Lion's Journey to be Alpha - Khan, WANTED, and Paragon

Day 5: Khan ST1 x1
Day 6: Rest Day


Me: Reconcilliation is a BITC–

Khan: Forum rules, boy.

Me: Reconcilliation is a BITC-OIN!

Khan: Oh CRY-PTO me a river.

Me: A river of crypto would make us rich. But yeah, these last 2 days were reconcilliation hell. Especially today morning. Wonder why reconciliation loves to stick to my eye-issues and mock me about it.

Khan: It’s a form of fear release. When the fear comes out, it takes the form it is originally in and you experience it as it is, not being able to distinguish between the actual fear and its removal. But that’s not the important point. Can you function regardless of what you are feeling? That’s how you distinguish between a boy and a man. A man will do what he has to do regardless of disability, fear, society or family.

Me: That does sound like something Andrew Tate would say.

Khan: Cause he’s a Khan! He embodies his beliefs and is congruent. He has tackled his fears head-on by leaning into them.

Me: He looks so relaxed too.

Khan: Obviously. He has climbed up to gain status by demolishing his fears. And his body releases the appropriate hormones to show that he is king of his domain. He deserves the crown.

Me: Man, I would love to be someone like that.

Khan: Don’t get so distracted by the destination that you forget the journey. The journey is how you will end up where you want to be. Look more at what is right in front of you instead of the victory that is farther away at the top of the mountain. Else you will trip. And also be discouraged by how long you will have to travel.

Me: Just as you were on your trip to your Holy Mountain.

Khan: Yes. And be so tired of your current life that you will be willing to give the effort your ALL!

Me: True. As Master Yoda says:


A very interesting narrative I must say. :slight_smile: Good luck on your journey of becoming a Khan, my man!

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Thanks a ton, @HansLanda :pray:

I was wondering what happened to you man I haven’t seen ur name pop up on here in a whileeee, didn’t realize you had a makeover with the name change !

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Haha yes, it’s your old pal @raphael. A very recent name and display pic change to be frank. I thought changing things up would make me feel like a new person. And so far it is helping.

The old name was nice but I felt too “nice guy” on it. The new name makes me feel a bit more masculine and alpha but without any intention to be overly aggressive on the forum or anything lol.

Have you decided between Godlike Masculinity, The Commander and Primal to add to your stack? Or will you double down on Emperor?


I’m so used to seeing ur profile pic of archangel Raphael :pensive: but it really does feel like I’m talking to a new person. I’ve seen lion commenting on other stuff but I never knew it was the new u lol
For the primal, commander, GM etc subs for right now l, since my first cycle ends in 7 days I’ll think it over. I’ll decide by next week if I’ll add a 3rd sub during cycle 2 or just go emperor 2 loops on cycle 2.

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I understand. I still have a connection to the Archangel especially in terms of him being a guide on journeys and for being a patron of healing (both of which I require a lot of). But 2 years of being raphael and maybe it’s the ZP subliminals, and I felt like I needed to change. Who knows? Maybe the angel himself is guiding me here haha.

:grin::grin::grin: In which case the name change has done its job :grin:

You have time to decide then. And it’s good you are not rushing into it. Hope Emperor is treating you well. I know it’s a good title for getting things done. If you ever feel like adding a charismatic, clever and witty element to it, to try adding PCC to Emperor (when PCC ZP comes out).

The Emperor + PCC combo makes you charming and productive. And using charm to get things done too.

It’s just a suggestion though. You need to do what works for you. And I think you are trying to focus on productivity and wealth.

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Day 7: WANTED x1, Paragon x1
Day 8: Rest Day


Me: Man am I tired when I wake up in the morning and after my afternoon naps. What is that thing?

Khan: It’s just processing. After all, you are running very energy intensive titles. Especially WANTED and Paragon which both deal in physical shifting. And Khan ST1 which is heavy on your mind.

Me: That explains it. I feel like sleeping longer these days. Was wondering why it was so.

Khan: Nothing to worry about. Especially since you noticed this change immediately after you started this stack. Things will settle down eventually.

Me: That’s right. Hey, I had this question I keep forgetting to ask you. Do you have thoughts on Newtonian reality and Quantum reality? Newtonian reality is what we commonly refer to as reality. Where we try to be realistic to achieve our goals by taking action and gaining knowledge about ourselves. Things like materialism, history, evolutionary biology, etc fall under this realm. And then there is Quantum Reality. Which doesn’t exactly disprove Newtonian Reality but it is more sub-atomic and related to our consciousness. Things like biocentrism, law of attraction, meditation, subliminals, etc are the tools used to access this realm.

Khan: This is something the Alchemist knows more than me. But what did you want to know about these things?

Me: You know am torn between these two forms of reality. I think that if am totally on the material realm, then I can be realistic but at the same time won’t be able to access the higher realms for getting me to my goals faster. Like using the law of attraction to get me the things I want. At the same time, if I use such things like meditation, would it change me into someone I don’t want to be?

Khan: What about using both?

