Main Disc. Thread - A Love Bomb For Humanity (FREE Title!) (Nov. 2023 Updated with New Subliminal Experience!)

Oo ooo ooo… let’s talk about love :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Mind sharing that podcast ?

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So @friday is taking a hiatus from the forum, but in the mean time, he passed this to me to post, so dear Friday fans, enjoy the read :stuck_out_tongue:


Seriously this!!! I’m starting my new journal soon and this is something that I have known for a while, it is not even fair. And also the aura one can create through love has the potential to be huge.


Thanks for posting that. LBFH is a really great creation. It mixes well with a lot of majors. I like it now with True Sell. Great for socializing, communicating, and overall presence.


I would run this title more but I struggle so much with how love can be the answer to everything like a lot of people say. That and I don’t understand how being vulnerable can be a strength. Isn’t that just setting yourself up for disappointment or to be taken advantage of?

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I think it’s less about being “vulnerable” and becoming more “flexible” in your responses to people and situations.

The more flexible you are, the less likely you are to be bent/broken by people and situations.

Check out the “Law of Requisite Variety” from Cybernetics. NLP makes great use of that one.


This same fear is the reason why it took me so long to create a title like this. Then, I decided to take a leap of faith and give it a try. Thus, I applaud you for looking beyond your biases and going for it in such a bold way (because it could’ve backfired in a group setting like that).

@James – Take a look at the copy again. This title features A LOT of scripting about loving YOURSELF, hence where the alpha-like effects are coming from. If you love yourself, you won’t allow people to take advantage of you. Everyone’s so overly focused on the part about sharing love that they miss the fact that 80% of the copy is about growing one’s own sense of self-love and confidence. Here’s a few relevant parts from the copy:

  • A Love Bomb For Humanity attempts to achieve one mission: To instill an incredible sense of self-love within every fiber of your being, and then energetically radiate that love out to everyone you encounter.

  • The healing scripting in Love Bomb For Humanity takes a drastically different approach than other titles — this time, the catalyst for change is solely “love flooding,” in which the script encourages you to flood your emotions with a profound sense of self-love, self-care and self-nurturing, allowing you to heal past emotional traumas with the most powerful restorative force in existence. It uses a gentle, yet highly effective approach, reminding your subconscious that healing takes time and most of all — you have to love yourself before you can truly love others.

  • In other words, love starts with yourself and radiates outward, and if you aren’t truly in love with who you are and aware of what you can become, true love may always elude you. That’s why Love Bomb For Humanity contains the most self-love, self-appreciation and self-care scripting than any other major title at Subliminal Club.

Society conditions us to focus on our negative aspects and as a result, we slowly begin to hate who we are without even realizing it. Once you counteract that negative scripting, you get what @friday experienced.

From the copy:
When you laugh, the scripting encourages you to experience that laugh on a deeper level, one that can help you release tension, stress, past emotional traumas and other memories.

I’m guessing that there was something about that comment that triggered a spontaneous healing moment within you.


Actually I didn’t see that comment from @friday but I will reconsider this sub because feeling the way he did would be glorious

This could easily be why I am having such a difficult time with Ecstacy of Gold. I don’t feel like I deserve being wealthy or that it’s tied into my self love or lack thereof. That lack of self love could very well be the reason I have a hard time making friends or opening up to people.


Did you run Ascension + LBFH?
Wondering if Ascension+LBFH+GLM is a thing…


I’m not sure about “worthy” on my part. My issue around wealth is more that I just can’t yet envision myself as being wealthy. No reference experiences on which to base my imagining of the future.

Like I’d LOCE the time freedom that (I think) comes with having tons of passive income streams requiring little work to keep going

I just can’t yet actually see myself as being that person. Ernest Holmes calls that “mental equivalents”


I’m guessing you meant to say " Love" ?

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Haha yep

I feel that being able to laugh at the absurdity of life instead of allowing it to get to me would be highly beneficial.
@SaintSovereign Do I start slow ? Five minute Loops?

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Now, ask yourself where that false belief originated. I don’t know how you all feel, but when I look at the “elites” who parade around as saviors, I strongly question what makes them think they are inherently more deserving of a better life than the rest of us. Especially as I look at the turmoil in the world today, the false divisions forced upon us to make us hate each other. You deserve a good life just like everyone else.


Yes. Slow is always good with healing subs.


@SaintSovereign is there any merit in running this with Sanguine? I am trying to stop allowing things that are outside of my control to get to me

I’m JUST starting to run LBFH alongside a custom that uses Ascension + Limitless Executive as the two cores. Only a day in, so don’t really have any feedback yet. I’ll likely create a new journal soon based on this journey.

Ascension+LBFH+GLM would probably be next level…


I’m enjoying the combo. I’m also on DR st 4 so that combo has been quite healing for me. I’m actually planning to make a custom with LBFH and Sanguine because I’d like to keep those two in the mix permanently.


You used the word “fear” there and this is the key I realized late.

I was just afraid of being used and abused when I focus on love. This is why I kept the “old ways” that are pushed everywhere of control and manipulation. Which makes for all these superficial relationships we see everywhere (not just romantic btw).

Both of you took a leap of faith, so did I, and we see the great result, don’t we?

Btw I am not trying to convert anyone, just wanted to explain that going with love fully means abandoning all fear by potentially opening up yourself to exploitation. But LBFH covers this greatly with the immense self-love. Even if someone tries to exploit you, you just cut them out, but you’re not mad about it because you see how they’re are prolly just hurt themselves, hence why they do it.

So it actually makes you A LOT stronger. I said before, LBFH is the most alpha title there is because you won’t take shit. But it’s in a good way of understanding and just moving on, other than becoming vicious and brooding over it.

Look, if you are into cosplay and dress-up sexually, you need to be VULNERABLE to tell your wife that this is your kink.
You need to be STRONG enough to take the potential embarrassment if she laughs at you or doesn’t like it.
The strongest men are VULNERABLE. This doesnt mean crying (although you can if you want), but by being FULLY and TRULY THEMSELVES. You’re not putting on a mask for others to like you, you are YOURSELF with ALL your flaws. Not everyone likes this, but THIS is true strength.

Took me a looooong while to realize this lol

It’s basically shadow work. We put on this persona (mask) so other people like us, but in the process we become more miserable because we’re not ourselves.