Lion - 2022 - March to October

The full 15 mins.



I do the same thing for the most part, i wanna try experimenting with the 7 minute run saint has been talking about but not sure if it will work for me.

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He has even recommended running only the first 3 minutes. You can try that out too if you are curious.


Iā€™m glad you experienced this as well. ZP customs are incredibly smooth. I know I havenā€™t written much on the forum recently but itā€™s because Iā€™ve been working non-stop with these customs. The results come so naturally compared to QV2.

Haha I saw some of it. Iā€™ve had that dude and remarkable blocked for a while. Everytime I see a giant shit show on the forum itā€™s usually one of those guys thatā€™s the root cause. My forum experience is better when I act as if those guys donā€™t exist. Needless to say though, I could see your custom shine through in your responses. You responded calmly and with good tact.


Was hoping someone else would confirm this. Glad you did, bro.

Which is actually the right thing to do. Better have results than talk on the forum haha.

Thank you, @JayFlex :pray:. And yes I agree!!! It felt very easy to write. Time to focus it on more profitable pursuits.


Day 8

Forgot to mention in yesterdayā€™s post that I was seeing more angel numbers. Saw 11:11, 11:22, 11:44 yesterday. And 11:11, 11:44, 2:22 and 4:44 today. Real cool.

My mind feels sharper today. I was listening to a Youtube video about consciousness and physics and something tickled at the back of my brain as if I was on the verge of discovering something (possible the cognitive modules like I.Q. and Cognitive Booster, The Streams and The Single Point are working).

Also, I was having a driving motivation to learn good story telling from older movies and her archetypes. So I ended up watching the Han Solo scenes from the original Star Wars and watched Back to the Future (1) for the first time.

There are very good and well edited story telling with clear masculine archetypes in the classics. Something we are missing these days.

Will study more and figure out a way to write them. Also having an urge to write non-fiction to help dispel the huge amounts of delusional thinking most of the world seem to be drowning in.

All great AUTHOR ZP results. Looking forward to more.


Day 9

The first thing I thought when I opened my eyes in the morning was ā€œoh man this is heavyā€. I was prepared for it. But at least it feels lighter than 2 Qv2 customs. And even lighter than 2 dense main store titles in Qv2. So thatā€™s a good thing.

The first module which I noticed was Endocrine System (in ALPHA ZP). Which meant that I was sporting a healthy morning wood. Not surprised with this module since I have had this in previous Qv2 customs and it used to work well before too.

What surprised me was Inner Voice (in RAPHAEL ZP). I had this constant positive self talk all through the day. Whether it was about my health, wealth or any other situation I was worried about, Inner Voice immediately helped me change the way I was talking to myself. This is a hidden gem which will boost your confidence in any custom or stack. And help with any of your thoughts in general. It will help to motivate you to keep your head up and not give up.

Courage Reclaimed and Divine Self-Image (both in RAPHAEL ZP) were also quite observable and they felt like the two pillars on which my confidence rested. The Inner Voice worked even better along with theae 2 modules to make me make quick work of any victim mentality or low self-esteem.

Hopefully the heaviness I felt today will reduce over time. These 2 customs are quite heavy but am sure they will feel better as time goes on and as they are pushed through me and integrate with each other and with my subconcious.

Watched Back to the Future 2. It was not bad. Can see why this movie series was a classic and how many movies and TV shoes have taken inspiration from its way of depicting family, culture, time travel and the young american hero.

What I enjoyed more was watching Reacher today. Now thatā€™s a modern show (mostly) showing a healthy respect for the strong and intelligent masculine man. Only watched the first episode so far. Hope it doesnā€™t disappoint.


I enjoyed this one also. Powerful module. I also have way more energy in the day (higher T levels do this).

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I do agree about the Testosterone part, @AlexanderGraves. Wouldnā€™t be surprised if this module is in WANTED and Khan cause I had the same experience when running those main store titles too. This shit is strong phew lol


Day 10, Day 11

Had some intense recon yesterday (Day 10) which made me want to change my stack and have doubts about whether I was doing the right thing running ALPHA ZP which is a bit unfocused and dense.

