Main Dev. Thread - Zero Point: The Game

It begins. We’ve come up with the basic concept, solid story outline, etc. Development will be somewhat slow, given the breakthroughs in Zero Point. But, might as well start some hype. :wink:



Oh. I thought the game was a passion project unrelated to subliminals. This is interesting. And a mystery too.


Did I miss something? What is this about?

What I know is that Saint did talk on his thread about making a game. I thought it was something unrelated to subliminals but now here we are.

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That is interesting.

I swore before I saw screenshots of UE4.

Using pure C# or using the visual script?

(I was a game developer.)


Is this a game related to personal development?
Is this game help in reprogramming subconscious mind ?
Is this game helping in directing the attention lenses of one’s consciousness?
I am intrigued :nerd_face::smiley:


SC’s about to release an idle clicker with subliminal audio in the background to trap players into an infinite loop of constant clicking, ads and pay-to-win microtransactions. You bastards.

Where do I sign up?


Dammit I lost the game


Both. Please PM me, if you don’t mind me picking your brain. :wink:




That looks like Unity :wink:

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I know, but I swear on his journal he had UE4 or I was tripping.


Considering how we define Zero Point as reality flowing through you, I’m shocked that people think it can’t be a passion project if it’s related to subliminals.

The thing is, my art reflects my mindset and my life. When you play this game, you’re actually getting insight into who I am. And right now, I am a subliminal producer who is using them to grow his spirituality. Thus, my art will reflect that.

I’m not making a blatant cheap brand tie-in (like the disastrous ET on Atari 2600). I’m creating something that ties in with everything about me, including Zero Point.

Also, I’ve been working on this concept for years. I already wrote a story outline, produced music (the stuff I was posting about two years ago), and more. I was originally going put it out in a drastically different form — a music album merged with subliminals — but I felt like that would be treated like another subliminal title rather than a unique way to connect with people and potentially help others heal.

I’m going to be pretty open during development, as I hope it’ll inspire others to create their own art without expectation of profit (which ironically usually leads to profit), so I’ll say this:

It’s a trippy, mind bending story with simple but strategic gameplay. Think Cloud Atlas meets TENET.


Is the ET game the one they supposedly ended up burying all known copies out of shame?

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And dumping them in a random landfill, lol.


Honestly, I wish I were joking, but this is how many of my old personal projects were when developing games. It always reflects the time in my life when I was living.

Most of my old projects seem so immature when I compare them to my other projects, but that’s the process; as you change, so do your projects.

The thing I would learn from this is that you can treat your project however you feel and want, but not everyone will treat it the same way you would. You can present it as your life story and experiences, but someone else might think of it as just a run-of-the-mill game.

However, when you find the ones who notice why you’ve made this, you’ll feel something such as pleasure, joy, and pride because someone else has the experience to enjoy it the way you’ve created it and appreciate almost every detail you placed within it. Focus on those people.


Not sure why you deleted your post. I enjoyed it, would’ve loved to respond.

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I’ve put it back; feel free to respond.

just a habit of deleting stuff after I’ve posted.

It’s crazy how similar the engines look in the SDK installs. The URP is the dead giveaway though. Back when I was looking at developing a VR game I played around with it (Unity) a bit but the technology was still evolving at the time and the binding system was way too complex for my liking. Hopefully it’s improved since I was playing with it, I know there were major bugs with the hand tracking on the Quest 2 that I ran into for instance.


I’ve worked on projects that used HoloLens and Oculus, two of my least favourites. I was never going to touch those two again. The documents were difficult to understand. The inputs were so bad.

There is still.

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