Luck Ultima we need customer support

Action is useless without opportunity.

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Opportunity is everywhere around us. Opportunity without action is useless.

And same goes with ideas.


I don’t think Saint is going to respond to this thread lol

But from Fortune’s Favorite description it is more about manifestation then it is luck. Luck is all about chance and there is no 100% luck, even with 99% it is not guaranteed that you will get whatever you are hoping to get.

I honestly feel as if a “Luck” Ultima would be kinda pointless since manifesting is probably in most of the product scripts.

But why not run something like R.I.C.H. or customize it with Fortune’s Favorite, Financial Success Reality Shifter, Auric Overdriver, Sultan, and another module.

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I am in also. The competitors of SC have all a file on luck but they add also success. Titles are generally Luck and Success. I don’t know if it works…

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I am certain luck of some kind is built into subs as an aspect of success within each.

I’m also an extremely lucky person – so here’s what happens – every time a lucky event occurs to someone, he’ll re-affirm to himself with Faith that he’s the luckiest person ever lived, creating more lucky events through the use of auto-suggestion.

On its turn creating a feedback loop of lucky experiences/events upon which the person re-affirms the beliefs upon his subconscious again! The more it happens, the stronger the belief, the more ingrained it will be in one paradigm, and the luckier the person will become. That’s it; no secrets, no coincidences, no mysteries – merely taking control over the psychic faculties of our being.

‘Luck’ as a symbol in our subconscious mind is something astoundingly powerful, if capitalized properly it can bring about unbelievable ‘coincidences’ in one’s life.

Well, it’s possible yet not convenient and a waste of time considering the fact that you can devote your energy to a creation of your own!

All the modules in the Q-store are about Manifestation because the essence of subliminal’s IS Manifestation.

But I agree, I’d like a module solely based upon planting the belief in your subconscious that you’re extremely lucky wherever you go and in any situation if you can firmly plant that seed in your subconscious and grow it to become a massive root in your belief system, the most magical events you have ever experienced will occur in your life.

I feel Fortune’s Favorite is focused upon gambling and not general luck in life.


He has commented on luck in the other thread.

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I inhale luck with every breath
I exhale luck with every breath


Go vote!


Perhaps we convince Fire to see our point of view ?. @Fire when you get a moment please can you comnent ?.

Your loyal customer base are keen to hear ypur insights.

Hermit if you had to build a luck sub what modules would you choose ?.

I believe it works but SC can do better.

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Of course :wink:

A teacher I admired way back when, Bill Bodri, developed what he called the 6-M method for cultivating positive fortune.

He said that the 3 M’s that most people already used were Method, Measurement, and Motivation.
(1. Find a good set of means for achieving your desired outcomes, 2. empirically evaluate the success of your efforts and make tactical and strategic adjustments, and 3. find ways to maintain a consistent and sufficient level of determination and commitment in working towards the outcomes).

What he added to those 3 M’s were 3 additional M’s: Mantra, Merit, and Meditation.

All of these are ways of purifying the mind and maintaining positive inner hygiene so that positive energy is continually fed into and expressed out of the internal environment.

Mantra is consistent, repetitive, deep focus on sounds and internal meanings that represent Right Principles.

Merit is to act for the benefit and thriving of beings. This is a powerful way of establishing your high, positive value and of establishing an expansive heart and mind. An expansive heart and mind can accommodate bounty.

Meditation. These are methods for neutralizing, replacing, and/or calibrating the often difficult-to-observe instinctual and reflexive agendas that are at odds with attaining and enjoying our goals.

Those last 3 Ms, for him, assure that the first 3 Ms will lead to beneficial outcomes.


I think everyone has more luck then currently perceiveable. Perceive your current luck and use it to grow and attract greater luck.

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@Avengers68 that particular product you mentioned i just saw and it looks exactly like a product SC should create combining luck and success together.

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Where is @darkphilosopher these days?

Is he going to come out into the light and give his opinion?

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The upcoming Luck Module, Yggdrasil, Omnidimensional, Jupiter, Mind’s Eye, and that magnificent Aura from Stark!

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Omnidirectional i have had on my radar for a while Jupiter is new to me. I appreciate you bringing this bad boy to my attention. I believe that SC are going to upgrade the ultima modules to ultima B+ if i remember correctly. So i might hold fire till then.

I’ve got to disagree. I’ve had periods of time where I did took a lot of action, but something always came up to make the results not work out for me. I’ve also had strings of things come out of the blue to help me out with no action taken on my part.