Main Dev. Thread - Spartan: Apex Warrior and The Legacy

I experience these things most obviously during martial arts training. But they’re enhanced in other areas as well from what I can tell.

And there’s a stronger drive due to Spartan to exorcise the weak mentality that allowed me to become soft, literally and figuratively.

For example, while most everyone I talked to today gave me reasons why I shouldn’t start over from day 1 of this 75 day program I’m doing – because I unintentionally broke a rule – I instantly recognized the types of justifications and excuse making I’ve used in the past to let myself off the accountability hook – but those things weren’t even a consideration this time, regardless of what anyone said. In fact, it was an easy decision to start over this morning (after a healthy few minutes of cussing).

Iron will in full effect today.


Has anyone running Spartan noticed their mental faculties improve?

On the sales page it says “Your mental faculties will improve as your brain chemistry becomes perfectly balanced.”

I’d forgotten that bit was there and thought the mental clarity I’m having is solely due to not drinking for the past month and some change.


@Invictus @summit @ice @StateOfBeing + any others with experience running Spartan, would Spartan help with:

  1. Workout motivation and consistency
  2. Eating discipline - especially stress eating, overeating, and avoiding junk food
  3. Motivation for a great physique

Would it pair well with WANTED to create a great body?


This is my first time playing Spartan. I’m playing it with Wanted.

I didn’t run Spartan with Wanted, but it sounds like a stack that would fast track your physical improvements. And maybe tax your body harder than running either one individually, but idk.

Spartan helped me push hard during most workouts, and I think it also helped me recover faster. I wasn’t ever too sore to workout, even if I was a little tired from the day before.

I definitely experienced a boost in all three areas you mentioned. It’s a kick ass sub.

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Yes to all of the above. big time

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Hell yeah to all

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Thanks. I decided to buy Spartan this morning. I ran it and then did 90 minutes of inclined walking (5.5 miles). This after not working out for a month. I am now pounding a protein shake with 2 scoops of whey isolate.

Let’s go!


Thanks. So I have settled on a listening routine.

Cycle for 21 days

I figured it best to run Spartan and Wanted on different days.


I have a similar stack but instead of Chosen, I went with Limitless. Yesterday I have listened for the first time to a Spartan and today I was just more interested in fitness and calisthenics videos on youtube. Of course, I did my workout at home (we have a hard lockdown in my country and every gym is closed) but it was normal nothing unusual.

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Great stack, very interested to see how the physical power of Spartan combines with the physical shifting of Wanted.

I think you’re smart to do this based on what Saint was saying in the SpartanZP thread.

Thanks. I definitely read up on this before buying it.

And, I’m keen to follow the Spartan journals including yours.

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