Luther's Khan/Spartan/RICH journal

Lol I haven’t. I’m the “I’m just here for the good music” guy in the comments, who doesn’t know what everyone else is talking about or referring to :laughing:

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Been working on my Hungarian accent LOL


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I’m so high on life today. All day every day, bout to kick some freakin ass. GO LUTHER!!!


I’ve seen you mention the idea of trauma a number of times.

How did you discover the profundity of trauma in culture?

How ubiquitous do you think it is?

Perhaps even elaborate with concrete examples in mass media and culture.



I could not watch this video but it’s the one with a knife chasing
I watched the video and was dying of laughter, it was really funny😂

All of a sudden I am feeling compelled to reply your posts, cuz now they are not always that long😂
How is productivity? Or just women?

I don’t know why people report a fall in productivity with WANTED

Why Hungarian?
Dracula is from Romania.

I’m not gonna lie man, that video was anything but cute to me lol. It filled me with a deep unease because I know exactly what you’re talking about. Every time that buzzer went off, I felt it. That some people have such a knee jerk reaction and follow through echoes your idea that it’s about running to safety. But the lack of pause or automatic reaction is what concerns me.

I think the only people who would be immune to this experiment are psychopaths. And I mean that in the clinical term, not a derogatory way. It’s hypothesized their mirror neuron system has deficits, so it wouldn’t even fire when they saw everyone standing up. On the flipside that’s why they’re able to manipulate people so well because they understand that mirror neuron reaction intuitively on some level and induce it in people.

This is why I always laughed my ass off at car commercials that are like “be unique, standout from the herd, buy this stupid car everyone else is gonna buy too”. But I understand the tactic they go for and apparently it works?


LOL, I’m not gonna lie… since putting WANTED back into my stack… the nonchalance is overwhelming. I have to respond to RV and Elementary but I’m like “meh” LOL, just uninterested right now in typing paragraphs, even though they have good questions/points. Will respond later

UH LMAO, it’s uh… :sweat_smile:, going well you know…

Since swapping RICH and Spartan with WANTED and PS… there has been a “shift in balance”, shall we say. I’m a little crazy at the moment. This stack is no joke, it’s like pure animal. Khan + PS + Libertine is some wild stuff and Wanted is like overkill. It’s just so awesome that I’m able to run these at the same time without detrimental recon. I don’t even want to let go of this stack, I just want to run it forever.

But yeah, I will go back to RICH and stuff, maybe even EOG starting from November 1st. Well probably November 3rd,


This was a funny ass scene but I don’t remember it being funny when I watched it as a kid LOL. I probably didn’t understand it :laughing:

Wait nevermind, I thought it was from Dead Man’s Chest lol


Yep, been there myself too! And also turns out I did sense the answer correctly :sweat_smile:

Might as well suggest these ones,
Technoir (Feat. Noir Deco) - Perturbator
Disco Inferno - Perturbator
Roller Mobster - Carpenter Brut (Pretty much a classic, y’know?)
Acid Spit - Mega Drive
Slum Lord - Mega Drive
Fahkeet - Light Club

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LOL of course, Trilogy is one of my favorite albums


When I talk about Traumatized Reality vs Congruent Reality, it’s better if I explain it like this:

Traumatized Reality = In the Box
Congruent Reality = Outside the Box

We’re all born inside the box and we all grow up inside the box.

The Traumatized Reality is based on low vibration belief systems (scarcity, competition, suffering, lack of self-love, powerlessness, disconnection, contraction, life is hard, fear, control, hell on earth etc).

The Congruent Reality is based on high vibration belief systems (self love, abundance, prosperity, embracing your power, health, connection, expansion, easy life, seeing through fear, love, freedom, heaven on earth etc).

Now before you go “what is this woo woo vibration, Luther… get outta here”… let me explain what I mean by that.

Follow me here, lol because this is an advanced concept.

Since there are infinite realities, there are infinite belief systems. That’s pretty basic, I hope.

Think of those infinite belief systems as marbles in a jar. Is there any fundamental attribute you can use to compartmentalize them? Yes, there is.

That fundamental attribute = how evolved it is in consciousness.

The reason why that’s used to compartmentalize, is because it’s the only thing that isn’t subjective about the infinite belief systems.

