Main Dev. Thread - Updates to Older Programs

Maybe it would make sense the other way around? (The Commander: GLM)

The Commander feels like a concept that could be the basis for e. g. a SM sub (for a dominant), a (dominant) Hypnotist, a CEO, GLM etc.

Don’t you find features like this in titles like Chosen, Stark or Daredevil?

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Cult leaders tend to be extremely polarizing figures. For general social skills, going that route is a miserable idea. Also, most cult leaders are anything but the teenage vision of a powerful uber-alpha. Keith Raniere? Jim Jones? Charles Manson? There are videos of these people. They are the kings of the suckers.



Being adored like a king for something you are not is a teenager dream.

It also reveals low self esteem and desperate need of approval from strangers


We will not be building any title that will allow an individual to create a cult. As you can see, both myself and @Fire maintains a certain distance from the community to prevent the company from becoming a cult of personality, where people are following us rather than the product.

It’s our philosophy that people should look within themselves to discover the truth rather than other people. If it’s charisma you want, there‘s plenty of options available. I’ll look at your roadmap submission however for any ideas that doesn’t go against our values.


All hail SaintSovereign!!! :pray: :pray: Our lord has spoken!!

Just make a custom.


This should be required viewing for everyone who wants to control other people:


Here are some more:

The Admiral
Creativity Unleashed
Aegis Initiative: covid-19
Phoenix Down
Into Distant Worlds
Social King (Thank you, @unusualfellow !)

Can anyone else remember any more of these older bonus programs?

Into Distant Worlds I thought was amazing!


I would like to ask a question about Legacy and Spartan. Do we happen to have an ETA on those two? As I would like to purchase a custom, my primary custom has those two along with Khan, and those two cores are getting an update. I would like to know if I should delay the purchase.

Kind regards.

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Who recognized the female speaker in this video :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:?

If you know, you know😎

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Rachel Starr?


You know it, :100:

Back to the topic :grin:

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Slight sidetrack, but are older modules also getting some extra love and attention?

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I respect and understand.
But I must some facts are inevitable. Even yourselves maintaining a framework and value system and emphasis on that can create that halo/cult-like effect on some individuals and that is never your fault or intention (this in no way means that you have any ill will). You just talk about your values. But certain beta individuals become your followers and it’s the nature.
From what I learned through the years, you guys give us the ability to “seduce” people which means they do bend to our will “willingly” and this does not have repercussions other than running the risk of getting seduced. And you don’t give us the tools to force anything unjustified, since it fires back and what is the point?

Trump’s slogan is make US great again, and maybe he has some doctrines and stuff in his cult. But if you see those doctrines of different cults. They all boil down to one concept which is the benefit of the nation, community or whatever.
Now trump can say with making America great again, Biden can say it with : talent-oriented government.
Even that is what political parties are.

It can also be equivalent of cultivating character and values, But also presenting them in the which Robert Greene said in his book, Vague and promising.l
Those doctrines are of no practical use without any real justice and usefulness of The commander to the people. But that should also be used.
Robert Greene tells a story about someone which senate wanted to elect for the rulership, but he started talking about how ordinary he is and how he is equal to everyone. And that speech shattered his image. And by this I don’t mean FORCING an image of you being a special guys and larger than life. I mean if people are giving you that because you used some laws of power. Then let’s do it.

There is no question of morality, it’s a question of backfiring and being safe in the reality you live. And I understand.
I hope I could convey my idea.
PS:Even those who give love and talk about love after sometime their community becomes cult-like. Since the leader is getting attention and ATTENTION is the base.
Andrew tate is getting enormous attention and he is f** weirdo and has no clear values. But people love him! So is it his fault? Nope.

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Tell me your suggested modules.

That’s exactly where I was going when I first called out @Alphamale on the cult mention. But at this point I’m past the stage where I want to debate people on topics like that. The ultimate decision will come to the Sub Club founders, which I doubt they will build anything like that.


Not necessarily, but assuming you are right, Khan is also like that.

As you said they are polarizing, and funny that those guys don’t even know you or care about your opinion of them and they had more power and attention than you(regardless of the fact that wether by cult-leader I meant them or some different people).

You see, seduction titles (of people in general, not women) such as PCC, Khan, PS and WANTED thrive on people’s survival instinct and insecurities. If someone is secure, disciplined…a Khan can NEVER get social power in that society. Since SC subs are not forcing since it backfires badly. And cult-followers are not there by force. And If some are, it backfires.

To those who mock others of seeking attention, are you okay?
If you don’t get attention you are literally NOTHING. WTH? If you don’t want attention why you came to SC?(other than spiritual members)
Then what is the point. I prefer to be the powerful, rich and famous guy. Rather than the invisible man. And that is my nature!

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@Alphamale : This is the last thing I’ll say on this topic then I’ll move on.
I can tell you’ve NEVER been exposed to a cult or to cult-leaders. If you had, you would actually think twice before even using that word. There are plenty of documentaries online. Do yourself a favor, educate yourself on the topic first, then you’ll see that cult-like leadership isn’t something to be desired by mentally healthy people. I’ll chalk up your opinion on the subject to a lack of knowledge and I mean no offense here.
Alright, I’m out of this cult conversation. Just thinking about it makes me want to take a shower.