Main Disc. Thread - A Love Bomb For Humanity Experimental ZP

I can confirm there is productivity with LBH Exp.

Ran it for a total of 3 loops.
day 1, 15min
day 2 ,15min
day 3, rest
day 4, 15min

For me. no noticeable recon or very minimal as I have been using LBH for almost 3 months now.


Still having several inquiries from new and old customers. My mood is as cheerful as it was ever since I started LBH.

With the LBH Exp’ oomph there is a result of productivity, which is really helpful.

Thank you SubClub!


I’ve only listened to the experimental one time so far. But I’ve been practicing my sending love muscle. If I see a pretty lady as I’m going about my day I might practice sending her love just for fun. But I’m not attached and forget about it quite quickly. So I like that, maybe love without attachment module or scripting is in here. :smiley:


I really enjoyed this cycle of LBFH. I’ll be letting it go for now but I was genuinely able to see the effect it had on people around me, both people I know and strangers. People enjoy your presence more on this sub, and that brought a nice balance to my stack considering that I was running Emperor as well.


Yesterday, I ran a 15 minute loop for the second time. Today is rest day. I’m feeling like this sub is forcefully trying to rewrite something in my brain and my nervous system. it’s almost like it has a grip on my brain and won’t let go. I sleep a lot too.

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Impressions: This new build works to make changes occur more quickly.

I ran just one loop of LBFH Exp on Friday. Several hours passed before I ran Daredevil ZP. I felt heavy internal processing for several hours after LBFH.

Outcomes over the next two days:

  • Had a hangout at my place. One person came over and told me I look really good. “How do you keep looking better each time I see you?!?” Multiple compliments in event based on my outfits.
    • Later in the event we connect more and it turns out we have quite a lot in common and now I think this guy has the potential to become a good friend. He says we ought to keep in touch.
    • Everyone paid attention to me and what I had to say about my recent long adventure away from home. People cared about my opinions.
  • My good friend whose birthday it was felt deeply impacted by the letter I wrote for him, as well as the gift I had.
    • This person has also sensed a change within myself. That sense of calm and peace I have had since returning from abroad (that I also suspect got boosted a bit since Thursday evening).

My opinion is that LBFH Exp boosted other parts of my stack and worked on top of the internal changes I’ve had from recent experiences.

Overall verdict: The experimental ZP looks very promising to me for what it can deliver once it’s a finalized build. I’d like to see what it can do when it makes its way into my main stack (currently features a custom, DD, PCC and a weekly run of Paragon Sleep). If there’s another experimental title for me to try, it would be Libertine sometime next month—there’s a particular situation I think it can help me out with there.


I finally got to listen to my loop of Dragon Reborn st 4 after my first listen to lbfh experimental. It seems to act like a booster I’m thinking. I’ve been really tired haven’t been getting my normal amount of sleep these past 4-5 days. Normally that comes with it tons of anxiety and I definitely had some. But it seems like it made DR more effective in that I felt lighter after listening and just didn’t get as much anxiety as I would’ve expected. I felt tired but definitely lighter and the anxiety was definitely diminished. Like I had a backdrop of just feeling good and so the anxiety wasn’t able to take over and ruin my whole day.


Same experience when I ran stage 3 with LBHX, total boost. Deeper experience. It’s crazy how much this week has changed me since the experimental dropped.


Ran original LBH 3min, LBH Exp 15min, and Wanted Exp 10min, altogether, back to back, and i can’t stop cracking up when watching simple things on youtube, I found humor in everything! :partying_face:


My plan was to run only experimentals next cycle but now I’m really thinking I need to stick with Dragon Reborn because it’s almost like it’s been unlocked for some reason.


The Power of Love

I have moments where old sub I ran start to shine because the power of love fuels everything that goes into a positive direction

The more love you have the better everything works


The power of love is a curious thing.

It can make one man weep and another man sing.


Exactly the word I used. DR is evolving within us rapidly since this experimental hit. I wish it had come out earlier. Crazy good combo.


Yea I just saw one of your posts and that was like 5 days ago where you used the same word and said the same thing. lol. Crazy stuff.


As a user of this combo I can confirm this.


I can’t speak for a LBFH combo with DR but it literally boosts any sub I have had in my stack. Especially Wanted and Emperor.


Been having reconciliation on this, as in reconciliation meaning internal changes happening, certain things resolving, but it has not caused unpleasant emotions if anything it is a peaceful and user-friendly process, it feels very comfortable yet effective.

It barely even feels like reconciliation.

I see reconciliation as the factor of change, internal change that has to express externally overtime.

Some forms of reconciliation had me in a space, where I felt like grieving, something you’d normally feel at a funeral, when someone you care for dies. But these programs can manifest internal feelings which is exclusive from some physical event that has happened — which I often find the most difficult, is the notion that you cannot support on others in the process because people are not familiar with the experience of subliminal reconciliation and you it’s hard to define what you are experiencing while having nothing external to relate it to.

Like someone grieving can explain his best friend that his aunt diet after attending the funeral and find comfort with someone else, lending on that other person and his / her personal (emotional) space to recover emotionally.

Felt like sharing this.

I’m sure others here can relate. Having tremendously harsh reconciliation, others around you noticing and empathising with your mood but you have no explicable reason that would make sense for them to understand what you are going through.

Often you yourself have not even a clue of what is triggering the mood, which can often consist of a multitude of discomforting emotions.

Caused by the changes of beliefs, deeply buried in your subconscious that you are mostly unaware / unconscious of. And while there may be ways to gap the distance and take a peek within it often is unnecessary for with time all will come to pass and you find a new, yet unknown version of yourself surfacing.


Life on LBFH EXP



That was a beautifully written, profound and yet factual description of reconciliation.


I’m interested in making an experimental custom w/ LBFH and Ultimate Artist as the cores. How light or heavy is Ultimate Artist compared to LBFH?

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