Limitless Khan squared

Looking back, everybody came to this shitty world alone and would also leave alone. Everyone cares only about his/her own best interest at heart, even your parents. That’s why they try to impose their own values on you.
So why should you care about what others think about you or impressing them?
Why do we care?

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I’m deciding to move to stage 2 of khan.
Changes that have occurred while listening to stage 1

  1. I’ve gotten rid of wrong beliefs concerning women
  2. I’ve come to understand more about women nature
  3. Me deciding to be more proactive and taking actions
  4. Being able to complete some of my task despite depression or the way I’m feeling
  5. Not giving a fuck about what people think about me.
  6. Being more expressive with my feelings.
  7. Not taking rubbish from friends or allowing myself to be taken advantage of.
  8. More confident and expressive in public.

I’m also deciding to have a 1 week washout. I’ve been feeling demotivated lately and bad. I had an opportunity to make-up with the hot girl but didn’t take advantage of it. She came to my house to workout and I didn’t make my move. And when I invited her to come next time and we watch a movie together she refused. It made me spiral into depression because I didn’t take my chance. I also listened to stage 2 of khan which made things worse.

Things I hope Khan stage 2 will work on.

  1. Having an abundance mindset when it comes to women, money and status in life.
  2. Being more expressive and taking actions when it comes to women and escalating.
  3. Setting the frame and not letting them set the frame.
  4. More focus on my career, academics and making money and less focus on women with the belief that they’ll eventually come around and the belief that I effortlessly attract them.
  5. Being more secretive with my thoughts and experiences (I make the mistake of being an open book all the time)

Concerning Ql.

  1. Be more efficient in speed reading.
  2. Perfect the use of memory palace, memory techniques in remembering whatever I want to.
  3. Being able to think outside the box
  4. More focus in whatever I’m doing.

Current feeling: I feel this emotional turmoil in me, like I’ve been rattled, my insecurities are threatening to come back but I realize that I have no one to blame but myself, I refused to take action and whatever I’m feeling right now is because I’m angry at myself for not taking my opportunity which has been a mistake I keep on repeating in life. Its high time I stop making this particular mistake and always taking action irrespective of whatever excuse that comes up.
One of my restrictions to going on a date is my financial situation at the moment which I’m working on. But is that enough excuse? Why not take action irrespective? That way I’m making sure I’m the one in charge of the frame and why not seize the opportunity whenever it arises?


I actually miss Mind’s eye and its been a week since I last listened to it. But I’ll complete my 1 week washout and move on to total reprogramming along with Mind’s eye terminus² and ql stage 2

I’m ending Khan stage1 with a rejection from a hot girl. That’s a good way I must say. She’s in my unit at the clinic so there’s no way I can avoid her, I’ll just ignore her. But we shall see when I get to stage 3.


Started khan stage 2 after 5days washout. So far I’ve been feeling demotivated, lots of unprocessed emotions, a bit needy for sex and I was able to take actions last night and approach a pretty girl and collect her phone number.
I’ve also been questioning myself why set I be consistent? Why can’t I do the things I need to do to succeed despite knowing what to do? How do I reframe my mindset so I could always be consistent and do the tasks I don’t want to do so I could succeed in life?

I haven’t listened to Ql for a week and three days now. I’ll be continuing stage 2 tomorrow.

I notice the dominance in my chat with girls. But I feel there’s still need for improvement. The changes though are very subtle with just 2 listening days on Khan st2 and 7 resting days

I took a risk and it paid off, fortune favors d best. It was the same with Ifunaya, the girl I approached on Friday. If I had also approached d girl in finalyear with big ass, I’d have also have her number but I failed to take my chance. I came across more than 5 beautiful girsl today. If I took action. I’d have added atleast 5 new plates to the spinning train…

I also notice respect wherever I go…

Khan st2: Rest day
Ql st2: Rest day
Mind’s eye terminus ²: Rest day
1 loop of sanguine…