Me: I could use both. But I don’t really know if what am doing is right or wrong. Maybe my philosophy of life isn’t solidified. As in, I haven’t figured a lot of things out and how things work such that I can get exactly what I want, no more and no less.

Khan; The advantage of not knowing is what makes you seek. There is too much knowledge in this world to know it all. But fortunately, you found some things thanks to your curiosity. For example, in your quest to change your life, you came across subliminals. Granted you came across watered-down versions of subliminals on YouTube. But that journey led you here. Aren’t you glad you undertook that journey regardless of the mistakes you made? You even made loads of mistakes while here at SubClub, but you learnt from it too. Isn’t that useful too? And from all those failures and successes, you were changed for the better. Do you regret being you now because of all that?

Me: Oh. That’s true. I don’t regret it at all.

Khan: In the same way, your explorations of anything, whether it be Newtonian Reality or Quantum Reality. Whether it be of materialism or biocentrism. Whether it be red pill or “photon pill.” Whether it be evolutionary biology or consciousness. Whatever it is you are studying, they are all milestones in your journey. And even if you end up being wrong on some of those things, you will get better. That’s what’s important. Enjoy the process of understanding rather than wanting it all spoon-fed or immediately revealed to you.

Me: Once again it is about enjoying the journey isn’t it?

Khan: Yes. In the end, life is all about that. Take me for example. Do you think if I had stopped to question everything, I would have ended up being a legend? Regardless of the things I have done wrong, I have done a lot of things right too. Don’t overthink it. Think and do. Introspect but take action.

Me: Agreed.


Now you are coming onto the hardest part. Starting a subliminal stack/journey is easy. It gives a huge boost of dopamine,

But now you have to go on the adventure, resisting the pressures of recon and fear of missing out. There will be times like “why did I do this? I need to try something else out, this isn’t working.” You will face scary monsters within and on the outside. Great persistence will lead to great rewards. It’s a lot like a fantasy novel adventure.

Though we are on different stacks, we are on the same adventure.


Well said, @Pyro :+1:

Khan: Welcome back to Khan.
It’s nice having you back on Khan. For a while there, it looked like everybody was going to leave Khan.
Hey I’m looking forward to reading your journal.

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LOL. The ZP Public Preview is sure having that frequent stack changing effect on most of us. Thankfully, Khan is absolutely my style of being alpha. This was confirmed to me since the first time Khan was released.

Thank you!

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I took a few days off due to what I thought was reconcilliation but what was in fact deeper questions from Khan ST1 regarding taking action.

Khan requires me to be in an environment that gives me more opportunities to display sexual and social dominance. And since am currently not in a position to be outside much (due to health reasons), I cannot maximize the use of this title.

The same with WANTED since seduction and fitness is more difficult to achieve without the capacity to meet girls and be at the gym.

Am forced to admit to myself that this isn’t the stack for me right now as much as Khan and WANTED are my favorite titles. When I ran these 2 titles before, i was also in better circumstances to leverage them.

Will have to go back to the drawing board and choose a stack that focuses on the basics. Which would be health, wealth, productivity and a bit of alpha traits to help direct my life.

For such reasons, am considering titles like Paragon, AM, UA, Limitless, RM, QL, EoG, Emperor, etc which are more directed towards self-improvement on health, wealth, learning, and alpha goals that will not require much social interactions nor extreme fitness. And which will eventually lead me to both financial and personal independence so that I can once again be in a position to use Khan and WANTED.


This is all Emperor. I cannot sing its praises high enough. It really teaches you how to find personal freedoms in everyday events. It’s a lot of taking life back into your control but also roll with the punches. I like adding Mogul to go for emphasis on Financial Independence. I run those two together and get pretty solid results. The best way to describe this sub in ine statement, is you just get better at life.


I agree with you. I have run Emperor (in Qv1 I believe) and it was a very good ride along with PCC.

I really like the objectives of Mogul and am wondering whether it will help me with Purpose. Also whether AM would do the job as well.

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That’s the reason why I have difficulty with these subliminals, given that I work from home too and find it difficult to secure an environment where I can utilize the effects of these subliminals.

I would look forward to the day when the subliminals help you achieve your goals by providing the opportunity for you to change your living environment if it is necessary.

A more concrete example, if you run Khan, you also manifest a job which requires you to meet lots of women as which also requires you to relocate.


YES! Reminds me of our “moving out of the country” title request.

That would be sweet :ok_hand:

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I almost hate to beat a dead horse, but if the right sub aligns with your truest goals, I could see this easily happening. Emperor makes me do things outside my comfort zone on a daily basis. I could see other subs doing the same thing. The trick is you HAVE to really really want it. Emperor seems to really have that flow with reality, and the same time bend it to your will like a water slowly eroding stone. It flows l, but it also changes its environment.


That is an interesting insight. Thank you for sharing.

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@Lion khan wanted and paragon cover mostly all Im looking for right now. Question… Any difference in running Khan, rest day, wanted and paragon instead of maybe Khan Paragon, Rest day then Wanted by itself?

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