::heart:

It feels like smooth pressure washing :+1: that’s brilliant :star_struck:

After rolling off a cycle of Khan St1, this is exactly what I needed :crazy_face::heart:

It’s like a KhanSt1 :love_you_gesture::heart: Just different

Hmmm :thinking:
The level of BLISS on Chosen is WAY more intense CFW…IMO

But then again it’s a healing sub :ok_hand:

I love :heart: Chosen, So I’m going to stick to my stack :heart::ok_hand::sunglasses:


Can you in particular talk about how to distinguish dropping and picking up a sub due to recon and due to inspiration by zero point/self realization.

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In 5 days i am at home and i have a stack prepared that scares me a bit.

Dragon Reborn st 1
Chosen from Within
Alchemist st 1

No Fire no Dragón

Lets go


Hallo Friend

How is this combo for you?
How long are you with this stack?

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Very positive for some reason :thinking: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: CWON gives some extra to the table for sure. I live in nature on the country side at the moment, so I can walk barefoot, sunbathe, chop wood and make fires. You feel more connected and just more in sync with nature, and you find yourself getting stuck in nice views of nature.

Yesterday the sun was going down on one side and leaving a big orange halo over the hill sides, and 180 degrees to the other side from my vantage point, the full moon (almost) was going up creating a really stunning sight.

Hehe, just done with my cycle, so CWON is being rotated out for now because of other priorities. But it will be rotated back in the furture for sure.


Any thoughts on stacking Chosen From Within with Khan st. 1? Sales page advises not to stack Chosen From Within with with other strong healing tittles but also mentions that it stack well with alpha tittles.

I’m working towards a summer stack consisting of Khan st. 3 + Wanted + Chosen, and I’m considering doing Chosen From Within for a few rounds before adding Chosen.

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Khan st 1 is more of a healing stage than an alpha programming one. I’m not even sure there is any alpha programming in Khan st 1. If I were you, I would treat Khan st 1 as a full fledged healing sub.

I got CFW the other day and thought I would give it a go so listened to one loop. I had just finished a wash out of one cycle of Regeneration and Elixir.

I felt better after my first listen, yet that night while sleeping my mind was like spinning around.

Next day in the afternoon quite a bit of fatigue came on, and my eyes began to burn or sting. Also got sore Archille’s heels, which used to be an issue when I was a child, but not since then. It is strange that I had this flare up again.

So, what I’m asking here is does it sound like reconciliation or overload? I had previously tried the experimental version and had similar side effects.

It seems this one hits me hard as I have never experienced close to this from other subs.

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@Starman : It looks like you’re releasing things that you were not aware of.

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I did my first loop of Chosen from Within today.
During the loop I builded a custom with it.






Might trace to jump on this one over the free experimental version that cane with Chosen. :ok_hand:

I’ve decided to pick this one up to run next cycle. After 4 months of a stack I feel like it’s time for a healing cycle to clear things out. Then I’ll get back on my normal stack. This will probably be what I rotate in every couple of cycles just to keep things moving and progressing. Being that I’ll run this in march so I can potentially supercharge my main stack results heading into the summer. Heck maybe I should run it for 2 cycles to be sure. Currently have Survival Instinct in my stack but I’m finally getting that urge to change it out or take a break, but that is just a signal of a potential breakthrough when you keep at it.

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@SaintSovereign : Any news about this?


I did not buy the new CFW, I still have this one from Chosen’s time

If I want the new CFW, do I have to buy the new title or is this in my downloads the same?

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For the official CFW zp2 we have to buy it as it is now a separate product from Chosen OG.


Would you please enter a support ticket to get a definitive answer?

I have both versions; the experimental and v2 I bought a couple of days ago. They’re two different products as v2 got rewritten and upgraded.

Both files’ names:


As others have said, it’s a completely different stand alone product. No longer an experimental and has different scripting/more added to it based off the sales page.

Hope this helps.


I’m on board after my 5 day washout. Just purchased my copy. :grinning: