Main Disc. Thread - Ascended Mogul ZP

what do you mean by EQ?

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EQ = Emotional Intelligence
I don’t feel like I’m in my head like Stark or Limitless.
For me it feels right. :heart:🫀:prince:


Yes, Stark puts us a little bit in our head, but I’ve also noticed it increases emotional sensitivity towards others.

Did Ascension, Chosen, or Godlike Masculinity, when combined with Stark, ground you back into your body?

Stark to me has EQ, but I was clouded in too many ideas.
Love Stark​:heart: but I have to go with Chosen :prince:

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Ascension for me felt grounded with stark when I tested it. If I was to go back to Stark I would stack it with Legacy, only because of the mind body connection script in legacy.

GLM is pretty intense, I feel like that would remove the grace and ease of Stark. Not only that I know they added more Ascension scripting into Stark Zp, which it helped but it still felt too heady for me.


Any review for this subliminal?


Updated ZP version or any version?

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Any version, from the few ZP reviews I read this subliminal seems more work/wealth oriented than seduction oriented.


Ascended Mogul



This sub is all about getting the alpha foundations you need to get a handle of your financial life, work up to a higher paying career, start a tech project that’s meant to make massive money, or build a business.

Are those in line with your goals, or are you looking for seduction subs?