Lion - 2022 - March to October

Changed my plan with that one. I miss changing my stack when I want to and the previous plan felt very limiting.

That’s very interesting. I did consider adding it but thought I would do so in a later custom.

Any reason why you think it is a good choice?

Hope you get it soon :pray:

EDIT: I see that one order is complete. Congrats!

Well the lymphatic system is responsible for cleaning and maintaining the interstitial fuild that surrounds every cell in our body.

The blood does not clean the lymph as everyone seems to think. The blood is kept clean through the spleen which dumps into the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system eliminates its waste (every cell poops) aka cellular metabolic acids through the kidneys.

If your kidneys are not filtering, then you are not eliminating cellular waste which then backs up and essentially leaves cells sitting in their own waste byproducts which can over time turn into what the a.m.a. deems “cancer”.

In my custom I have Renal System and lymphatic (which yes, was successfully ordered tonight :slight_smile:

If you haven’t heard of Dr. Robert Morse I’d highly recommend. Damn near every problem today in ppl is caused by weak kidney/adrenals and stagnant lymphatic system.

Do you consume dairy? That will clog you up big time. I got off dairy and my migraines are all but gone.

Wheat/grains are highly inflammatory and cause g.i. distress, colitis, I.B.S.

You can reverse your issues with lifestyle changes, fasting, some herbs and subs :slight_smile: but I will let you research for yourself. I can only recommend because I’ve been doing what he says the past 2.5 years and a lot has changed for me and I still have ways to go.


@Geoff - damn that is some good new info. I will definitely add the Lymphatic module to my custom then. Will help with the overall health.

Appreciate the elaboration.

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Interesting info. Maybe A/SPS: Organs can address this within one module.

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That’s a cool idea but I don’t think all parts of the Lymphatic system falls under the Organs domain.

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Day 1, Cycle 1

Emperor x1, WANTED x1

Woke up refreshed today and raring to go. Hello Emperor my old friend. Haven’t seen you since Qv2 days.

After writing a couple of stuff which free flowed right out of my finger tips, I had this inclination to look up my old customs and see if I could use (or update) some of my old Paragon healing customs instead of creating a new one. Asked myself why and I heard the Emperor reply, “To save some money this month of course”.

Found a WANTED + Paragon ZPT2 custom which I had updated to 320kbps, anti-recon and flac for kicks (cause why pass up a discount?) and think I might use that in place of both WANTED and Paragon. Run it once a week of course.

So new stack:

  • Emperor ZP
  • WANTED + Paragon custom ZPT2

Which leaves a slot open in my stack. Might fill it with either Stark or my old AUTHOR custom (RM + UA Cores). Ah decisions decisions.

EDIT: hmm. I could also fill that slot with EoG.


Can you share the module list of that one? Im curious about what you did with wanted and paragon.

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It’s a pretty dense custom but here goes:

  1. WANTED Core
  2. Paragon Complete Core
  3. APS: Hair
  4. Facial Morphing
  5. A/SPS: Eyesight
  6. A/SPS: Hearing
  7. APS: Head
  8. SPS: Cardiovascular System
  9. SPS: Respiratory System
  10. SPS: Renal System
  11. APS: Torso
  12. APS: Legs
  13. A/SPS: Organs
  14. SPS: Fat Burn
  15. Emperor Fitness Height Inducer
  16. Male Enhancement
  17. Epigenetics & DNA Modulator
  18. The Architect
  19. DEUS
  20. Mosaic

I have one planned pretty similar to yours, but with Paragon Sleep and Paragon as cores.


Oooh nice! Will check it out when you post it on your journal.

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It might be a while though, Im waiting for Tantric Lover ZP ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


Anyway… your custom looks tight, I will check on your results, surely they will be awesome.

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Hey no hurry. It’s worth taking your sweet time with such stuff. Like a Tantra lover does lol.

Fingers crossed. I think I should give it enough time to allow it to work. Am thinking 3 months minimum to see some results. And since I can only play it once a week, at least 12 loops over the course of that duration. Will need an action plan too.


Since its a ZPT² I guess once a week is enough, but Ive never used T² so Its just a guess. You have so you know better.
It looks like a custom that requieres a very balanced eating plan and maybe some bodywork. When I did Wanted the first time I ended up going to a chiropractor, it was so good for my posture.

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RVconsultant had given this guideline and the logic was sound (one loop every 7 days for ZPT2 and one loop every 5 days for ZPT).

Now that’s very good.


Excellent!! To be honest ZPT² scares me a little bit :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Explains why I ran only 1 loop of my ZPT2 custom after I got it and then never did after that haha.

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If you rebuild a Qv2 to ZP with the discount, is it possible to downgrade the power level?

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You mean a Qv2 Terminus to standard ZP for example?

Yes you can. In the Discount Menu, we see this:

So for example if you already have a Qv2 Terminus build and you want to just build a standard ZP, then you DON’T select the “This is an upgrade to a ZP title, leave my build the same” and choose the 1 option under that.

But incase you want to upgrade from Qv2 Terminus to ZP Terminus, you only choose “This is an upgrade to a ZP title, leave my build the same”. And don’t select any of the numbers between 1 and 3.

If you want to upgrade from Qv2 Terminus to ZPT2, you select only 3.

Hope I wrote that clearly :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Discount Link:


I meant Qv2T² to ZPT or ZP… I wasnt very clear :rofl:

Very clear my friend thank you.

I understand that the only downgrade with an extra cost would be from Qv2T² to ZPT

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