I’m thinking of trying a new experiment with ultimas…

Updating my progress so far on Khan st2.
I’ve been passing through recon for a while now but I’m able to withstand it. Khan st2 isn’t easy at all. I catch myself questioning my actions some times or saying to myself “I fucked up” sometimes I play different scenarios that occurred in a day(mind’s eye helps me play them like a movie) and I then begin questioning my actions.
This weekend, I had dates with 3girls. All of them flaked but I didn’t feel as bad as I used to feel so I think Khan has solved that issue with the feeling of rejection and too much neediness. There’s still room for improvement though.

One other thing I noticed so far based on progress is that Its more easier to approach girls. I approached 2 girls during the week and collected numbers but I feel there’s room for much progress.

I called my ex this weekend and we spoke in an amiable way. She was curious to know how I was doing, joked around and I congratulated her for her final exams. I’m tempted to go back cos I discovered I haven’t loved anyone as much as I loved her but what I’ll do is I’ll keep working on myself because when I called her I felt the hunger and drive to improve myself cos I discovered she’s doing quite well.
Things I need to work on

  1. Being more productive ( my productivity has tanked since I started Khan st2)
  2. Approach more girls and take more action.
  3. Sticking to my schedule with discipline and focus.
  4. Work on my game. I noticed i still need to improve my game especially when it comes to escalation and going for the kill. I attract girls but I fail to complete the job for one reason or the other and Its been hindering me from getting laid…

Meanwhile I listened to Executive today and it worked so much. Best sub so far for me. I was able to complete all my task for the day and I felt so happy as I haven’t done so In a long while. I felt happy all through the day, confident and focused. I’ll be listening to the executive more as it helps me deal with the lack of motivation I’ve been feeling lately


I also noticed that I have to improve my texting game or should I say giving more attention to girls before. I rarely keep in touch or communicate and its something I’d have to improve if I’m to get a girlfriend or something. Atleast checking up on her or having fun over text with girls before the sex part

Rest day.
Woke up today feeling refreshed after two loops of Khan st2 yesterday, 1 loop of Qlst2, 1 loop of True social ultima.
Woke up and listened to as above supercharger before I listened to my self hypnosis meditation. It actually helped make the session more smoother, energized and I was feeling so good and relaxed while meditating. I’ll definitely be using this more.

Mind’s eye Terminus² 1 loop
Stark Ultima 1 loop

I was too chatty today while at the clinic today. Meanwhile I approached 3 girls today and they didn’t agree so give me their number. 1 is my neighbor, the other two pretty girls I met while walking to school today. The first girl I approached was my neighbor and she told me her boyfriend won’t allow it.
What I observe is that maybe my voice just wasn’t domineering enough and the third girl was a very pretty one and even smiled back at me. Maybe because I didn’t greet her friend or even engage her but I don’t care. That has always been me

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Meanwhile I just got the newly released Khan Zp and I’m tempted to switch to Zp tech but I don’t know, I love playing certain ultimas I won’t be able to play if I switch without risk of recon 🥲

Khan st2 1 loop
Libertine 1 loop
Qlst2 1 loop

Today I felt bad right from the start, fell down while going out and a pretty girl helped me wash myself but I didn’t ask for her number due to the rejections I received yesterday. I was less chatty today, moody and feeling so tired and also less productive. I want quick results and I’ve been tempted to move to st3 just to get that but I know its recon being subtle.
Haven’t noticed much with quantum limitless so I have a feeling my stack is a bit dense and maybe that’s why results are a bit slow so I might spend more time in the is stage.
Moving forward I’ve noticed a few changes

*more emotional strength
*less fear in expressing myself
*I feel my people pleasing attitude slowly going away

I need to improve in my communication skills though, be more able to involve in fun conversations