The other 2 customs are dense too but they make up for it in focus which is why they are easier to run.

Anyway, I didnā€™t make any decisions yesterday since just like you shouldnā€™t make any decisions when you are emotional, we could say that one shouldnā€™t make any decision during reconciliation.

Am feeling way better today so thatā€™s a good thing. Getting a bit of a bloom effect too like feeling in high spirits.


Day 12

Have decided to stick to just to just the above 2 customs for a while. They are both heavy and I need to get used to them before I reintroduce AUTHOR ZP into my stack.

Plus, I will be socialising and travelling a bit over the course of this and next month so it makes sense to focus on just healing and alpha mindset.

Emperorā€™s Voice (in ALPHA) is working quite well. My voice is very clear, loud and confident. Dragon Tongue and Song of Joy in the same custom are keeping my sense of humor quite boisterous and witty. Am enjoying myself when I speak. Additionally, the Iron Frame module is keeping me cool and collected most of the time.


What modules do you have in your alpha custom?

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If you click on my nams and check my profile, you can see the modules of all my customs.

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Day 13
Ascension Chamber

Ascension Chamber is the booster you need and thatā€™s right under your nose. It will amplify your stack and I had this ridiculous feeling of being a Khan today since Khan ST4 Core is in one of my customs.

Today was a lot of socialising with relatives (both adults and kids). Had a good time with each one of them when I interacted with them one on one and in a group setting. Very comfortable in my skin thanks to Divine Self-Image and broke out in song when I was by myself thanks to both Courage Reclaimed and Song of Joy.

I wish I could report some physical changes as quick but am willing to give them time to manifest. For now, be grateful and act as if I already have all that I desire and I will get them cause I already have them on a spiritual and subconcious level.


Day 14

Even though am manifesting almost all of the social and emotional healing modules in a positive way, am still trying to handle the reconciliation. But itā€™s getting better though.

I used to have this mindset of handling recon before when i first joined SubliminalClub but somehow I lost that persistance on the way. It is good to be reminded of staying the course and understand that recon isnā€™t necessarily a bad thing. Not only can we grow from it but also know the subliminals are working in changing us to the person we want to be.

On another matter, it is possible that my sister and her husband could part ways. At first, I wanted to control the situation and keep them together especially for the sake of the children. So I adviced them a bit (especially regarding consequences) and had times when I couldnā€™t sleep properly worrying about it.

Later I wondered why I wanted to mess my head with other peopleā€™s issues. Even though I love them and they are my blood, they are adamant to keep thinking whatever they are thinking.

So I am washing my hands off it for the sake of my peace of mind. I have enough of my own things to take care of and I donā€™t need to guilt myself into solving anyone elseā€™s issues.

They are adults. Let them handle it.


Thanks for the post. You have opened my eyes. Iā€™m up until now reading your post was thinking recon was a bad thing. I now realize it is a growing phase not earth shattering at all.


@TheSunlightCaller - you are very welcome, my friend :pray:


More people need to realize this. Recon is part of the journey. Itā€™s actually a GOOD thing because it is a reaffirmation that the sub works!


The reason why recon appears to be bad is because of the possible effects on the physical body when it actually isnā€™t bad.

Just think of the sub as a pacemaker giving instructions of an ideal Internal space and setting a pace for the subconscious to adjust and catch up.

But the subconscious is not always accepting to radical change so if you set a pace with a sub but keep feeding your subconscious more than you should at that given moment, it is bound to reject it more.

Think of it like this: A graph sheet with the subliminal being a straight line and your internal world being the upwardly curved line beneath it trying to reconcile with a new reality set by the sub being the straight line.

So if you stretch the straight line farther and higher itā€™s more difficult for the subconscious to reconcile with it leading to more energy drain and more destabilization of the internal and mental space.


Great analogy.

Sorry for derailing the thread a bit, maybe we can move it, but I was always wondering:
If you overload and pump too much info in the brain, does it get ā€œlostā€ or ā€œdroppedā€ or will it be processed later, like from a backlog.

So far, for me it seems to be the latter. Just slowing down results. I donā€™t think for anyone it drops a loop completely. But still interesting how the subconscious can keep all that info and work through it later.