Main Disc. Thread - A Love Bomb For Humanity (FREE Title!) (Nov. 2023 Updated with New Subliminal Experience!)

yeah so LOVELY to know that! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I was thinking too, have them both in custom in Terminus squared soon with added positivity modules.

Everything feels better when you are in LOVE… metaphorically and literally.

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on LBH I can think of the universal love supports you, make your life much better in general as if your life is frictionless.

And on Ascension it’s like you are on your own wanting to make your life better by your will, wit and brute strength. However, it is just you, standing on your own… that’s the way I see it. I may be biased as LBH is an easy ticket for me to happiness.


I am i fact thinking about a stack with 2 customs made combining Ascension, LBFH, GLM and PRimal
Something that would strengthen the confidence, self love (LBFH), status, alpha, (Ascension) masculinity (GLM) foundation with a sexual (primal) twist.

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gonna run this title starting next cycle with a faith to get a free custom from SubClub :grin:


I have stacked LBFH and GLM for one round and a half. Really good combo.

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It’s my second run ever of LBFH : straight to recon and soul crying. I am running a calming binaural track. But reading your results, it seems worthy for a full cycle.

Not sure about one of your results :grinning:

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That one was one of the 3 most horrific dreams I ever had involving someone I know getting killed or someone murdering another person. Two of those dreams happened while running LBFH and the very first one was when I was running an Alpha Male sub from a competing company (years ago). In the very first one, I knew exactly what the dream meant because I knew what the sub was trying to do. The last two dreams on LBFH, I don’t have an explanation for (yet). But I know the sub touched something very deep. The only other sub that hit me that deep was Rebirth. I would wake up in the middle of the night with panic attacks and feel like running around the room. Rebirth also cleared a lot of mental/emotional trash. That was the very beginning of my Sub Club journey.

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The script for LBfH doesn’t even mention dreams or anything remotely related to the content of your dream.

That’s a unique response to the love and confidence scripting. Given that you had that same experience on the competitor’s subliminal too (and I’m pretty sure I know which one you’re talking about, a certain six stage title) I’m guessing the issue actually isn’t LBfH, but rather any hard hitting alpha title.

Every character in a dream is actually a representation of your own psyche, so why do you keep attacking yourself on the mental plane, why so violently, and what part of yourself are you attacking?

That’s the real question.


Yep! That competitor!!! I was never able to finish their six-stage sub even after 2 or 3 tries. :rofl:

I agree! Or maybe it is any effective subs period. Outside of that six-stage competitor, no other subs has given me any dreams outside of Sub Club.

@SaintSovereign , now that we’re talking about it, I also need to mention other instances of violent dreams running Sub Club titles.

  • Ascended Mogul: Ksub's Ascended Mogul Journal - #6 by ksub

  • EOG Stage 1 + Ascended Mogul : Ascended Mogul + EoG journal - #10 by ksub

  • And I also need to mention another dream I had when I started running Ascended Mogul for the first time years ago. One of my very first dreams with Ascended Mogul : I tried to rob a convenience store at gun point and ultimately left without the money. I never wrote about that dream here because there were a few other details that I prefer to keep to myself. I vividly remember walking home after the botched robbery, feeling ashamed of being broke.

I would love to have an answer to that question too!!! One thing is sure though, every time I had those violent dreams there has been a definite internal change. Ascended Mogul was the product that got rid lifelong deeply rooted anxiety issues I had. EOG 1 erased almost all of my fear of being broke and a big chunk of faulty money beliefs. LBFH + GLM (even though I only ran it for one and half round) did more for my self-love and self-esteem than any other product, including Emperor.
Why are those internal changes preceded by violent dreams? I have no idea!!! :man_shrugging:


It seems like these dreams are related to a deep seated sense of self-loathing and self-hate, hence why they’re triggered the most when running any title that’s strongly designed to counteract those feelings.

The violent dreams can serve as a release of deeply repressed anger / negative subconscious toward the society that instilled those negative feelings in the first place.


@SaintSovereign : I agree with this. Your subs are the only tools that manage to dig this deep into my psyche. I’ll be running them for a long time! Thank you for creating them. It’s more appreciated than you know!


@SaintSovereign I’m choosing between Rebirth and LBFH as the third title in my next cycles, the first two are Ascended Mogul and LE custom. What would you recommend? Or should I leave the third title for now until I build foundation?

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I think the self-healing of LBFH would help you build your foundation even faster. I had great results with Love Bomb…and LBFH is blowing even that out of the water, in terms of how fast subs express in me.


you think so? Isn’t healing something that requires some level of foundation?

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The foundation comes about FROM the healing. That’s the purpose of it. Like with Khan1/Total Breakdown…the existing foundation gets reduced to rubble…then a new one is put in with Khan2.

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yeah, I missed that point. Thank you.
When may I use Rebirth then? How to define a moment of this?

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I’m the wrong guy to ask that. I’m kinda off the reservation even more than usual this week with my sub usage, with the life situations I’m trying to resolve ASAP.

The Moderators or Forum Ambassadors would be better equipped to give you a safe answer.

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okay, will wait for Saint’s answer then.
If any moderator or the forum ambassador can help, please, feel free to help me. :slight_smile:


Direct effects

Indirect effects

A certain man’s goal is to build a stronger back and arms. He does 10 pull-ups a day, 3x a week, After 6 weeks, he has developed stronger trapezius muscles and biceps. The pull-ups directly stimulated those muscles.

Another certain man doesn’t care about muscles. He is into photography, music, and playing boardgames. He builds a treehouse with solitude and a beautiful landscape view for taking pictures.
He has limited materials and so for the entrance to the treehouse, he installs a simple, single rope that he climbs 15 feet up and down every time he enters or leaves the treehouse. After 6 weeks of spending time at his tree house, he also has developed a strong back and arms. Climbing the rope stimulates his trapezius and biceps muscles.

In the first case, building strong traps and biceps was the direct goal. In the second case, it was not the goal and was simply an indirect, pleasant side-effect of the second man’s goal: enjoying solitude, taking great pictures, etc.

Rebirth is directly and surgically focused on creating a shift to allow specific changes that you want.

Love Bomb for Humanity has a much broader focus but will also enable a similar shift.

Use Rebirth when all you want is that shift and nothing else. It will focus in on the areas covered by your other subliminals (and covered by your goals and priorities).

Use Love Bomb for Humanity when you desire a broader overall transformation in self-care, self-love, and in care and love for others.

Short Answer: Both will work great. Try one. Try the other. Or try one for 3 weeks and the other one for three weeks.

Whichever one you love the most, you can stick with that one.

But they’ll both enhance your other programs.


Uff that just opened up my eyes.

I had a lot of dreams recently with the infamous Andrew Tate. And I was like, why the HELL am I having this guy in my dreams when he is SO against everything I stand.

Now I read your lines and it occurred to me. He is the lesson. He is the dark side within me. Letting go of that childish relationship to sex and women he portrays which is WITHIN ME.


Thanks, Saint!