Main Disc. Thread - Ascension Chamber ZP: Tips, Tricks Strategies

It’s what I look like when I’ve got recon and I’m overexposed.


One thing I noticed since starting AsC is that there can be accidental manifestations based on what you say out loud.

What do I mean?

Lemme give you all an example of something that happened;
So I was supposedly starting work on Monday, however, I wanted to keep it a surprise for my friends, so I told them that I was starting on Tuesday instead. Later on, on Sunday, I got an email from my boss telling me that I’m actually starting on Tuesday instead (even though they confirmed last week about Monday, before I “lied” to my friends).

Moral of the story?
Be aware of your own intentions, especially the innocent, you might manifest something that could cause some inconvenience to you.

Or maybe it’s just one of those Invictus moments :stuck_out_tongue:


Well I do agree here, I sometimes receive manifestations within seconds even because I was thinking about something.

Yesterday I was watching a crypto video and thinking that I need to get started on TaxBit for filing taxes, but I don’t know how it works yet. Five seconds later the video guy announces that the sponsor for the day’s video is TaxBit and the last part of the video focuses on the platform and what it offers.


Yep, same here, strange manifestations happening. I have this game about stopping the rain. So I use my 14th or 15th chakra which I learned is our power over weather… I don’t stop there…I wanted to make it more fun and colorful so I started imagining a multitude of dancing buddhas . it’s even more precise… I imagine one buddha sitting in lotus on the floor activating his 14th or 15th chakra( which would be waaaay above his head and 2 Buddhas dancing around the sitting one… Like some weird kind of human atom with two electrons around him. And this pattern is happening all over the country in my mind.

You know, just for fun.


Would you recommend any sources for learning more about the chakras? I’ve heard of 7 chakra systems, but never 15.


Lsten I love digging, and when you dig you always come up with all sorts of contradictory information, which I find fun, just shows you there is not really something to know. Imagination is power. What I mean is. There are those that claim that we have 144.000 chakras, no less… I know, I know :slight_smile: then there are those (actually sometimes it’s the same guys who tells you you should erase all your chakra because they’re some kind of trap of the higher powers, or that you should only have one chakra and it should… you get the gist, that’s why my dancing Buddha’s are filled with smiles. Now to activate the 14th or 15th chakra. you sit down and you imagine feeling or seeing , whatever your “visualisation motor” of choice is high above your head, I kind of feel it in the skies close to the clouds, and I “tell” it to have blue skies and better weather. and then you know for the inner smile I made up all those buddhas and added some kind of fun “scientific” touch to it. But you know if you’re more into unicorns or angels or even incredible tesla machines, that should work too.

I have that song that goes like this: The more you understand, the less you’ll understand x2
understood? (pause)
Stood there in the middle of nothing.

( god knows If with my songs I’m kind of inspired by the subs unknowingly… this only our fiery saints can tell :slight_smile:




Interesting. Thank you.


It’s not ignorance is bliss… it’s the other way around, Bliss is the acceptance of ignorance… Mouahahaha…
Man this ascension chamber is a great thing!
Ok, I’m feeling happy for the moment.


I mean…he asked for resources about it…and you didn’t really tell him that lol.


Oh, I see… now it’s from that guy that teaches his own blend of manifestation, but I don’t know if I can point to another service on this forum. One of the meditations he had was about this chakra for weather changing.


I honestly don’t even get into all that stuff. I can manifest without chakras, so I just leave all that alone.


whatever works is fine. Like I said, If you’re a scientist and you need a machine for your beliefs to act on reality, or if you’re Zen and it’s a straight line between your thoughts and manifestation. All the “explanations” of how it should work are futile. It’s a multiple choice thing and the answer is always all of the above. (very inspired this evening)


Where are the 14th and 15th chakras? I know of the 8th.I meditate above the 7th.


So, the universe is big on free will. That means facts have a certain degree of malleability and truth is relative in literally every way.


What makes you think that?


guys help me out here…

there’s one girl which I liked a few months ago…I can’t get her because my game was very very weak…heck because of her I am learning game seduction pick up, etc

My heart really badly broke even I didn’t purpose her…she just removed me from IG…then I pursue her with different fake id’s & she responded well with my alpha nature but she liked the fake guy, not the real me

fast forward…I don’t know why daily 100s of time I am thinking that she is thinking about me…I don’t know why my mind is telling me this lie or is it true…

I just want to manifest her so that she can call me ,text me or whatever

So what steps should I do to manifest her in my life…I know I won’t take her…I just want to satisfy my ego or maybe I will take her…I just don’t know

I am approaching other girls…learning games, etc…but I just want her to contact me for once & all…I just want to be a wanted guy…

I don’t want to f*** any girl…I just want to become a wanted person with lots of fame & big social circle

So please explain to me how can I manifest her & other girls while listening to AC…

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Just approach MORE

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Honestly, i kinda feel like you already got rejected and to keep pursuing her with a fake ID is a real waste of time. Its way better to find some other girls to pursue that are actually interested in you. You cant get everyone to be interested in you, nobody can. Sometimes you just gotta take the L.

Also, big social circle, wanted by girls + fame? You need to get on stark + WANTED if you arent already.