Main Dev / Hype Thread - Qx

I am not sure if you still work on these visual VR superchargers but they would be a game-changer paired with ZP.

You conquered the subconsciousness, now it is time to focus on the conscious mind. If both parts of the mind are aligned, the possibilities are limitless :wink:


Visual subliminals are a much, much, much different ball game. We are still looking into this and researching it, but itā€™s waaaaaaay different than most people think. Itā€™s not flashing words. :wink:


Flashing words, rofl.

The point of a visual subliminal would be to NOT use words but the language of the subconscious mind: Images, audio, emotions. Recreating the dream world with something like DALLĀ·E 2 is more what I would imagine.

But who says it must be a subliminal?

Your subs are already incredible effective at influencing the subconscious mind. On Zero Point, I feel like the deepest part of my subconscious is already fully on board with the scripting, but it is the CONSCIOUS MIND that needs further convincing. Why not create a guided mediation / visual supercharger using VR to prime your conscious mind and align it with the subliminal scripting?


The issue is that imagery and the concept of language (NOT the spoken word) are intrinsically interlinked within the subconscious and conscious minds. If I show you a symbol, your response to it will be completely different than mine on all levels and forms. In fact, the differences canā€™t even be quantified to properly explain the differences with the spoken / written word (at least in the modern form, ancient Hebrew, could).

For example. If I were to put a cross in a virtual reality supercharger (which Iā€™d never do, as we respect the diversity of life within our customers), how differently would we respond (hypothetical question)? I donā€™t know what your religious and spiritual views are, but that symbol would no doubt elicit a response thatā€™s different from mine. Not only that, as you begin to think upon your experience after using that program, youā€™d then have to express those feelings in the form of the spoken / written word. Which then, I can get a glimpse of what you experienced because weā€™re communicating across a mutual framework ā€“ the English language.

So, itā€™s not as easy as just putting together an immersive experience and seeing what happens. Gonna stop there. :wink:

EDIT: In fact, if we were to do this, we would use beautiful imagery with a Zero Point subliminal playing in the background, so again, weā€™re right back to language being used.


In general people are saying that audio subliminal are not working, only words and images flashed are working. What do you think @SaintSovereign ?

When I say ā€œpeople sayā€ they are famous French psychologists working in university I talked to.

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When I told them I listened to audio subliminals they just dismissed it as placebo ! They dont speak english so probably they will not listen to SubClub files :rofl:

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Good. Letā€™s keep it that way. Last thing we need is the establishment trying to take over the subliminal audio field.


Thanks for the transparency
Multiple times I decided to dm you on the matter
But I though you are smart enough