Lion - Regenesis in the Fires of the Crucible

Finally able to catch you here lol as always I am excited on your insights on the subs. Bring your wisdom on my friend💪

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Hey thank you brother! Have not been journaling here for a while so feels good to back to write on the forum in my own thread.

I should write more. Especially professionally. But am unsure how. Am sure this stack (with Renaissance Man: Ultimate Writer X) will help me figure this out. And journal more effectively too.


What are you writing??? Best of luck in your work!

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That is one of the things I need to figure out haha.

Thank you, bro :pray:


I am thinking that you would be running 2 artisan programs, and plus EB I think is for short term. I don’t want you to get overloaded.


Day 1
Khan Black: The Crucible x1

  1. Sexual calm.
  2. Post-nut clarity without having to nut.
  3. Lacking any desire for porn or masturbation. As if I never had issues with it as a teen. But it isn’t from a place of suppressing my desire but as if am following a higher natural law.
  4. Aroused when attractive women are around. Energetic so learning to control that fire. It is the beginning of intensity.
  5. It feels peaceful to not be controlled by my sexual urges. To be the master of myself is so satisfying.
  6. Similar to Revelation of Mind, there is no mental chatter. Especially no sexually charged thoughts or pictures.
  7. Thoughts arising from my mind are along the lines of “I want to learn how to use this energy to be productive. And I will learn.”
  8. This is what it means to be a man who uses the power within him for glorious purpose. What my glorious purpose is is what I need to seek. And I can do that without having the haze of lust blinding my vision.
  9. I feel clean and clear. Like Adam born in the Garden of Eden.
  10. I want to see how much more this new title can do. Khan Black: The Crucible should be in the toolbox of every man who wants to break the chains of society that seeks to control him using sex. Dominate yourself easily with this. Neither advertisement or women can control you when you are in control.
  11. Now sex will be on my terms. I am in charge here.
  12. It is like I found a new power source. And I have been carryng it all along with(in) me and never learnt to use it. Until now.

:rofl: Dude! If we keep getting this kind of insight and honesty, the subliminals will improve by leaps and bounds!

That is deep, man!



@RVconsultant - yo! This title is a beast! It’s a freakin LION!


Awesome, man!




Me reading the first half of this sentence: I don’t feel dominated by society

Me reading the second half of this: yup… one tik tok short too many has sent me straight to watching porn, and I don’t even like going to the mall because being surrounded by too many women at once does bad things to my brain

ok ok ok u got me @lion !


Seriously, man, I am jealous and envious!

Your summary is just amazing!

Based on what you wrote above, I’d say Khan Black is on the mandatory list for men, just like Ascension.


If/when I get Khan Black, I might stack with Ascension and GLM.

I like the Ascension/GLM combo enough that I’d put them into a custom. To have a slot for a 3rd title.

EDIT: my bad, Raph. I got turned around and thought I was commenting in the Main Disc thread.


What if you put GLM, KB, and Khan in one custom?


I’d still stack it with Ascension


Really want to run

  3. LOTS
  4. IC?

Haha I feel you. Am glad am not doing the tests. But I think I was called to do this stack (Khan Black: The Crucible + Emperor Black: Twilight of the Gods + Renaissance Man: Ultimate Writer X) since it fits my urgent needs.


Haha you got me there!

Glad to help :grin::pray:

Thanks a lot, @RVconsultant.

Absolutely. I think Genesis + Ascension + Khan Black: The Crucible is a very good starter stack.

You already know what am gonna say…


No probs, man. Everyone is welcome on my journal. Please feel free to comment here.



For men who are “starting over” (such as recently divorced, or exiting a long-term relationship, or having a bad break up), for men who are just starting (just starting college, or just graduated high school), for men who don’t know what to do (they’re confused where to start, or they feel like their lives are so deficient or disordered that they feel a need to fix everything at once); I think those 3 would be the programs to examine first.

Well, those plus QL and Limitless. I mean, who doesn’t want more brain power. :grin:


Can you explain why please?

Day 2
Rest Day

  1. Slept 9 hours on the nights of both Day 1 and Day 2. There must be some repair going on in my energy channels.
  2. After waking up on both days, I felt very refreshed. None of that grogginess which we get from sleeping too long.
  3. Immediately went into energetic mode and did my exercise, cold shower, breathing and meditation.
  4. Energy levels and mood levels were good all through the day.
  5. My mind is in a constant state of asking myself “How can I improve my life?” This must be what young, healthy, high energy men think of when they are not wasting their sexual energy.
  6. There are some times I get irritated but I quickly revert back to being calm and patient. It is normal to want things to go your way so this is not a bad thing. Should push me to get into better circumstances.
  7. None of that feeling sorry for myself. Do what I can and do what I must.
  8. Not feeling hungry at all during my intermittent fasting. Took two meals today though so as to not rush into one meal a day. Won’t be drinking milk tea for a while so I started with that today. Will be missing that for a couple of months since I love chai so much.
  9. Time seems to go by fast in a good way. As in it doesn’t seem to drag. It’s like when you are having a good day and time just goes on at a pleasant pace. Another one of those perception of time which you only got in your childhood. It’s back and am loving it.
  10. Time to run Emperor Black: Twilight of the Gods + Renaissance Man: Ultimate Writer X. Lets see how this goes.

Your stack right now:

Titles seem to get more complex with time, before there was Khan, Stark and Spartan, Limitless…

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