Lion - 1 Year and 6 Months of ASCENSION

Started it last night before sleep. Will journal Day 1 tonight.

Very true :ok_hand:

Thanks a ton, bro!


From my experience I would actually suggest the inexperienced and those that want to develop the foundation even further to run Ascension. I too started with Khan as my first sub and although it helped me I feel the recon was not worth it and should have begun with Ascension instead.


Bhai, proud of you



Thanka a lot, brother :pray:

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Good luck brother! This is going to be such a fun journey for you and for us forum members to follow!


Haha I didn’t think of it that way but you are damn right. Thanks bro!


All the best on your journey. we will keep an eye on you. :wink: :face_with_monocle:


Nowhere in your post were you asking for suggestions or revisions to your plan.

Fortunately, you truly are strong enough and patient enough to take all of these responses gracefully.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this combination of programs. It’s precision focused. And the conscious guidance that is invested in it is very clear as well.

Ascension, Paragon, Ecstasy of Gold.


But if a person has a solid understanding of and a clear vision for the elements of their stack almost any combination can be an excellent one.

I feel like there are a lot of other more interesting directions to discuss than ‘Why not change this?’ and ‘Why not try that?’.

For example, just asking you to share about your journey so far, and what experiences may have led you to this point. Or to share your open-ended thoughts about where you might like this stack to take you. Or what kinds of actions or projects in the past have mixed best for you with the programs that you were running.

Things like that.


Like @Malkuth I’m curious also at what the experiences in your life led to you deciding to go back to the basics.?


Exactly what I was going to say to you @Lion. Ascension by itself is a perfectly valid choice to build on and grow your life in the fastest way possible. No other title does this and yet its considered “junior” or “starter” (or even BTEC, if you’re from the UK).

Looking forward to your progress over the next few weeks.


LOL! Thanks a lot, man! Could use the accountability.

I appreciate you backing me up, my friend. The good thing about those suggestions though was that I had already weighed them so I could explain why I am running this stack rather than those suggestions which hopefully will help others decide too.

Precisely! It is focused. Have been unfocused so far. But some lessons you learn only by trial and error. And by walking the way.

Very true :+1:

Very useful questions.

Regarding experiences that led me to this point. One is something I had shared a couple of times before but this is a good time to share it again. Which is my experience with Khan.

And what that was was that I wasn’t ready for it. Not in the way that I couldn’t stick through it or not take action but that I didn’t have circumstances around me that would facilitate a Khan lifestyle.

Which is why when people ask me advice on Khan, I always tell them to have 2 things as pre-requistes before running Khan:

  1. Some form of income preferably your own business.
  2. Not live with family (although I used to uaually state that you should have your own residence).

Now suffice to say I have neither. Well, the first I do have but it is dependent on the family business. Which is why it is understandable why one can’t be a Khan living in this situation.

You can’t go where you want to go nor can you bring girls home.

Khan gave me oodles of Masculinity and Dominance but I am of the belief that when one lives with parents, you have to relinquish authority to the father. In my view, if you live under someone’s roof, you follow their house rules (just like we do in this forum).

Now why can’t I find my own source of income and my own residence? There are several reasons for this and I won’t be telling a sob story to excuse myself.

Just that I hope to find a way with Ascension + Paragon + EoG out of the prison of my own making. Because I have to admit that those in worse situations than me have learnt to escape and live the life of their dreams. So why can’t I?

Another important lesson I have learnt during my 3 years experience at SubClub is to have the willingness to learn. Even if you can’t listen at first due to some cognitive dissonance when debating someone, at least muse on what they said later. It will teach us something once in a while.

I have always compared myself to the second son in a particular bible parable. A man had 2 sons. He went to them and asked them to do a certain job. The first son said yes but he didn’t do it. The second one flat out said no he wouldn’t but later thought it over and got it done (here’s to the stubborn ones haha).

So I have learnt a lot along the way thanks to all of you, both the veterans and newbies. And from SaintSovereign and Fire.

I have come to value this journey rather than look for quick fixes. Because even though SubClub subliminals are powerful tools, we are still human. Human enough to fall yes. But we have to also understand that we are human enough to also rise high through the power of our subconcious mind.

And if that means I have to start again, so be it.