Evolution of consciousness isn’t subjective, it’s linear and objective because it’s based on something Real (that’s a whole other topic). What I mean by linear and objective, is that it’s not me who decides what is more evolved and what isn’t. It’s something that just is.

So anyways, now you can place the infinite belief systems on a spectrum.

You go along the left side of the spectrum (lower vibration) you go towards what is less evolved in consciousness. You go along the right side of the spectrum (higher vibration) you go towards what is more evolved in consciousness.

Low Vibration belief systems = belief systems that are are less evolved in consciousness.
High Vibration belief systems = belief systems that are more evolved in consciousness.

Anyone who’s done Astral Projection would know exactly what I’m talking about because there are different levels of the astral which are exactly compartmentalized based on this linear spectrum. I don’t know how much this registers with you lol. I’d reckon that someone who does Remote Viewing, which is a psychic phenomena wouldn’t be completely lost here, but then again I don’t know lol.

Anyways, most people are led to believe that the Traumatized Reality is the only reality. That’s because it’s all they know.

If you breed a monkey inside of a dome and raise it inside of the dome for it’s entire life, it will never understand the world outside of the dome. For all it knows, the only world is the dome world.

In order to tap into the other reality, one has to shift their frequency to match it, which is done by shifting the belief systems.

Because most people perceive the Traumatized Reality to be the only reality and aren’t able to shift their belief systems to get out of it… what they do is called “maximizing the box”. It’s basically, where the monkey is in the dome and takes it upon himself to learn it, in order to maximize his survival and quality of life to the best of his ability.

When you’re in the Traumatized Reality (in the box), it’s like “okay, lets make the most out of this environment, let’s learn how it works and use that to my benefit”.

Robert Greene is a great example of this because most of his work is predicated on understanding the Traumatized Reality. The 48 Laws of Power are only applicable to the Traumatized Reality, they aren’t relevant in the Congruent Reality. PUA/Redpill is all about understanding the Traumatized Reality as well.

Andrew Tate is another great example of someone who you’d call an “expert” of the Traumatized Reality. He knows how the Traumatized Reality works and has used that understanding to get to what’s commonly perceived as the top of it.

There are many examples of this in various realms. Now, I’m not downplaying these people or PUA - at all. It’s essentially like playing a video game and trying to become the best at it through learning. Of course you’d want to do that, lol it’s completely logical. They are individuals who live inside the box (Traumatized Reality) and want to maximize the quality of their life by understanding it better. It’s a very intelligent thing to do… however, as with all things… there are levels.

Now watch this, here’s a thought experiment for you:

You have 3 large tents side by side. You place 1 monkey in each of those tents. Each tent has a complex puzzle inside, that the monkey has to figure out.

Tent 1, Monkey A
Tent 2, Monkey B
Tent 3, Monkey C

Monkey A (90% of people) takes a crack at the complex puzzle and struggles with it. He ends up getting frustrated and just stands there in a perplexed pose, scratching his butt.

Monkey B (9% of people) tinkers with the complex puzzle and manages to complete it with perfection. Everyone is amazed by such an intelligent display. Clearly this monkey is a genius.

Monkey C (1% of people) looks at the puzzle. He looks around the inside of the tent and feels that something isn’t quite right. The puzzle, the inside of the tent… no, something is off about this place.
He lifts the corner of the tent and walks outside into a new world. He glances over at the other 2 tents… “lolol, amateurs” he thinks to himself and waddles away into the sunset, embracing his new complete freedom as monke.

The Tent = The Box = Traumatized Reality.

Monkey B is your typical PUA master, mainstream hot rod, cookie-cutter go getter, or an Andrew Tate.

This is what people think is the ideal. That’s not the ideal in any way, shape or form and thinking that it is, is part of the grand bamboozlement.

Monkey C is the ultimate ideal and it’s more logical.

The reason why it’s more logical, is because:

a 10/10 INSIDE the box = 1/10 OUTSIDE the box in terms of overall quality of life, well-being, enjoyment out of all areas of life, etc.

Read that a few times, lol.

Or here’s another analogy. Which video game would you rather play?

Video Game 1 (Traumatized Reality) = very difficult to score points, when you get 1 million points (cap), it feels alright.

Video Game 2 (Congruent Reality) = very easy to play, every 5 points feels absolutely incredible unlike anything you’ve ever experienced and there is no cap to how many points you can get.

