Lion - 2022 - March to October

That’s what I do now, every time I feel like changing sub I take extra rest days or washout to start anew.


Helps to reduce overload and also with deciding the next stack :+1:


Exactly give the mind some space or room to decide.


My brother! We walk the same road!

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Haha I wish. Right now running Dragon Reborn and Khan. Will add WANTED to this stack one day.

My current journal is here:


After doing 2 cycles of Khan Total Breakdown and DR Dragon Fire, am in the mood for some experimentation.

I had always wanted to figure out a way to run a stack of Khan Complete, RM, WANTED and Paragon at the same time. I know we can run 3 titles at a time and then remove one of the titles and add in another title in the next cycle. But I thought lets try and see what will happen if I do the following:

Khan Complete, Paragon

If I get reconciliation (or anything that affects my results), I will adjust accordingly. Am also willing to try the 3 min loops and 30 seconds microloops this time…for science!

The bloom from Total Breakdown and Dragon Fire washout has me in good spirits. Mood is good and I am more hopeful now. I think a lot of trash was taken out in the last 2 months.


I was listening to a video yesterday on how you can use Neville Goddard’s revision technique to change your present life by re-imagining what happened in the past.

So the whole of last evening and today morning I have been doing that for a couple of things especially my health issues.

For example, when I got my eyes checked 8 years ago, I came to know about my retinal problems. So I imagined I was back at the hospital and that the doctor checking my eyes said that I don’t have any eye problems and life continued with me reading tons of books and driving my car to many places as if nothing happened.

I felt very powerful after that and a feeling of overwhelming happiness came over me. And also a feeling of being in control of my life.

Am going to do that for money, traveling, relationships, physical shifting, success, everything. Want to experience law of assumption results like many other people do.


I posted a very detailed report about massive revisions I did before. In my ZPPF journal. Don’t remember if you read that back then.

It was trippy. I do like revision a lot.

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I was actually thinking of you @Palpatine when I listened to the revision technique yesterday. Will do a lot of it from now onwards. I think there is a secret here waiting to be revealed and am more hopeful now.

And yes I did read about it when you posted in your Testing journal. That was the first time I heard about it. And I think I also read a bit about the same topic in your public journal as well.


So stack idea got changed today.

I had put in Paragon into my playlist yesterday and something told me to run it twice.

The next day (which is today), I felt a bit hungry but not too much. In the middle of the day, something told me to read the Alchemist sales page.

So I will be doing that. Maybe it is time to return to it. I hadn’t finished my run of Alchemist in order to master manifestation in my life especially with regard to health and helping me with Joe Dispenza’s meditations.

So a tentative idea in my mind is to have an Alchemist + Paragon stack. And add a third title depending on what is happening at the time.

Will move to SubliminalClub Black if I decide on this.

EDIT: Alchemist could also help me with doing Neville Goddard’s techniques like Revision.



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Hahaha! And I thought of you when I was thinking about Alchemist. I thought “@Joa23 will surely like this news.”

EDIT: also Austin Powers is the best.

images (3)

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You know what Im sure of? You will like it even better!! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

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@RVconsultant - this Is an old journal which has the same title as my current one. So in order to avoid confusion please change this journal’s title to:

Lion - 2022 - March to October

And please close this thread too.

Thank you :pray: