Limitless zp experiences(unofficial)

Hello guys I am just opening this thread to let you people share ur limitless Zp experiences here. I have done my 1st loop and want you people to share ur experiences.
I am tagging people who have limitless
@James @Brandon @Lion @Simon @Malkuth @Sub.Zero and ik that I missed a lot. But pls anyone going through this thread u can share ur limitless zp experiences here. Thank you.! :relaxed:


You forgot about me :sneezing_face: :sneezing_face: :sneezing_face:
I have done 1 loop and I am going to sleep. Tomorrow I’ll have a very hard Maths Exam so it will be easy to find out what results did I get with it (I’ll use it as a booster 1x)


I do have Limitless but not in my current stack.

Feeling anything different with ZP? Try reading a book and see if you can remember better.


All the best bro! Good to hear that u are using limitless zp too

Ya I just did my loop now too. I think we can say anything about it tomorrow. It’s night here, so most probably tomorrow morning we can write a review about it

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I felt some motivation to study but I don’t have any time. Also I don’t know how is it connected but my headache disappeared when I was listening to it. Instead of feeling drowsy I felt very energetic and calm.
By the way maybe feeling energetic led that or Limitless but I can build up sentences in English the way faster and I know what word should I use in the situation (I am feeling that atm). What’s your experience @Pooter? (If you use it ofc)


Move to the Official thread now. :+1:

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Ya I will keep this thread as second option. It’s not needed now :grin: