Lion - 2022 - March to October

Ah yes. For ZP select 1. And for ZPT select 2.

But then I guess you could extrapolate from the previous example.


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And tagging @Joa23

That is a place to start with number of loops per week.

You might be able to do more, or perhaps you might need less for your results.

Please enter a support ticket, just to make sure.


Day 2, Cycle 1

RAPHAEL ZPT2 x1, Ascension Chamber x1 (both flac)

RAPHAEL is my WANTED + Paragon custom. And boy did it hit me like a freight train thanks to the many physical healing and shifting modules in it and the fact that it was ZPT2.

Woke up in the morning with a heaviness on my head which I hadn’t felt in a long time and it took all the energy out of me which I had felt the day before thanks to running Emperor which actually energized me.

I was fine by the end of the day but it was a day of recon alright.

One funny thing I noticed was that in the middle of the night I woke up a couple of times and automatically started stretching my body as if I wanted to stretch my spine and legs as much as possible. The immediate thought in my mind was “Is this because of Height Inducer?”. Had played the custom (and AC) yesterday night right before sleep.

An interesting development regarding my stack is that when I was checking the Downloads section for Ascension Chamber yesterday, I remembered that it was updated to flac. Then I was wondering what other titles were updated to flac cause I did remember that SaintSovereign had updated 2 or 3 of them but I couldn’t remember which ones they were. Searching for flac files in the Downloads, there were Emperor and True Sell. Oh man! I forgot Emperor was updated to this experimental file format!

That decided it for me. Those titles will be my stack for a while along with RAPHAEL which I had updated to flac a while back thanks to the Discounted update offer.

Am curious how Emperor flac will be. Also I haven’t tried True Sell yet so running that will also be interesting.

Updated stack:

  • Emperor ZP flac
  • True Sell ZP flac
  • RAPHAEL ZPT2 flac
  • Ascension Chamber flac


PS: am running these flac files with a Sennheiser HD4.4 BT Wireless (a bluetooth headphone) which I also use to run all the other SC subliminals. Not the ideal for flac files I think but I will fix that eventually.


Interesting Custom @Lion


Thank you, @Houdini. But will have to run it for a couple of months (once a week of course) and take action to see some results.

Lets see if I have the determination to stick to it haha.


Why only once a week?

Cause it’s ZPT2

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Honestly, repetition and consistency on a short term basis is far more important.

A day marks a day because of the cycles of the sun.

It’s all linked to alchemy. If you want results you need to give reaffirming every day I see this as a big downside to zp but that’s my opinion.

I want to clarify I believe if you it as a pendulum the swing will be MUCH bigger on either sides.

@Houdini - I do remember being a bit worried when the build tech changed from pre-Q to Q. I was wondering whether the change would make the new versions of the alpha subliminals less masculine and less powerful. But over time, I realized the new builds (especially ZP) weren’t about that. We can be whoever we want to be and the subliminals will help us get there.

That way, my worry faded away. Possibly Dragon Reborn helped with that concern too.

Also, am a pretty rigid person to be frank. But have learnt to be a bit more flexible. Sometimes it irks me but then there’s no growth without change.

I don’t know if what I said can be compared to your concern. But am talking about it in the hope it will give some food for thought.


I love that it is a positive and helpful message!

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Wow, Is ZPT2 that rough that it is only wise to listen one a week?

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At first yes. Maybe we can increase the number of ZPT2 loops per week as time goes on but there are no official recommendations for it because it is untested and very powerful.

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What makes ZPT2 “rough”. What does it do to you when you listen? Is it like a mental turbocharger? Too much pressure/force?

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A heaviness in the head. Also some reconciliation in the form of being mood off.

I think after a while it will get better.


Honestly, I even have this on normal Zero Point…

I do not even get the tiredness, I get an extreme heaviness in the head (no longer headaches) instead like a weight around certain parts of the crown and back of the head.

Once this subsides I’ll be executing like none has ever seen before.


Day 3, Cycle 1

Emperor x1, True Sell x1 (both flac)

Had to sleep a lot today. Still adjusting to the overload. Thoughts of changing the stack came over me but again by night I was okay, just like yesterday.

I wasn’t feeling Emperor ZP flac as much as Emperor ZP mp3. But then it must be because I ran a ZPT2 file the day before.

Part of me is grateful for having a financial net to take care of my eye situation but another part of me is resentful and thinking of ways to escape being holed up in one place.

Will have to be patient for a while until things get better. Been practicing the Virtue Series: Patience module for a long time now without ever having it in any of my customs. 8 years of practice to be frank.


What is the Virtue Series? You are practicing patience I think I need a little of that secret sauce!

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It’s modules in the Q custom store.

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Just a convoluted way of saying that am being patient.

But yeah it’s in the Q Store.


I want to change my stack and I remind myself that I don’t need to feel bad about it.

Just do the needful like taking a washout before doing so.