Lion's Journey to be Alpha - Khan, WANTED, and Paragon


It’s been a long time since I ran Khan. Although there have been times before ZP when I did Khan ST1 to break down some limiting beliefs, I then replaced it with DR ST1 in such situations.

To repeat what I have said a couple of times before, I have done a full run of Khan during its New Dawn (pre-Q) build days. And also run Khan ST4 on and off when I needed that dosage of Masculinity and Dominance which Khan always provided without fail.

Among all the wonderful alpha titles in SubliminalClub, this was the one that changed me the most into a fearless beast. But a combination of the new and more pleasant sounding solace mask for titles like RM, the short runtime of ZP and my curiosity to experiment with newer titles have led me astray.

Until today.

The king has returned and it is time to honor the majesty of Khan and Zero Point, and walk in its trailblazing ways again.

The stack (all ZP builds):

  1. Khan
  3. Paragon
  4. (And might also include) Beyond Limitless

Regarding the question of whether Total Breakdown healing will overwhelm WANTED and Paragon, I would like to put a theory to the test. The theory being that neither WANTED nor Paragon are productivity titles and that both of them has a major focus on physical shifting. Will Khan ST1 remove limiting beliefs which also help with physical healing and shifting? Can they be run together in a stack? Stay tuned to find out.

And about Beyond Limitless ZP, I think this “booster” will be the perfect title for me for my writing and creativity goals. I was initially desirous of having Renaissance Man or Ultimate Artist in my stack for productivity and career building but seeing that my stack is full, I postponed that. But the fact that the (yet to be released) 5 or 7 minute BL ZP could be tested out to see if one can run it once or twice a week for that “boosting effect” gives me hope that my stack will be complete with the chosen 4. Also, I will most probably run BL when I reach Khan ST2 incase Khan ST1 ZP healing will overwhelm it.

I know I could have cycled RM/UA after 21 or 45 days in the stack but that would mean replacing another title for that. And I didn’t want to make a choice in removing Khan, WANTED or Paragon for that cycle.

So there we go. Another new journal. Hopefully @Lion will be more consistent with his stack than when he was @raphael haha. Time will tell.


Why four programs? I though the current limit was three.

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It’s based on this info about the upcoming BL ZP:

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Ah. You’re using the test version username SaintSovereign talked about?

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It isn’t released yet but when it does, I will test it out :slight_smile:

Okay. Thank you for clarifying.

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Day 1: Khan ST1 x1


Khan: Am back, boy.

Me: Ah there you are. Have been half expecting you after meeting the Alchemist a few weeks back.

Khan: Good. I don’t have to scare the heck out of you when I show up then. But what exactly did you do with my teachings, man? Anything to show for it?

Me: Well…

Khan: No. Don’t tell me. Show me! But from what I have seen, it isn’t enough.

Me: Yeah I agree. There are changes but not enough to get excited for the way it turned my life around in terms of sex and money.

Khan: Someone got to tell you and it will be me. The number of actions you have taken over the course of these 2 years is very little. Sure, you have let your subliminal programming take off when you were put in a position to take advantage of it but you never take yourself out there and put yourself in more favorable circumstances. You rely too much on manifestation.

Me: I agree. I do swing back and forth between wanting to depend only on myself and earn my victories to just giving up and wanting good things to just happen.

Khan: And that’s just you swinging between laziness and the guilt you have for being lazy. If you did all you could do, would you feel lazy? Or guilty?

Me: Absolutely not. At least I know I gave my all.

Khan: Exactly! And how come you don’t do that? What are you waiting for? Your eyes to be fixed before doing anything of substance? You remember what the Dragon (Reborn) taught you before He sent you off into the world?


Khan: A pearl of wisdom you don’t throw before swines.


Khan: I have to tell you the hard truth, buddy. The sooner you accept it, the better for you.

Me: I accept.

Khan: Noticed anything today after your first run of Zero Point Total Breakdown?

Me: Oh yes!!! High sexual energy. The feeling that I am invincible with regard to women and wealth. That regretting my past is a waste of time. Hunger…I ate a bit more today but don’t feel bloated. And…

Khan: All good signs that the script is executing. But remember that you have to execute things as well. Else, it will be just like last time where you felt a lot different but your lifestyle didn’t change because of it.

Me: That’s true.

Khan: Now go do something about it! And don’t forget, no excuses!



Day 2: Rest Day


Me: How do I find my purpose?

Khan: it’s difficult and easy at the same time. Difficult when you don’t know where to look. Easy when you realize it is connected with what you and others around you most need.

Me: Could you explain it a bit more?

Khan: If you study my life, you realize one thing. A man cannot live without respect. He is nobody without it. I was disrespected by the tribes that were competing with mine. I was disrespected by the Chinese. One particular Arab leader had no manners when dealing with me. And the list goes on (his face is clouded in anger).

Me: Please go on.

Khan: So what did I do? Yes, I felt a bit sorry for myself at first. But then I wanted to find some answers. What should I do? I thought my god would surely know. So I went to see Him. Travelled to His holy mountain. Am sure he would tell me what my destiny was. That or He would slay me where I stood. I was prepared to face death on the way.

Me: (listening intently).

Khan: It was a long journey. There was rain. And Tengri often threw his lightning at me. I was sure that the heavenly father was testing me. To see whether I was worthy. And I endured until I reached the foot of the mountain. Endured still the climb up the harsh terrain as I rose higher and higher. Hunting was scarce but I didn’t care by then. I was more tired of the life I was living. I needed answers.

Me: And did you see Him?

Khan: Yes. He came to me on one of the nights I slept on the mountain. He appeared in a dream demanding what I was doing there. I bowed in his Presence but I asked firmly. “Tengri! God of gods! I plead you to show me my purpose!” He looked at me for a long time and said “When you awake, go down the mountain. And go back to where you came from.” I started to speak but he silenced me with a thunderous look and continued “Go back and set things right. You a man look up to me and respect me. Why? Because I have power over you. And because I provide for you. Do the same to your people. Be their leader. Be their Khan. I Myself send you”

Me: (thinking hard).

Khan: Tengri saw that the tribes of my people were fragmented. And more importantly, I was broken myself. It was my mission in life to bring my people together. And as a result bind together what was broken in me.

Me: But what would I do with that? I can’t be a conqueror here.

Khan: You khan’t? You Khan! Jokes aside, there is always something or the other that needs attending to in the world. Look at the state of the men and women in your life. And to not forget your own circumstance. It is all in shambles. What are you going to do about it? And which part of it will choose to set things right?

Me: I don’t know. I don’t even know where to start.

Khan: You do know. You know that you have to start with yourself. That’s what you are scared of. Change.

Me: (sigh).

Khan: Indeed. A mere man. What can he do? If a mortal like me can become a legend, does it show the potential of every man or does it mean only certain people are special?

Me: It means we can be special in our own way by the things we conquer.

Khan: Good man. Now you are thinking like a conqueror. Are you ready for the journey? Are you ready to find out what it is that you should conquer?

Me: No. But I will go regardless.

Khan: That’s the spirit. Take one step after another. And we shall see what will be revealed to you regarding your own destiny.


Day 3: WANTED x1, Paragon x1


Khan: So you feeling anything from WANTED and Paragon?

Me: Yes. Usually I feel pulsing sensations in my body whenever I run either or both of these titles. Some vibrations on my legs, hands and even my eyelids. Today was filled with such bodily sensations. And my penis seems a bit thicker even when flaccid. Had the same feeling of thickness when I started Khan ST1 ZP too. Good signs. But I wonder how long I will have to wait to see height increase, longer erections, and better hair.

Khan: All in due time. And it seems to me that you will be able to stick with this stack for longer compared to your previous stacks because it covers almost all of your goals and the titles here are your favorites. And all in ZP too.

Me: That’s true. Although, I do await the day when I can remove Paragon and run Renaissance Man instead.

Khan: Take heart, man. That day will come.

Me: Hmm I will. Would like to add that the reconcilliation isn’t much on Total Breakdown. Am grateful for that. The first time I ran TB a long time ago, it was brutal. I guess a combination of having already run Khan ST1, Elixir, Regeneration and DR over the course of 2 years is an advantage. And also Zero Point.

Khan: Yes. The healing is different on Zero Point. It is as if you are already a healed person mentally and emotionally on TB. And that’s what you are showing now.

Me: True. Am not even in a hurry to get to the next stage. That’s strange since I usually am impatient to finish ST1 on Khan and DR. Or like you said, ZP has something to do with that too.

Khan: Oh it does. It definitely does.


I like the way you write this journal, for some reason it brings memory of the book Outwitting the Devil with Napoleon Hill :+1:

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Thank you, @Tobyone. I got this inspiration during a short run of Alchemist (which I have to return to continue later down the line).

Had a conversation with the Alchemist similar to this style and it was enlightening. So wasn’t surprised when the Khan showed up to guide me in this journey and journal.


