Lion - 2022 - March to October

Day 2

Am increasingly holding my tongue regarding explaining things that I don’t have first hand knowledge on. Many of us sometimes have a tendency to explain things when we really don’t know what we are talking about. And it is a form of dishonesty I believe to act as if we know something when we really don’t.

Am realising that personally it is a form of attention-seeking mixed with showing that my existence has some value if I can provide knowledge to others. Sharing what we know is a good thing and sometimes, we don’t need to have experienced everything to understand it.

But it is when we have absolutely no idea of it and talk about it like we know it, then that’s where the trouble begins. For example, talking about Kundalini when we haven’t experienced it.

This is not throwing shade at anyone on the forum though for I like listening to all sorts of ideas. It is a personal reflection on myself and the change in my behavior so that I become more authentic. So that when I do talk about a particular topic, I am on solid ground and others can benefit from my lived wisdom.


Day 3
Khan ST4

Ran Khan ST4 to prepare myself for my ALPHA custom. As usual, sense of internal frame was good and I caught myself being more masculine in my mannerisms and speech patterns today.

There was some slight reconciliation though which was related to not having the Khan life I desired right now but that’s a good thing since we need some discomfort to motivate us to change.

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Day 4

After a couple of back and forth between SaintSovereign and myself, I have built a physical healing custom for my eyes and ears. SaintSovereign asked me to follow my hunch to pick the modules that I think would best serve me. The resulting (3rd) custom idea is a mix of physical and emotional healing modules that could help me out with my health issues.


  1. Paragon Complete Core
  2. Mind’s Eye Core
  3. A/SPS: Eyesight
  4. A/SPS: Hearing
  5. Equilibrium
  6. SPS: Nervous System
  7. SPS: Cardiovascular System
  8. APS: Head
  9. Epigenetics & DNA Modulator
  10. The Architect
  11. Health Codex
  12. New Beginnings
  13. ARES
  15. Negativity Displacer
  16. Courage Reclaimed
  17. Divine Self-Image
  18. Inner Voice
  19. Joie de Vivre
  20. DEUS

Mind’s Eye - to visualize healing

Equilibrium - for balance (my ear issue does affect my balance sometimes)

Nervous System - since it has been hypothesized that early outer retinal damage in RP may lead to transneuronal changes causing ganglion cell loss. Hence this module could heal any neural parts in the eye.

Cardiovascular System - to maximize blood flow to ophthalmic artery and a central retinal artery that provide blood to each eye. Seems like my eye issue reduces blood flow especially to the retina.

Head - to accelerate healing of eyes, ears and other required parts.

The Architect - increase energy levels for healing.

Health Codex - guide to food and supplements for good eye and ear health.

New Beginnings - “bring any such issues, secrets, fears or beliefs that are held in the deep layers of your subconscious to the forefront of your awareness and question them, causing you to become more true to yourself and what you believe in.”

ARES - obliterate fear and doubt.

FEBRUUS - remove things that hold me back from healing.

Negativity Displacer - change negative emotions to positive ones to hasten results and reduce reconcilliation.

Courage Reclaimed - acquire a winning mentality and not a victim mentality no matter the health issue.

Divine Self-Image - destroy doubts and inferiority about current state of physical health.

Inner Voice - positive self-talk.

Joie de Vivre - happiness and joy regardless of circumstances.

SaintSovereign thought this was a good built and was even kind enough to get Fire’s opinion on it (thanks guys!). With their reminder that the emotional healing modules could initially slow down the physical healing but that it was a good custom idea all-round, I went ahead and built it today.

The idea is that I was having a lot of deep emotional subconcious blocks about physical healing which are standing in the way. And if I address such issues, it will help manifest a solution and at the least help me manage to live with it until a solution arrives.

Eagerly waiting for this one. I got a good feeling about it.


That is a great idea for me for my next custom also. I will meditate and get a feel for what is best for my custom.

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Your consciousness will surely guide you as you remove the clutter between it and the subconcious through meditation :pray:

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This is the tough thing for me. Differentiating between recon trying to switch subs and my consciousness telling me what’s better :smiley:

I’d say if after a washout you still get the urge to switch subs, it might be the consciousness telling you.


LOL I understand. But I must admit that these days I don’t worry myself too much by worrying about whether it is reconciliation or my consciousness talking.