Today’s my rest day. My brain is foggy, lack of clarity of what to do and lack of motivation. I was feeling so horny yesterday and even had blue balls that quickly dissipated after listening to Libertine ultima. I was also feeling restless yesterday so I had to take some sleeping pills to sleep and I slept 8hrs all through the night.
When I woke up today I was meant to go to saturday classes today but I didn’t feel like coming so I slept off.
Due to 6 rejections this week, I faced today I don’t feel the urge to go for chicks again so the new plan is to focus on making money, self development and not actively looking for chicks to sarge. I’ll rather prefer being that guy who is comfortable, confident and successful and chicks are attracted to and his game is airtight, an artist

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Before getting good at approaching/seducing women, you must be rejected hundred of times.

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Listened to Khan st2 Zp. So far I feel so good and the all of a sudden I have the urge to jog in the morning. Also I’m already experiencing hangover from last night so I’d listen to Wanted Zp later on in the day when I’ve eaten and my nutrients are replenished.

I also feel so energized, woke up to cook a meal and I even have the motivation to go to the market and purchase a few items to cook another meal. Its too early but I’m so optimistic about this :sunglasses:

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Listened to Wanted Zp and I’ve been feeling hungry all through the day. Visited a girl and I could see some IOI but I didn’t take action because I still haven’t gotten over the rejections I faced last week. But its something I’d overcome.

Took my rest day and listened to wanted today which is Tuesday. And I’ve been getting compliments and lots of compliments about my body I’m getting tired of the compliments lol. Everyone that meets me just tells me how fast I’ve been building up and it feels so good to be in the limelight :sunglasses:

Met the girl that rejected me in my class and I pretended as if I didn’t see her and she did same. So this is the new


Since I started Wanted Zp, I’ve been feeling more ingrained in myself, no more looking for girls or actively searching for girls to approach. Now I’m loving myself more, seeing my qualities more, I’m beginning to feel more like I am the prize :sunglasses:

I also listened to 1 loop of Khan st2 Zp. I’m also more comfortable and in control in my conversations with ladies


There’s a way wanted Zp blends with Khan st2 Zp. It being total reprogramming is shaping me to that alpha male I’ve always desired to be and the reprogramming is to the traits of a Wanted male. Wanted gives that feeling that you are the prize, the king of your world and independence. How does it help with my game?
Before I used to think that I have to meet or approach any attractive girl I find in the road, there was that hunger to meet new girls while I was running Kahn St2 Qv2. Now mixing Wanted Zp and Khan st2 Zp, I feel I don’t have to go out of my way to meet them, the urge to meet more pretty girls just slowly disappeared and now I have the confidence and feeling that I can talk to any pretty girl I come across and hold the frame.
I plan on taking my rest day and playing Ql st Zp the following day. Can’t wait to see how that goes :sunglasses:

Concerning Zp tech, so far zero recon, it feels so light and pleasant, energetic and I’ve been feeling horny but this time around its like I’m in total control of my sexual energy, zero urge to fap. It feels like I’m in my own reality where I’m totally incharge and bending reality to my will


I had to go back to st1 of Ql and I listened to Ql st1 zp today, why?
Because I want my Interest to shift from social media, obscene photos and internet to studying and learning skills. I want to feel dopamine rush from achieved goals. I want it to be my main source of reward by resetting my reward centre. Since I only recently finished Ql st1 Qv2, I won’t spend long time on Qlst1 Zp.
So far I’ve only noticed a minor change in my line of thought. I’m becoming interested again in speed reading, learming memory skills. I also hope to squash limitingbeliefs and my excuses in achieving this goals

Edit: I was meant to listen to Ql st2 zp today but I decided to go back to Ql st1. I firsted listened to Qlst1 on Jan4th this year. Why did I go back? I love Ql and I really want to feel the effects of the full Zp and since I already had listen to Stage 1 for 40days just recently, I feel I will be getting the full effects of stage 1 if I spend 21 days and 5days of washout on it. So today is DAY 1 of Ql

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