Absolutely! Thank you, bro :pray:



Day 1 (Cycle 1 of Ascension)
Ascension x1

So I ran a loop of Ascension the previous night just before I went to sleep. I did this not because running a title makes me sleepy (or energized) but more because I prefer to give the subliminal some time to settle in my subconcious. And to also be ready to activate when I wake up.

When I woke up though, I didn’t feel anything at first. But I reminded myself it was not about feelings and went about my day.

I then began to notice a quiet strength within when I came across some decisions I had to make.

For example, I wanted to meditate in the afternoon, and I was like “Lets do it. What’s stopping us?” I immediately set a 20 minute timer and went ahead. Noticed that meditating was pretty easy to do and time flew by faster than I thought.

Another thing was that I initially planned to run the Ascension + Paragon + EoG stack only for a year but didn’t think that 2 months were enough for each stage of EoG (according to inital plan). So i thought, why not make it 3 months per EoG stage. And also make it 3 months of Ascension and 3 months of Ascension + Paragon. Yes! Snap decisions! Decisions that improve my life are easier to make now.

This is the revised plan:

Also noticed having a nice baritone voice the whole day. Khan has a very masculine voice too and I think Ascension is the origin of that. Didn’t feel like I had to expend a lot of energy to speak up (am normally soft spoken being a natural empath).

Finally, things weren’t irritating me as much as they usually do. A couple of things irked me at home but I took it stoically.

I think Ascension is a must to build an alpha framework (especially for the newly redpilled for them to get over their redpill rage). But any boy or man will find this title useful to start navigating the world with a basic sense of masculinity.

The thing about Ascension is that it takes care of a few basic concepts of the alpha mindset which allows us to not be too confused with too much programming like denser titles (and hence I had practically no recon today).

Build your alpha mindset in a jiffy. That’s what Ascension is. And I love it.

While typing this post, am reminded of our friend @remarkable recommending 1 year of Ascension to another user on the forum a couple of months back. I think it is good advice for many of us men who need some backbone in this largely feminized society.


Your plan looks good and within the first 3 months you can still write down what you might need or what you miss for your next level in life. And with paragon sometimes I think everybody needs a few cycles of paragon as maintenance regularly per year…


Love it! Way to stay committed to the stack.


Alpha, health and wealth. Cognitive benefits should be in EoG too and to me you have all your bases covered.

The true beauty of ZP did not unfold to me as fast as it did the others, it took several cycles and mind wrestling before I finally understood why ZP is exponentially superior. It’s like there’s an ember from within that started growing as time goes by.

Brother, you have the most important ingredient; The will.

That, plus the formidable tools at your disposal, you’ll be unstoppable. It’s inevitable.

You got this Raphael the Lion.

To freedom :beers:



Beautifully said, @Apollo

Thanks a ton, bro! That was inspiring :pray:

I appreciate that, @Billions. Thank you.




I never knew you changed your name this whole time lol!



Day 2 (Cycle 1 of Ascension)

Here’s some advice for those who feel stuck and struggle to change because there ia a lot of things we are dissatisfied about ourselves and we want to change all of them at once:

It’s ok. Most of us are like that. I know I also struggle with lack of change.

I think the answer to this should come from within yourself though. It will be more meaningful and motivating for you to do that way.

Maybe you already know what you have to do. You know what plan to make and follow. But the problem with focusing on one plan is that you have to abandon other plans.

But do not worry. You only have to postpone those other plans to another time in the future. For now, focus on a plan/stack that will solve your immediate issues.


@Lion Very wise words that speak to my heart. Namaskar🙏



Day 3 (Cycle 1 of Ascension)
Ascension x1

So removed 3 women on my facebook. One was getting triggered often on my funny posts. And two others are former lovers.

The ex-lovers used to be highly attracted to me but these days they always make excuses to not spend time with me due to some reason or the other.

Which I know are just excuses since women who are attracted to you will make excuses to spend time with you.

I alao understand that women like men who are on top of their game and I will admit I have to work on this.

So I said goodbye and unfriended them. Felt a sort of relief since it meant that I didn’t have to be in a powerless position with regard to getting sex and also this is a good way to clean up mental space.

Have vowed to myself that I will be less attached in future relationships cause I used to have a tendency to get oneitis before but thankfully that is decreasing as I get older and more experienced.

But still good that I said adios to women who don’t give me what I want. Why should they get attention from me when they give me nothing in return now?

Here’s to new women in my life. And more importantly, time to focus on success.

Ascension sure is helping in handling such things as a man of value.