I think I solved this issue for myself by freely admitting that am not sticking to a stack. Which actually helps motivate me to find a stack to stick to as much as possible.

Am doing reverse psychology on myself, me thinks haha.

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This, sort of :smiley:

@Invictus and I recently had a discussion where we came to a similar conclusion, that the idea of ONE STACK TO RULE THEM ALL is a fallacy, becausew
a) the subs are supposed to be narrow and focused
b) life changes a lot, so does the need for specific subs

It’s really a question of what you need RIGHT NOW.

Now, the recon effect still exists ofc, and I try to avoid it by asking myself, “Is the stack I currently run helpful for my current situation but also covers long-term goals?”

If, yes, I discard it as recon.
If no, then I switch.
Although I try to get AT LEAST 21 days into one stack. Never less, before switching.


Day 5
Khan ST4

Yesterday night I had some feelings of being useless and not valued by anyone at all. Fortunately it was close to bedtime and I could sleep off the reconciliation.

In contrast, today was interesting. Khan Complete allowed me to be very creative in my writing and I wrote a couple of stuff including a poem that turned out quite well.

Some sort of relaxed amusement from Khan gave me the energy to be myself and just write for me. It was a good vibe.


I am on a 3 day rest from my DR custom (which I decided this morning) but am wondering if I should do a loop of Emperor since it covers everything. I know I’m seeking a little more ambition, but haven’t looked elsewhere recently since DR has a bit of masculinity scripting in it. Having outside options is interesting though.

(makes me wonder if I’m experiencing recon w/o being aware)


If you are running only your DR custom, it’s worth a shot running Emperor along with it for a 21 day cycle and evaluate whether it is a good choice depending on the results.

I say, go for it.

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I listened to Emperor and LB over an hour ago. It’s had nice effects. I love the kick it gives to create or produce solutions. Some are personal, but some are definitely business related.

I.E. I read this morning about a major egg shortage, and while shopping 45 minutes ago, I spoke with the clerk about it. What I noticed was my thought process was way deeper. I was wondering about the motivations and pressures on decision makers vs. “where can I find eggs?” The Emperor objective to influence people was very evident to me, as the clerk was engaged and impressed with this unplanned sharing.


Day 6
Ascension Chamber

Have restarted my meditation practice. 20 mins a day. Picked up that peace of mind as soon as I did it. Also helping to boost my creativity which meant I wrote another poem today.

Talking about poems, I have collected around 50 of them which I have written over the course of the past couple of years. Need to find more of them which am sure are on my social media profiles and in several text files on my computer and phone. Some of them need to be edited and some thrown out. I need to get a book out there somehow.


What type of meditation do you practice?

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A very simple one. I set my timer to 20 minutes, close my eyes, visualise a ball of golden light, and keep my focus on it. Any stray thoughts or emotions, I feed into that ball and refocus on it. I do this until the timer goes off.

I have done this with focusing on breathing too. It works. Basically the idea is to focus on one thing for the duration of the meditation.


Cool. Thank you for elaborating.


Day 7

So all my customs arrived one after the other yesterday night and I ran my AUTHOR custom before going to sleep.

I had some very slight heaviness in my head when I woke up. But nothing like Qv2 customs which always felt much more heavy on my mind and were closer to a migraine back then. This was light and went away quick after a cold shower whereas Qv2 customs required a breakfast and Chai minimum to get rid of it! High maintenance reconciliation, I tell you haha.

Suffice to say I was very creative in my writing “projects” today. Unfortunately, all the projects were on social media and the forum. Which very much explains why you guys were seeing me writing loads all over this place including to our dude MadaraUchiha lol.

Need better creative endeavors to focus my attention on, that is clear.

Also noticed that a couple of friend requests on Fb out of the blue today and loads of acceptance of friend requests too. Must be The Spotlight and Gloryseeker modules kicking off.

EDIT: writing feels very liberating. Blue Skies module definitely.


Would you agree that the Modules seem to hit harder and faster than they did on Qv2?

I noticed that lol

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Absolutely agree. They hit faster and in a more “caressing” way. As if they are already a part of us. Zero Point Primer!


When you listened to the custom how long did you listen for?

Seeing how fast the modules start producing little results has me considering my next customs very carefully and even considering remaking these in a month or 2.

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