Main Dev. Thread - Upcoming True Sell Upgrade

Given the large amount of individuals here who are in sales or want to enter this field, we’ve created a special roadmap entry just for it: True Sell Ideas | Subliminal Club

Please post your ideas there (or here, or both) to give us an idea of exactly what would help you. Please be practical. We cannot fulfill any ideas like “convince prospect to purchase a product regardless of their income.”


@Azriel @ouroboros @Extraordinaire @Vesper

Sales squad unite :fist::fist:


Things that are amazing about true sell and hopefully should remain or be further refined

  • The witt and humor
  • reading others and know what to say
  • deeply understand the psychology
  • social.goals success
  • persuasion
  • Easy convey your thoughts, emotions, moods, wants, goals, ideas, concepts and desires – and effortlessly understand the same from others
  • amazing negotiations
  • Achieve success through charisma, understanding, diplomacy and the ability to sell anything.

Basically all of it, and its super focused like Ascension and not that heavy too. I feel like with the NSE upgrades the titles become more heavy. There is tremendous value in light and focused

  • Extreme conviction, belief, and confidence in your self, your beliefs, and how you communicate.

  • Whatever the heck is in the sales elements of HOM to manifest the perfect clients and have them be warm, and open to influence.

  • Genuine curiosity, compassion, and interest into the prospects situation and solving their problems.

  • Carpe-Diem for sales. A genuine an authentic excitement to get up in the morning and start working, talking to prospects, following up, etc.

  • Increased listening ability, ability to retain more of what the prospect is saying, and understand them both conceptually, and understand the meaning and feelings of what they are communicating.

  • Cognitive enhancement and sharpness. There’s something about Limitless Executive that gives you a strong awarness to know where your at in the sale and able to project in the future, both also to be present and listen and respond accordingly to move the sale forward.

  • Confidence, non-challance, and relaxed feeling of WB. Always wished I could have the internal feelings of Wanted Black, but more geared towards a professional enviornment. Like that same level of confidence with women, but in selling situations. This would be the ideal “internal state” of sales.

  • Increased ability to link your products and services to being able to take your prospect from their current state to the desired state.

  • Resilience for sales, resistance to rejection, objection handling, etc

  • Cultivating an infectious positive mental attitude


@Lion Any chance you can add to the roadmap, it wasn’t letting me for some reason.

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Will do :+1:

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You can always combine True Sell and True Social and call it Social Selling. Got this on google:

“Social selling is a lead generation strategy designed to help salespeople directly interact with prospects through social platforms . The concept of social selling challenges the typical transaction experience between customers and companies, leading to more natural relationships with leads.”

Daredevil supercedes True Social in any case


So basically sanguine, daredevil and chosen, with some LE and HoM?

you can get this from a custom

Nawh lol, I mentioned aspects of those that work well for sales, for a title that is made for selling lol.

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Knowing online consumer psychology and behavior. Related to e-commerce, online sales. Trying to find more online platforms to sell your talent or product. Detachment from whether the sale happens or not.

But I think these might already be included in the original True Sell .

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might be worth considering approaching the upgrades through the lens of an actor.

vocal tonality, vocal pacing, pitch, memorizing scripts, body language all play a massive role in sales and actors seem to have these skills built into them at the highest levels through practice, would be super cool to be able to “pseudoRAIKOV” those skills and convert them into a sales setting.

@ouroboros and @Azriel have the highest success through sales on the forum so maybe consulting with them privately

  • persuassion in every form of communication possible: real life, audio, video, written, even persuassive graphics and presentations.

  • focus on marketing as well as sales. The above mentioned skill can be easily transferred into mastering any form of marketing you choose.


Well at least its obviously based upon experience :+1:

  • Establishing rapport as quickly as possible with prospective client so they fully trust us and open up to us about their deepest desires or motivations

  • Ability to elicit prospective clients deepest desires

  • Improved communication skills (ie using the most appropriate words, non-verbals that fully resonate with prospective clients) to persuade them that our services/products can and will fulfill their deepest desires

  • Improved communication skills to maximize the perceived value of our offerings

  • Inner Circle modified to attract Ideal Clientele

  • 100% conviction that we are selling our offerings of gold for the price of silver, and this is communicated to prospective clients both verbally and non-verbally

  • Dominance aspect of Primal modified to always be in control of the sales interaction


@AnswerGroup @SaintSovereign

There is a big distinction to be made… as you said “looking to get into this field”

True Sell as it currently applies is about being as persuasive as possible, in all contexts. “Selling” people on the idea of going to your favourite restaurant just as much as selling people the idea of a product.

Would True Sell be specifically for sales roles? Or how broad/narrow would it be?

This is important, for example, because then a “King’s Radiance” type scripting could be applied for follow ups. A bit of “Organization Perfected” can be used to enhance follow ups. Etc.

Could actually be extremely powerful because then scripting like Inner Corcle can help you attract clients, referrals, mentors, job opportunities, etc.

The important distinction is sales skills are very different than sales careers. The skills are necessary but not entirely sufficient



I got more clients like that when i ran LBFH. It will be great if TS can manifest that too.

Keeping energy up

Keeping optimism up

Keeping mood up

Avoiding boredom


Good points

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Good suggestions everyone, keep them coming.

Let’s do a little challenge. Summarize, in three sentences, what actually makes an excellent salesman?