Budewr’s journal


im back on listening since my washout

im on day 4 now this week of running my stack once again

and i have to say that the proudctivty is unreal

StarkQ proccesed so hard , i feel so proudctive and i wanna get things done that has been procnsiated


it feels good

it seems like maybe StarkQ was having a hard time processing since im stacking it with LDU and RM

and yet stark is so dense and it needs some space

wow im grateful :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


That energy level, hahaha, I’m glad that you’re back on track :+1:


bro im litreally so grateful man and im full of love and tears

this is beautiful wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

god showed me the way to sub-club im emotional rn hahahahhahha ( probably that extra emotions are from RM hahahahha)

jokes aside im an emotional senstive person, but RM i think has a say in this

have a loving day my friend


That’s beautiful, Man. You’re alive :smiley:


Spot on buddy hahah much love and divine to you :white_heart::pray:t3:

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Back on track

i gained some momuntum and i think im back on track evern better than before

very grateful

i thought the process is really gone

but @Malkuth is right!

and more senstive to life and to the divine love that i hold within

thats defentily RM doing its love

i hold the love, RM helps me through it


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i added QL and wow its going to be amazing

ill stay on every stage for 2-4 months

every stage is important

i wasnt planning to add another sub until @lrw got me excited with her saying that she runs over 7 cores :astonished:

and i was like, why not expriment and another Q that i really need and if its too much due to recon then ill simply refund it :sunglasses:

play 1 loop yestrday of QL ST1 with my stack

i feel my body pulse, its like my internal body has a pulse similar to the heart pulse but its soooo light

its slowly pulsing very light pulse,

i had theories, its either a side effect from QL and the physical changes and the balancing

or it might be overload, (but i doubt it, when i feel overloaded i get so groggy that i cant get out of bed easyily)

either ways im happy and grateful

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I am glad you are getting results. Well I have left subliminals for a while and will wait until Q+ comes out. Ik time is running away. But good luck bro. I remember that people were very productive while running RM especially @James if I remember correctly. I think your productivity may come from RM too. Anyway adding Ql st 1 is a great idea. It was really healing my brain. :grin::+1:

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thank you man :heart:

why is that bro! you can always do less less loops and get good results if youre having a hard time with recon and overload!!

wow thats awesome!!! i dont know actually which is which since im running 4 subs now but everything is going great

thank you! yes i think it is i hope it will help me with a lot of stuff

StarkQ Update:

ive been much more comfortable with fixing my back posture i think its due to stark

its not like my posture was so bad, but sometimes i wouldnt feel comfortable and i would have to put my back against something to feel comfrtable

now im talking to you guys witha straight posture without leaning on anything and im writing on my journal!
Without an effort! Its almost automatic

thats a wow for me :sunglasses:

i think its stark, cause ive seen a pic of @Sub.Zero and he says that stark helps with that too so yay!


Very briefly.


i gotta say damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

i dont know whats causing this but im really loving it

now i sleep less even if i get tired and go to bed

yestrday i slept at 4am i was super tired i thought im gonna sleep for a whole day
i woke up 10 am

badaboom :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

i love the less hours of sleep that im investing, its not like i wake up tired and i want to sleep more

its more like i cant even sleep more cause i want to work :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


cant belive that im saying this but im switching stark with emperor hahahahha

i swear this is not recon what so ever, its just i took some notes on my weakpoints and addresed them with being honest with myself and badaboom i lack discpline and focus and determntion which is all in emperor

stark is very light in terms of those, however ive ran stark for only 2 months with a heavy stack so i wont blame it on stark

hahahahhahah i swear this is not recon,

will updates with emperor later maybe a couple of months in or small updates from time and time, but not major journalling ,

so its EQ+RM+QL+LDU badaboom ez pz

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played a loop of emperor yestrday with my stack, i feel very energized from the inside

but in no way thats emperor right? i just played 1 loop overnight it cant be that effective with 1 loop

its like theres a fire inside me, that wants so strive.

very new weird feeling

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i kinda feel this inner power everyone is talking about maybe?

its weird i just ran 1 loop overnight, but bro im on fire from the inside hahahahah

its very fun


bruh i really wanna work HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH this is emperor for sure

i never woke up in the morning and i was like, man im excited to work hahahahhaha

im grateful :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

also, ill be visting the forum very less often, i need to cut wasting lots of my time in here :joy:

it became like twitter 2 me,

i wanna do an approach like i once did before, just run subs and move on in your life, and not care so much about checking the forum every now and then (its cheap dopamine for me the notifications hahha even in here)

so i gotta cut the crap dopa :sunglasses: :prayer_beads:

also its taxing to think about subs and ask if its working or not bla bla other stuff, just move on and experince and come back if you find something

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or you could consciously choose how you use the forum
meaningful contribute to grow your rank and save money on future customs
journal your process for tracking your own growth and to help with the alchemical process of your transformation.
Anytime (not every time but often enough )something is stuck in my life and I share about in the forum authentically, my life starts to move again.
Your an Emperor now so everything in your life can serve your greater purpose-I don’t mean to dissuade you though …you know what’s best for you :wink:


Thanks!!! Ill limit myself to 5 posts a day, and 3 times visits or 2 times visits a day

I got the ranks on my mind dw :sunglasses:

also im running QLST1 which is very important to me, since i want to cut that cheap dopamine, and make it less effective on me, and fix my receptors and nervous system, so part’s of taking action on QL is less time on forum, twitter etc that quick fix of dopamine

but ill be posting much less

have a good one friend

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Small update:

feeling more in tune with what i want in terms of time mangement, im planning my day ahead, i thought popped into my head to play leauge of legends instead of working on my purpose, but nope im good here :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

is that the emperor voice within? love it

its very intresting, before i would favor playing a game or 2 maybe before starting my day, now im feeling more towards my goal

this is magical

(hahahah im back on the forum, jk just to add notes and help me be grateful for everything)

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