Main Dev. Thread - Alchemist

Not sure if these new age concepts work, but in such a vast universe nothing is certain.
So, open to try.


A little research will show that remote viewing is a successful technology employed by the US military for a variety of uses - Project Stargate.

There is also remote influencing, a specialism of the Russian operatives.
It is a technique worth learning and can deliver results to a totally unexpected level of detail.

More importantly, remote viewing proves beyond any doubt that our mind exists independent of our brain, outside of the limitations of time and space and can penetrate and retrieve information from any source, terrestrial or extraterrestrial.


I am sure this will be a really interesting program…the only problem is too many subliminals that I have right now…I dont know if I can fit it in my listening schedule…


I am keen to hear more about this astral travel. Would this product allow me to visit countries around the globe ?.


Is astral travel a way of travelling around without buying an air ticket?


Yes, you can definitely use it for that. If you stay on the material plane, you can go as small as freaking out the neighbor’s cat for a laugh to as large as traveling the stars. And anything in between.

If you want to travel to places here on Earth, study them first. Look at photos, read a travel guide and try and become familiar with the place where you want to go. It’s easier to go somewhere if you are familiar with the place, which is why practitioners can visit their loved ones easily enough but have difficulty visiting strangers.

And watch out for mirrors. :slight_smile:

I wonder what would be better to travel to other countries, remote viewing or astral projection. I suppose astral projection makes it easier to move around once you get there. Remote viewing on the other hand makes it easier to observe a location at other moments in time. Theoretically.


If I may ask, why?


What if someone uses astral travel to spy on other people ?.


Finally something to deal with my crush, muhahahahaahahahaha

Ps. It’s a joke, before anyone attacks me


Let’s see, how can I best answer without sparking people’s imagination in the wrong direction?

Once you’re projecting, a lot more becomes possible.

There’s a theory that you may have difficulty recognizing a mirror as such, and can step through it like a doorway. Which means you’re no longer in the place you intended to go. Whether the place on the other side of the mirror is real or imagined is debated among practitioners and scientists. Some say it’s not possible to step through a mirror at all.

It won’t matter if it happens. You are tethered to you physical body and will always find your way back. You’d simply have to try again. It’s just annoying if you can’t trust what you see because there’s a possibility that you imagined it.

I’ve never had the experience, but I’ve read books by those that have.

Although theoretically possible, psychic abilities tend to be self-regulating. When you project, your priorities shift and you’ll likely stop feeling a desire to spy at all. So your destination changes to something with a better purpose.

Second, astral projection requires direction. You need to be already familiar with the place/person you are visiting. For non-directed travel, you need a lot more experience to succeed.

Considering that both the rvX and apX modules will be accompanied by manuals written by experts on the topic. I’m certain any gotchas will be handled. This is one case where I consider reading the manual an absolutely essential activity.


Very interesting. Everyday with all that I’m learning I am one step closer to becoming Dr Strange lol.


Dr Strange is actually not such a bad example. The lines are a bit blurry though.

The definition of astral projection as used here and in most places is projecting the astral aspect of the etheric body to another place. Essentially the same thing that happens with an Out of Body experience. The biggest difference would be that an OoB hands over the controls when right next to your physical body, while astral projection does so at your destination. So technically, the hospital scene in Dr Strange would be considered OoB.

By the way, it is supposedly possible to talk to other astral travelers, provided you have agreed on a meeting place and time, so you are expecting one another.

I think it’s time for me to dig up Monroe’s books on the topics again.

Just a note to people thinking this is waaaaaay out there:

Please keep in mind that we’re talking about the experimental modules in the program here. The 4-stage core program itself deals with far more commonly accepted practices that help increase the communication between the body and mind, and between the conscious and subconscious minds. And should you believe in a higher intelligence, the program will help you clear all the clutter and enable you to listen better to its message. And in doing so, discover your purpose. At least, that’s how I understand it.


A two stage private rvX test is coming within the next few days. Stage 1 is not for the subliminal, but rather the proprietary system that accompanies it. Stage 2 will commence once Alchemist is released. Anyone who has purchased a title from us before can apply. We’re looking for those who are skeptical and those who believe remote viewing is possible.

I’ll post more details later. Finally getting to the theater to see Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.


Considering testers must have already bought a program from SubClub (and should be listening to one right now), are testers expected to listen to rvX exclusively (stopping any current program) or is some dedicated time a day sufficient?


But this is all in our imagination, right? When I visit, for example, Italy. It is just what I think out Italy or what I have seen. But it will never be Italy. Or do you want to sell me on the idea that I can actually travel to Italy for free ? :wink:
I am so confused by this all here in the journal. I find it super interesting though. Will see if I will find time later this year to research a bit more.


Okay… I’ll try, but you may be even more confused afterwards. :slight_smile:

Do you believe in the existence of a soul? If so, what do you think it is? A body of light? Energy?

The theory is that we are composed of a physical body (which exists on the material plane) and an etheric body (which itself consists of multiple energetic bodies, most notably the astral body). The etheric body is connected to the physical body by what is most often described as a silver cord, which keeps it anchored to the material plane while the physical body lives.

When you practice astral projection, your physical body rests, while your consciousness travels in your etheric body (or a temporary copy of it) to someplace else. So yes, if you were to travel to Italy, you would actually travel to the real Italy in real-time. For free.

Since the etheric body is not material, you wouldn’t be able to go on a shopping spree or seduce European girls, so in those cases you’d still have to buy the airplane ticket and go there physically. But you could go and watch the landmarks, including locations that are normally blocked by fences. In Italy, you could go and see the Coliseum for example. And if your physical body is healthy and well maintained and you are experienced enough, you could go and watch a full length opera or musical.

Upon returning to your physical body, the memories of your experiences get “downloaded” back into your physical body and you open your eyes.

This is actually another point of discussion among practitioners. Some claim that upon your return an incongruity takes place in your body. Your subconscious now has two sets of memories. One created by your journey and one created by the physical body that has been resting in silence. It can only keep a single set of memories for the same time period, so it must choose one. Usually it picks the most obvious one, which is supposedly why so many lucid dreamers don’t remember their lucid dream. This also leads these people to claim that our dreams actually take place on the astral plane, where we create a temporary dream bubble every night. And that there is a possibility that we have unintentionally practiced astral projection without remembering it.


I am curious…what will happen …if I astral travel to somewhere …say Italy…and some beautiful girl too astral travels there and we miraculously meet each other …is it possible for my etheric body to touch hers…can we interact the way like our physical body do ?


Since your etheric body doesn’t have 10 fingers, 10 toes or actually anything resembling a physical body at all, how do you know she’s beautiful? :slight_smile:

In the unlikely case that you not only come across another traveler but also recognize them as such, it would be possible to interact at some level. But it would be a higher vibrational level than what you would do physically.

What did you have in mind? :wink:


According to the consultant, with enough practice, you’d also be able to travel across time and space, so you’d be able to travel to Italy… 500 years ago, or even into a POTENTIAL future.


The amount of work that you guys would have to put into astral travel to be able to do what @DarkPhilosopher and @SaintSovereign are talking about is incredible. None of you should expect to easily astral travel around the REAL physical realm or astral realms after just listening to some subliminals. Initially I wasn’t going to post this, but too many if you seem to be confused about this topic. It takes years of daily training (hours of meditations) to reach such a state of internal development using an authentic path to adepthood. This isn’t something that any of you will be doing in your spare time and get some actual results. Don’t kid yourselves…