Day 4: Rest Day


Me: I really hope Khan ST1 breaks down this need for attention in me. When I first found out that I was a Leo, I thought my constanf attention seeking behavior was because of my sun sign. It could be that too but I feel like a disgruntled slave when I feel that feeling. It’s pretty embarrassing to admit it too.

Khan: Yes. My subliminal namesake will help you with that. And don’t worry too much about admitting it or be too concerned with what others think about your admission. Too many aren’t even aware they have this issue let alone admit that they have the problem even when they are aware of it.

Me: Thanks, man. But you know, I have been carrying a childhood memory related to this for a long time too. I still remember doing something silly to get everyone’s attention when their attention was on another close relative of mine. I cringe thinking about it now

Khan: Why be so hard on yourself? Don’t you see kids doing the same thing now? And it makes you chuckle when you know why they do it too. Attention is the currency for children to get their need for food and security met. Also why women use attention in a similar way. But you have to outgrow that need if you want to be someone others depend on. For neediness is the opposite of strength and independence. Self-esteem too comes from knowing your worth and that doesn’t thrive well in a soil which is dry of accomplishments. And that lack of accomplishments and competence is why you seek refuge in attention. For attention naturally comes when you are “so good that they can’t ignore you.” And such attention is healthy because it depends on your authenticity and action rather than your pretending and words alone.


Me: Deep stuff. So lets talk about accomplishments and the ambition required for it.

Khan: Yes. Lets talk about it. Do you know why you don’t have as many successes as you would like? It’s because you spend time on consumption rather than creation.

Me: I do know that but consumption is so much more fun, easy and addictive. YouTube videos, porn, video games, etc.

Khan: Indeed it is. For the short term. Which is why it isn’t as fun (cause you have no friends) and it doesn’t make your life easy (no money) in the long run. It doesn’t make you addictive to others as well (no status).

Me: Hmm.

Khan: Also, the reason why creation and creativity isn’t as fun for you compared to consumption is cause you haven’t spent enough time doing it. If you had done it for long enough, not only would you have built a habit and enjoyed flow states while doing it but you would have also gotten rewarded for it in money and status. And hence both your journey and destination would have been a fun ride. Creation is what you should be doing. If the Creator made you in His Image, you should be a creator too.

Me: Okay now that’s a good quote. But the thing is that I don’t know what to create.

Khan: You don’t have to know. You have to find out along the way. That’s the fun of it. You try several things. You learn lots of various things on this path of creativity. And the sum of your experiences lead you to what you want to do. And even that will change as you change. Sitting there and worrying about purpose and what you should be doing doesn’t help you gain experience, knowledge or wisdom. This is why failure is important to your success. Or rather why learning is important to your success. Because without failure there is no learning.

Me: Agreed. Now I understand.

Khan: Not yet. You will truly understand this when you go forth and multiply. Go forth and make things. And in the process, go and make something of yourself.


Despite deciding that I know Khan is not for me, I have chosen a different path, I absolutely love reading this journal. It’s a fun breath of fresh air.

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Thanks a ton, @Pyro.

Will you be doing Khan later down the line? Have you ran a previous build of it before?

I do not think I will ever run it. My vision and personality are directly corelelated with the House of Medici and Emperor.

Even though Khan is not in my future I love reading journals about it, it’s so different of a life that it is fun to read and it seems to be one people actually stick with.


I like that you know who you are and are taking steps in that direction. Much respect :pray:

That’s very much true. I do love Khan among all the alpha titles and usually come back to it very often.

Glad that you like my journal, my friend. Will search out yours and read it too. Am sure I can learn from your wealth journey especially since that’s what I remember reading most in your posts.


I swear he was talking about Constructive Living there.


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That’s very interesting. Didn’t know about this idea being made into a psychological approach or book. Will look into it. Thanks, @Simon!

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Yo @Lion,

Your journal is just wow.
I’m gonna be following it more closely and catch up on it better, but seeing how your conversations with the Khan are what you’re using as a main way to journal is making me feel like I should do this:

It’s pretty cool that you were already doing this, and I feel like more people should do this, because not everyone seems to be able to “listen” properly :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thank you.

It is indeed a very thought-provoking conversation when you do it with your higher-self. Your higher-self acts as a sounding board for your current-self. And flashes of insight do occur due to the intuitive, on the fly back and forth that takes place.

Would encourage you to do this especially since you are already in talks with your ‘other you’.