Main Dev. Thread -- Regeneration and The Elixir

Just read the full post, if ZP instructs the listener to find the solution to their issues themselves rather than attempting to clean sweep all the fear, then there have been a few developments in that area of “manifesting outside help”.

I’ll continue with Regeneration ZP and see what happens. You definitely can’t lie to ZP.


What were your results, if any?

Apart from the shift and not all healing related :

  • Last minute work booking that took me to a different town for three days, free room fully comped
  • Kept completely calm on the job, when co workers are throwing wild tantrums
  • Felt extremely zen with the concept" you may not like me but I deserve to be here" (when Regen was stacked
    with Ascension).
  • Received a special commemdation at work for great customer service
  • Immediate relief with stress response sinus before it comes back after a few hours
  • a realisation that it’s going to take a make or break situation in order to grow as a healthy adult.