That’s why I say that the Traumatized Reality, yeah you can be at the top of it… but it has a cap. It has limitations because of the vibration (belief systems) that it’s based on. The ROI is just too low. Once you’re aware of the options (most people aren’t), then it’s obvious which one you choose. It’s like choosing to eat out of the trashcan versus having a beautiful fresh gourmet meal lol. It’s that clear based on what you’d typically want to choose.

So people who think that vibration is all woo-woo and choose the Traumatized Reality over the Congruent Reality… the joke is always on them. I will never debate someone on it, lol to me it’s like “go ahead sir, eat out of the trash can”. Same reason why I don’t care about guys self-sabotaging or having porn sex… well not with my women lol.

So to answer your question,

Like I said before, when you’re in it… you don’t realize it because everything is normal.

“This is just how things are”… “This is the harsh reality”.

I’m like a clumsy jeweller the way I keep dropping these gems, but watch this:

So the Traumatized Reality is based on low vibration, trauma based belief systems. Those are what one needs to have in their subconscious in order to exist in the Traumatized Reality. The Traumatized Reality then gives them constant feedback loop of programming to keep perpetuating those belief systems. It’s like a neat little process going on lol.

So this is what happens. People start getting fed up of their trauma based belief systems due to it creating a low quality of life and well-being. What’s occurring is the innate human instinct for high ROI pursuit for enjoyment in life meshes brilliantly with what humans are naturally hardwired to do - evolve in consciousness. Evolving in consciousness is actually the the most fundamental inclination/purpose, it’s literally the purpose of the human experience itself. Manifesting an easier, more desired reality is a byproduct of that evolution so there is double incentive.

So then people start manifesting ways to shift their beliefs and evolve out of the Traumatized Reality. The rate of that depends on different things such as: what stage one is at, how much they can handle, how much of that is in alignment with them, how ready they are, etc. There’s no ego when it comes to this stuff. Everyone is learning the same thing, just at different rates. Some are really fast learners and some are very slow learners.

It doesn’t matter what tool or medium is used. Sometimes it’s not even a tool or medium required and a belief shift can just manifest through mere intention and will. Sometimes an external event can be manifested in a way that shifts the beliefs. The mechanism is always the same - involving the subconscious belief systems.

Okay, here’s the gem lol.

This is how you become aware of the Traumatized Reality and it applies to everyone. Remember, the Traumatized Reality is based around traumatized belief systems.

When you begin to heal those belief systems… what happens is that you start to become incompatible to the Traumatized Reality.

You’re in the box, but you’re becoming less and less compatible with the inside of the box on a subconscious level.

This incompatibility on a subconscious level manifests as conscious awareness. The inability to co-create manifests as a conscious awareness.

What I’m saying is… the people in “power” try to use fear tactics on you, but your subconscious belief systems aren’t compatible with co-creating a scenario where fear tactics are successfully used on you, so that incompatibly manifests as a conscious awareness where you’re able to see through the fear tactic. People who see through manipulation can’t be manipulated.

Read this like a couple times, it’s an advanced concept.

You don’t have to go down rabbit holes and wear a tin foil hat in order to see through all the fuckery going on. All you have to do is become incompatible with it by healing and evolving your own belief systems. The seeing through of the fuckery happens automatically and naturally.

The more you heal, the more you enter the Congruent Reality and the clearer the Traumatized Reality becomes.


The process occurring is that their subconscious mind is protecting them by pushing them to comply with herd pressure.

The lack of pause/automatic reaction is following without questioning. Just do what everyone else is doing, because it’s the safest. Fit in with the herd. The lack of thought is an example of how subconscious fear doesn’t give a shit about logic. This is why the people in “power” are always pushing people to be in a fearful state… it’s because people who are in a fear state are more suggestible and likely to comply/agree without logical thought and rationale.

The more disempowered and weak (traumatized) the belief systems are in an individual, the more susceptible they will be to herd pressure. As well as physically weak, especially. There’s a reason why junk food is pushed out everywhere lol.

Conversely, the more empowered a person is, the less automatic it will be and the less prone they will be, because they don’t need a herd as a badly. One can actually become immune as well, but it’s advanced.

So yeah, psychopaths and empowered people. Lol